Berkshire Dad’s Club Meeting Agenda

February 12, 2009, 7:30-8:00am

Phone number - 888-621-3673

passcode is 22069338#

  1. Introductions - Attendance (can someone send me the attendees and I will update? I joined late, so I did not catch everyone)
  2. BB Court Project Update/Next Steps 7:35-7:40
  3. Ralph is going to try and get the plans to review at the next meeting.
  4. Fund Raising 7:40-7:45
  5. Methods – Gary brought up a Piston’s event as a fund raiser in early April. Jim Moll needs to determine feasibility of holding assembly to promote the event. It is the week after spring break. Gary also brought up the concession idea and will send follow-up info. Perhaps we could team with other schools if we cannot do all 24 sessions. Jim Moll brought up the possibility of a Big Boy event. Great ideas. Let’s get them on the calendar!! ;-)
  6. Event funds (concessions, etc) – The PTA has accounts and we can run everything through Jim Moll’s secretary (name?). It sounds like we should have a separate account for the Dad’s club? (Ralph is this something you will set-up?). Jill Robinette says we can work with the PTA to include our expenses their budget.
  7. Charitable contribution- (Jeff’s editorial) Since it is tax time and many of us are thinking about taxes, can we contribute to our fund as a “Charitable Contribution”? I would be interested in doing that and would write a check now. I also know some other dad’s who are also willing to contribute to the BB court project. Where do we write the checks? Can we start now?
  8. Events 7:45-7:55
  9. (added after the meeting) Assistance with Wildcat games (March 6th)
  10. Need help with BB tournament and monitoring locker room.
  11. Dad’s Club in-service project - paint the Media Center (April 19-25)
  12. Gary working with the building staff to pick paint colors and will finalize date, materials, etc. $500 funds available from BPS BCS Dad’s Club.
  13. Tigers Game (June 21st)
  14. Deposit put down for game on 21st. Research into bus transportation. Kevin will get with Gary to talk about transportation.
  15. River Cleanup (April 25th)
  16. Scheduled confirmed. Remove invasive species from an island. Working with Berkshire Science Department. Gary will finalize details and send out follow-up.
  17. Dine and Dash dates (TBD)
  18. March 12, May 21st – Jim Moll to confirm dates and then Jeff will work on promoting the events.
  19. Ping-pong/Badminton event (March 30 – Monday (6PM -9PM)
  20. Gym reserved. Gary is interested in Badminton. It will be a student/parent event. Working on BPS Dad’s club funding for the event.
  21. Does anyone have ping pong tables we can borrow?
  22. 5K run feasibility or alternates
  23. 5K possible. Village of Bev. Hills can approve route. Insurance required. PTA has a blanket policy that may be able to cover the race. USATF can provide for $150. Due to short lead time, may be better to put this to fall ’09.
  24. Gym teachers have a Triathlon and a Family fitness event we can assist in working on. (Ms. Lincoln)
  25. Softball?
  26. Science/engineering, other 7:55-8:00
  27. No update.
  28. Membership/Next Meeting/Open Issues
  29. A suggestion was received that an evening meeting might be better to work through some of these issues. Please send feedback on availability. February 26th 7-8AM vs February 26th 7-8PM?
  30. Should we have another 30 minute checkpoint following our 2-26 meeting?