Berkley Dad’s Club Board Meeting
January 5, 2011
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Whitehouse, Beard, Brandon, Adams, Veltri, LaFountain, Kerby, Deeds, Zink, McKelvey, Beylerian, Goedker, Fauk, Dooley
Guests: David Prout (Dick’s Sportng Goods), Tony Smith, Tony Flanigan
Called to order 7:03 p.m.
Motion to approve December minutes by Whitehouse, second by Kerby – motion passed.
David Prout from Dick’s Sporting Goods addressed the Board. Dick’s will support the league again this year – discount coupons for players and coaches, “Berkley Day” at the Troy Store (date TBA), and our choice of a cash donation or coaching items (scorebook, balls, bags). Board chose the cash donation – expected to be $400.
Treasurer’s Report presented by McKelvey. Balance of Approved as read. Discussed having a funds balance target of no less than $10,000 at the end of each calendar year. Reviewed the budget that was developed for the coming year. A few minor adjustments and the proposed budget was accepted.
- Director reports – No reports from any league directors.
- Board was addressed by the coach suspended last summer. After discussion, he agreed to work through the Board should future issues arise. He is reinstated for the coming year without restriction.
- Umpire Director discussion. Candidate for the position is Bob Scozak. He will attend the February meeting. Per Dooley, Bob gets $3/game to schedule for other leagues. This exceeds our budget. Tabled until we are able to meet with Bob face to face to agree on expectations and evaluate the cost versus benefit he can provide.
- Cubs Tournament Teams discussion. Separate meeting to discuss open Tournament Team issues scheduled for January 19th. Deeds to contact all Cub coaches. Each team must be represented at this meeting to be eligible for funding from Dad’s Club.
- Goedker will schedule planning meeting for Berkley Summer Classic (later combined with Tournament Team meeting on January 19th).
- LaFountain requested a donation of a free registration and $60 to purchase and donate baseball gear to a local fundraiser. Total cost of $120. Approved by voice vote.
- McKelvey will include NRPA waiver form in the 2011 registration packet. Needs to be signed and on record to comply with insurance requirements.
- Fall League fee increase. Issue was raised as part of budget process. An increase was included in the budget, but not officially adopted by the Board yet.
Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Deeds
Berkley Dad’s Club Secretary