Berkeley Vale Pre-school Kindergarten Inc

“Your Community Pre-school”

“Living, Learning and Growing”

ABN 77 641 023 678 Email:



Dear Parents and Families,

Welcome to the final newsletter for the term. I am certain everyone will enjoy a break from the weekly school rush and routine, and I look forward to everyone’s safe return for Term 4.


Many thanks to all the dads, pops, grand dads and special males in our children’s lives, who gave up their time to visit pre-school last Thursday afternoon. It was nice to see the men in our playground, which is typically filled with mainly women. Thank you also to those committee members who volunteered on the Father’s Day stall during the week ensuring children purchased a special gift.


I am pleased to report that the 2018 enrolment process is almost completed and pre-school is almost completely full for the start of the year. For those children and families returning in 2018, your enrolment packages will be issued early Term 4.


Lea Johnson, educator from the Dolphin Room, requires a further 2 weeks recovery from surgery. We are anticipating that Lea will return for the last week of term.

I will be absent from pre-school for the last 2 weeks of term as I take Long Service Leave and travel overseas for a family wedding.

Cathy Mace will be absent the first week back after the school holiday break with one week’s Long Service Leave.


Please note that pre-school will close from Friday, 22nd September for the school holiday break, and

re-opens for children on Monday, 9th October.

Please ensure that all Term 3 fees are finalised and paid up to date by Friday, 22nd September. Children will not be accepted for Term 4, if fees are still outstanding. Many thanks for your co-operation.


Parents will receive a letter in their parent pockets next week advising of details for our pre-school photos in early Term 4. Please add the following dates to your calendar / diary with more information coming soon.

Tuesday, 17th October and

Thursday, 19th October

If your child is not enrolled on these days, you are welcome to bring them in for photos and whole group photos, if you wish.

I know it is a little early to be wishing everyone a wonderful school holiday break as you all still have 2-3 weeks left of this term. However, I will extend a happy school holiday break to families, as I will finish for the term this coming Thursday, 7th September.

Best wishes and happy holidays,

Colleen Templeton and the Berkeley Vale Pre-school team


This month we are getting to know Karen Grant who works in the Rainbow Room, Thursday and Friday.

Tell us a little about yourself…have lived on the Central Coast all my life and I have 22-year-old twins (a boy and a girl). My husband is a computer engineer and works from home.

What do you do when you are not at pre-school?

I enjoy bushwalking, weekends away and going out for dinner with my family.

What is your favourite meal?

I love Thai and Italian food. It tastes so much better when I do not cook it.

Favourite pre-school moment?

I love to cook with the children from the Rainbow Room, so we always have lots of fun and discussions about what we are cooking. I have created a recipe book of all the things I have cooked at pre-school, which you are welcome to look at and take a copy if you wish.