Beresford City Council
July 1, 2013
The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on July 1, 2013 at 7:32 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert and Art Schott.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: Troy Doeden and Dan Williams.
Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Lambert, seconded by Dahlin, motion carried.
Minutes: Erickson made the motion, seconded by Schott to approve the minutes from the meeting held on June 17, 2013 motion carried.
Public Forum and Visitors
Rebecca Pellum: Ms. Pellum addressed the Council to dispute the new water and sewer ordinance that affects her building at 107 N 3rd St. Zeimetz explained the reason for the rate increase and added surcharges. Council discussed the funding of future infrastructures throughout the City.
At 7:42 pm Troy Doeden arrived.
Committee/Mayor Reports
Lewis & Clark – Tom Erickson: On June 27, 2013 Erickson attended the Lewis & Clark Board of Directors meeting. The Board is considering all options to get the remaining cities and water systems connected because of a lack of funding from the federal government. One option being looked at is a capital call amongst all members which would require each member to pay for improvements to complete the project. Erickson stated that after the July Lewis & Clark Board Meeting, he should have more detailed information to share, and will report back after the July Lewis and Clark board meeting.
Finance & Utility Committee: Lambert and Dahlin met with Telephone Office Manager Todd Hansen preceding the Council Meeting. They discussed bundling of service packages, Federal regulations increasing the phone tax, compiling an equipment surplus list and the SD Telephone Associations Meeting to be held August 18-20, 2013. Hayley Hansen recently finished updating the webpage. Channel 8 messages can now be viewed on this webpage. Council was encouraged to view it.
Old Business
2nd Reading Ordinance 2013-03 An Ordinance in Revision of the Municipal Ordinances of the City of Beresford: Lambert made the motion, seconded by Erickson to table the 2nd Reading of Ordinance 2013-03 until the entire Council can be present. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Water and sewer rate minimum charge for uninhabitable structures: Council discussed the meaning of an uninhabitable structure, and different options on how to handle them. It was also discussed a possible disconnect and reconnect fee. Moller stated that she would check with surrounding communities on how they handle this type of situation. No action taken.
Update on sump pump inspection program: Zeimetz spoke on Code Enforcer Geoff Fillingsness’ behalf. Approximately 943 Sump Pump Inspection forms were mailed to Beresford Residents. 444 forms have been returned so far. Fillingsness will be starting home inspections soon. Council questioned if someone needs to be brought in to assist Fillingsness.
New Business
P/t hire for liquor store: Lambert made the motion, seconded by Schott to approve hiring Martin Diedrich part-time at the Liquor Store at $7.25/hr. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Discussion & Information items
Safety net along bike path: Council discussed the placement of the safety net along the bike path and golf course driving range. Council members were asked to take a look at it and report back to Zeimetz.
Nuisance Property update: Frieberg reported on nuisance properties within the City. The court recently condemned two nuisance properties, now the City has to wait for the appeal process time to expire. Frieberg also commented on the status of two other houses that the City is working on.
Pat Nichols: Pat Nichols thanked the Council for following through with a nuisance lawn.
Recognize City Attorney Tom Frieberg – State Bar of South Dakota’s new President Elect: Mayor and Council congratulated City Attorney Tom Frieberg for becoming South Dakota’s State Bar President Elect.
Payment of Bills:
A motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Doeden, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
Aaron’s Pro Window Cleaning, service, $35.00; AFLAC, insurance, $1,274.82; Altec Industries, repair, $2,435.34; Baker & Taylor, books, $258.41; Banner & Associates, engineering fees, $2,086.35; Beal Distributing, beer, $11,245.65; Beresford Cablevision, June ACH, $4,871.45; Beresford Republic, subscription & advertising, $394.41; Beresford Schools, advertising, $100.00; Best Western Ramkota, lodging, $453.88; Black, Inc., advertising, $120.00; Bob’s Lock & Key, repair, $10.00; Border States Electric, safety equipment, $1,072.33; Brown & Saenger, office supplies, $176.61; Christensen, Craig, pro-shop, $1,097.00;
CDW Government, Seagate 1TB, $89.30; Center Point Large Print, books, $24.02; CenturyLink, toll, $85.33; Chesterman Company, supplies, $688.40; Consortia, consulting, $3,000.00; Data Technologies, travel expense, $438.13; DEMCO, supplies, $158.64;
Gale/Cengage Learning, books, $163.23; Graybar Electric, new construction, $3,185.40; H & R Appliance, service, $100.85; Hansen, Hayley, web page, $550.00; Hawkins, pool chemicals, $2,564.61; Hillyard, supplies, $428.29; Homestead Building Supplies, repair, $737.70; Institution Services, cooking grid, $241.23; Jack’s Uniforms, clothing, $119.84; Jet Truck Plaza, fuel, $191.92;
John Deere Landscapes, ball field irrigation, $448.92; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $3,238.37; KC Life, insurance, $147.90;
Lincoln County Transfer Station, tipping fees, $7,500.00; Loren Fischer, disposal service, $5,075.00; Michael Todd & Company, tools, $306.28; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $299.10; Midwest Tape, DVD, $193.92; Midwest Turf & Irrigation, repair, $1,004.86; Mr. Golf Car, lease cars, $2,500.00; Muller Auto Parts, repair, $1,064.40; North American Numbering Plan, NANP/2013, $25.00; North Central Int’l, supplies, $80.20; Olson’s Ace Hardware, supplies, $1,864.54; Papa Murphy’s Pizza, resale, $418.20;
Pitney Bowes, postage, $3,030.00; Precision Irrigation & Lawn, mowing, $130.00; Queen City Wholesale, supplies, $1,432.84; R & R Products, water pump, $271.86; Rasmussen, Beth, mileage, $37.75; Republic National Distributing, liquor, $7,836.88; Royal Bake Shop, food, $15.56; SD Dept. of Environment, drinking water fee, $600.00; SD Dept. of Health, $830.00; SD Library Network, remote fees, $675.00; SD Supplemental Retirement, SDSR, $400.00; Sensus, DTI setup, $250.00; Stuart C Irby, underground hardware, $2,328.28;
The Tessman Co, cedar bales, $399.48; TMI Coating, clean water tower, $7,857.16; Toshiba Financial Services, copier lease, $236.99;
UPS, shipping fees, $94.89; Universal Publications, advertising, $125.00; USAC, schools & libraries, $3,086.48; Variety Foods, catering, $843.08; Verizon Wireless, service, $1,034.72; Walt’s Homestyle Foods, resale, $62.00; Wellmark, insurance, $30,825.66; Wells Fargo, credit card charges, $1,860.20; WESCO, tools, $560.68; Zeimetz, Jerry, car allowance, $300.00.
June 2013 Payroll Total:
Finance $4,990.40; Gov’t Bldg. $165.46; Police $17,413.80; Street $10,286.92; Parks $6,366.58; Liquor $6,139.71; Water $7,705.34; Electric $24,498.65; Sewer $3,949.33; Telephone $26,760.62; Rubble/Recycling $1,608.49; Planning & Zoning $650.00; Library $7,365.05; Bldg. Inspector $1,000.00; Swimming Pool $6,483.85; City Administrator $6,184.00; Golf Course $4,999.02; Clubhouse $8,088.04; Event Center $375.19.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25p.m. on a motion by Dahlin, second by Lambert, motion carried.
Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson
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