IndependentSchool District #777 encourages the citizens of the district to use one of the community’s greatest assets, the school buildings and facilities. To insure desired efficiency and care of all facilities, the school district has adopted the following regulations. Your cooperation is needed to implement these policies.
*Everyone must obtain and fill out a building use application form. (These forms are at the Community Education Office.)
*Building use application forms must be submitted at least ten working days prior to desired use.
*It shall be the general policy not to loan school equipment to individuals, groups, or organizations. The
Superintendent must approve all equipment loans.
*The applicant will be informed when final approval has been made.
*Rental fees are determined by the Classification/Facility fee scale and the Personnel fee scale.
*All checks should be made payable to: School District #777.
CLASS I (1st Priority)
- Regular school activities and organizations of the school
(all activities must be supervised by a school employee)
- Community Education activities
(all activities must be supervised by a Community Ed employee)
CLASS II(2nd Priority)
- Non-Profit groups and organizations
CLASS III(3rd Priority)
- Profit groups and organizations
ClassroomN/CN/C$15.00 / hour
Gymnasium (Sr. & Aux.)N/CN/C$55.00 / hour
KitchenN/CN/C$30.00 / hour
CafeteriaN/CN/C$20.00 / hour
Pool------$30.00 / hour------
(Includes(under 30)
lifeguard(s) &------$35.00 / hour------
supervisor)(over 30)
AuditoriumN/CN/C$55.00 / hour
Northside GymN/CN/C$45.00 / hour
a)For Non-Profit and Profit organizations, a supervisor and/or custodian must be on duty to supervise the use of facilities, but not the renters or their activities. Non-Profit and Profit organizations must have competent adult supervision for their activity.
b)All classification groups will be responsible for any supervisor and or custodial cost incurred during the times when the school facilities are not normally staffed by school personnel (see personnel Fee Scale below).
c)A cook must be on duty whenever kitchen facilities are used - this will pertain to all classifications.
2.Clean-up: All classification groups may be assessed custodial costs for cleaning the area after the facility use. All groups using school facilities are asked to clean up after themselves and return the room/facility to its original order to help minimize custodial clean-up cost.
3.Equipment: Use of limited School District equipment is available at no extra charge with building rental, but must be applied for at the same time as the building use form application.
4.Use: All facilities shall be used consistent with building design. All food and refreshments are restricted to the cafeteria or outside the buildings.
5.Laws: All local/state ordinances, laws and district policies pertaining to the use of school facilities must be observed.
a)Gambling, use of tobacco products, use or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal chemicals on school property is prohibited.
b)State Fire Laws must be observed at all times.
c)The renter must supply any outside supervision required. (i.e. police protection, parking supervision)
d)The number occupying the facility shall not exceed capacity.
e)Emergency exits shall remain visible and accessible at all times.
6.Liability: It is required that your group have their own bodily injury and property damage liability insurance before renting the facility. Your group shall be required to pay for all damages to school property caused by any person(s) attending the event and assume all liability insurance before renting the facility. A copy of your group’s certificate of insurance should be submitted at the time of the building use application form.
7.Restricted use of facilities: The use of school facilities must be in the public interest. Any activity which would be detrimental to the purpose of schools shall not be allowed. The school district reserves the right to reject or cancel any reservation.
When personnel time is devoted to or necessitated by the activity, any organization using the building must pay the personnel fees listed below. (Minimum of 1 hour)
Approved 08/16/04
ISD #777 School Board
I.S.D. #777 Benson Public Schools
Complete and submit this request to:Community Education
1400 Montana Avenue
Benson, MN 56215
(320) 843-4545
Fax: (320) 843-2262
Name of Individual / Organization:Activity / Event:
Starting Time of Event: / Time You Need Entrance:
Expected Time of Completion: / Expected Attendance:
Purpose of Activity:
Will there be an admission charge, free-will offering, or sale of products? / Yes / No / If yes, for what
will this money be used?
Person supervising activity:
Address: / Phone:
Please check below which building and room(s) are needed.
Also, indicate day(s), date(s), and equipment you wish to use.
Jr H.S. Auditorium on (date) / Time:Jr H. S. Classroom on (date) / Time:
Room Number
Sr H.S. Cafeteria on (date) / Time:
Sr H.S. Kitchen on (date) / Time:
Jr. / Sr Pool on (date) / Time:
Sr. H.S. Gymnasium on (date) / Time:
Sr. H.S.Auxiliary Gym on (date) / Time:
Sr. H.S. Classroom on (date) / Time:
Room Number
Elementary School:
Facility to be used: / on (date) / Time:
Equipment needed: / PA / Podium / Risers / Bleachers / Chairs - #?
Tables - How many?
I certify that I represent the above organization and am authorized to accept in its name responsibility and observance of the rules and regulations for community use of I. S. D. #777.
I have submitted certificate of insurance.
Signature / Phone / Address / Date------
(Bottom portion to be completed by the Community Education Office)
Estimated charges:Building Rental:
(You will be billed for actual charges)Custodial Services:
Food Service Charges:
Date of Approval / Approval of Site DirectorDate of Approval / Signature of Superintendent
Revised 01/31/2006