Bensham Grove Community

Nursery School

Contents Page

Welcome to Bensham Grove Community 2

Nursery School

General Information3

Structure and Organisation4

Inclusive Practice

The Learning Environment 5

The Curriculum

Learning 6

Admission Information 7

Admission Information8

Parents as Partners 9

Keeping Safe 10

Health and Well-being

Moral, Religious and Sex Education 11

Complaints Procedure12

Starting Infant or Primary School

Welcome to

Bensham Grove Community

Nursery School

This booklet has been produced to provide information about BenshamGroveCommunityNursery School. It provides a basic framework of what we do and our aims and objectives. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Nursery School.

We hope that your child’s time with us

will be happy and successful.

Information in this prospectus is produced in accordance with the SSF Act 1998, the Education regulations 2002 and DfES/0269/2002 guidance.
The particulars contained in this prospectus are correct in relation to the year 2014 / 2015. It cannot however be assumed that there will be no changes before the start of or during the said year in relation to subsequent school years.

General Information

Name and Address:BenshamGroveCommunityNursery School

Sidney Grove



Telephone / Fax:0191 4334090

Number of education places:91 Part Time pupils from September 2013

Number of children per session: 52 PT pupils morning 39 PT pupils afternoon

Age range:3 to 5 years

The Staff

Head Teacher:Mrs Denise Henry, B.Ed (Hons)

Nursery Teachers:Mrs Victoria Turnbull, B.Sc (Hons) Geography

Graduate Certificate in Management, PGCE

Mrs Catherine White – covering for Maternity Leave

Early Years Professional:Miss Hilary James, BA (Hons)

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs Lorna Smith, BTEC Early Years, BA, EYP

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Helen Barrass, N.N.E.B.

Mrs Deborah Lively, BTEC Early Years

Secretary:Mrs Anne Pitchers

Caretaking staff:Mr Chris McKenna

Ms Rima Salcevic

BenshamGroveCommunityNursery School is maintained by Gateshead Council

Learning and ChildrenMargaret Whellans

Group Director Learning Civic Centre

and Childrenand DirectorRegent Street

of Children’s Services:Gateshead


Telephone: 0191 4333000

Chair of Governors:Cllr Catherine Donovan

c/o Bensham Grove Community Nursery School

Parent Governors:Sarah Redpath

Sue Ashton

Structure and Organisation

BenshamGroveCommunityNursery School, established in 1929, has a long tradition of providing quality education, being one of the first Nursery Schools to open on Tyneside. The original building was destroyed by fire and replaced in 1969. Today it is the only maintained Nursery School in Gateshead and provides free Nursery education for families living in the borough.

The NurserySchool moved to purpose built premises in December 2004. Full daycare is offered on our site, opening for day care 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., Monday to Friday, 51 weeks of the year. The Daycare is provided by the national charity, 4Children. Our maintained Nursery Schooland 4Children work in partnership to deliver part of the core offer providing integrated education and daycare. The Head Teacher and Governors lead and manage the Nursery School and 4Children manages the daycare and wraparound provision.

The education sessions are available during Local Authority set school term times and parent/carers may be offered five morning sessions or five afternoon sessions.

Morning Session:9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon
Afternoon Session:12.45 p.m. – 3.45 p.m.

Parents/carers are welcomed into the NurserySchool at the start and end of each Nursery session and this is an opportunity to talk to your child’s Key Person and to work alongside your child in the Nursery School.

We acknowledge parents/carers as children’s first and most enduring educators. From the earliest stages when a child first enters Nursery we foster effective relationships.

We have procedures in place for ensuring children are safe and secure and parents/carers are asked to let us know if they cannot collect their child or are delayed and to ensure staff have clear information about any changes to collection arrangements.

Inclusive Practice

The diversity of individuals and communities is valued and respected. Central to the work of the Nursery School is the creation of an inclusive, caring and secure environment and the promotion of equality of opportunity. Children are treated fairly regardless of race, religion, gender and develop as an individual with their own cultural and spiritual beliefs. Different levels of ability, development and learning styles are expected, accepted and used to design appropriate activities. All staff share in the commitment to provide high quality learning and care where all children achieve to their full potential.

The Learning Environment

/ The Nursery School is open plan and provides children with a rich and varied environment that supports their learning and development. There are a range of well resourced areas that children can access independently or work with an adult.
All resources are available to all children regardless of gender, ethnic or social background.
The indoor and outdoor environments are linked and children can move freely between them.
Outdoor provision enables children to experience the changes in the weather and environment first hand and to be exuberant. They have the freedom to explore and use all of their senses and to learn to assess risk in a safe, secure yet challenging space. /

The Curriculum

We believe that children are entitled to a diverse, challenging and effective curriculum that:

Responds to individual needs;

Acknowledges their natural enthusiasm and their need to be active learners;

Builds on previous experiences;

Supports and develops their thinking and learning;

Provides appropriate experiences and activities across all areas of learning and development.


To promote effective learning we ensure that:

Children feel safe and secure;

Children experience learning through activities and ideas they initiate and opportunities that are practitioner led;

Children learn through movement and all their senses;

Children have time to explore ideas and interests in depth;

Children have the opportunity to learn in different ways and at different rates;

Children make links and connections in their learning;

Children participate in creative and imaginative play activities that promote the development and use of language;

Practitioners use a range of interactive strategies;

Observation and assessment are used to plan the next steps of each child’s learning journey.

/ ‘Education is not about filling a bucket but lighting a fire.’

Admission Information

The Governing Body allocates education places at the NurserySchool using the Local Authority’s admissions policy as follows:

  • To offer most children a part-time place for either five morning sessions or five afternoon sessions.

We aim to provide a quality service. We will offer five sessions per week. If you prefer your child to attend fewer sessions please discuss this with us. Flexibility of sessions will be considered on an individual basis and will be dependent on staffing and availability of places. All children, subject to the availability of places, will normally start Nursery no earlier than the start of term following their third birthday.

The Governing Body will decide who to offer the places to. They will do this by consulting the Head Teacher.

If there are not enough places available in the Nursery School, then priority will be given to children who are living in Gateshead. Among these children priority will be given to those who will become four during the year and would only have the opportunity to benefit from three terms of Nursery education.

If a child will only reach the age of three during the academic year in question, priority will be given to children who become three during the autumn term, then the spring term and then the summer term. However a place can only be offered to a child in these circumstances if we can confirm that the place is not needed for another child who will become four during that year.

Applications will be considered in the following order:

  1. Children in public care and deemed under Section 22 of the Children Act 1989.
  1. Children who live in Gateshead and who will have a brother or sister at the Nursery School.
  1. Children who live outside Gateshead and who will have a brother or sister at the Nursery School.
  1. Children who live in the catchment area of Bensham.
  1. Other children who live in Gateshead.
  1. Children with medical or social grounds – see below.
  1. Children who live outside Gateshead, but only if places are otherwise likely to remain available during the academic year.

If the criteria above are not enough to help the Governing Body to decide priority, they will consider the distance pupils live from the school, measured ‘as the crow flies’. Pupils living nearest to the school will have priority.
However, children who would not have priority based on this may be considered if they do not have access to Nursery education at other schools in the area.

The Governing Body has the right to consider individual applications, particularly in cases involving medical or social needs. This kind of application must be supported in writing by relevant professional agencies. Children in Public Care have particular social needs, which the Governing Body will have regard for.

  • The Governing Body will look at the parents/guardians address to help prioritise admission.

The Governing Body keeps an up-to-date waiting list if there are more children applying than places available at their school. If an application is late then a child's name may be added to the list by using the priority order described above.

If places then become available, the school’s Governing Body will consider all the applications on the waiting list based on the priority order set out above.

Access for children with a physical disability

The LA have made a commitment that, wherever possible, children with physical disabilities will be educated in their local school. If necessary and possible, the LA and the school will consider making minor adaptations to the building to allow your child to go there.
If we cannot make the necessary changes, we will discuss with you an alternative school that could provide suitable facilities. If there is not a place available at that school the school’s Governing Body will exercise its discretion and accept your child.

Day Care

If your child requires a place in the 0-3 Nursery or sessions in addition to their free entitlement, further information can be obtained from the Daycare Nursery Manager – 0191 4774323.

Parents as Partners

We believe that when parents and practitioners work together it has a positive impact on children’s development and learning. All families are important to us and are welcomed and valued in the Nursery School.

All the children have a Key Person and that person is there to support and develop liaison between parent/carers and the Nursery School. The Key Person is responsible for keeping a record of your child’s achievements and will keep you updated on their progress. Parent/carer contributions to these records are welcomed and valued. The Key Person will work with you and your child to ensure effective induction and transition into and within the NurserySchool and as children transfer to Primary School.

The Head Teacher is also available if parents/carers would like to discuss any aspect of the Nursery or their child’s welfare, development and progress.

The Nursery Special Educational Needs co-ordinator (SENCo) is available if parents would like to discuss specific needs or support for their child.

Parents/carers are very welcome to help in the NurserySchool on a regular basis working alongside staff. Playing with an interested adult is one of the principal ways in which young children learn and all the children will benefit from your involvement.

A Criminal Records Check (CRB form), medical clearance and two references are required for all adults working in the Nursery School.

We foster effective relationships with parent/carers by:

Inviting parent/carers to visit NurserySchool prior to entry

Information booklets and prospectus

Welcoming parents/carers on a daily basis

Offering home visits before a child starts Nursery School

Encouraging parents/carers to share their knowledge, celebrations and any concerns about their child

Keeping parent/carers informed about current areas of interest/activities in the Nursery

Sending regular newsletters to update parents/carers on Nursery events and key dates

Providing notice boards that display a range of useful information about the Nursery School, local events and Children’s Centre activities and groups

Nursery policies are available for parents to read. If you would like to see any policy please ask at Reception.

Keeping Safe

We explain boundaries, rules and limits to children to help them to understand the reasoning behind them and why rules exist. We work with children on a daily basis to help them to become clear on what they can and can’t do and this enables them to distinguish right from wrong. Children feel confident if they have consistent boundaries for behaviour and your child’s Key Person will liaise with you so that there is a shared understanding and consistency between home and Nursery. We provide a caring, warm and responsive ethos where children feel secure and valued and this helps them to understand that we need to make things ‘fair’ for everyone.

Children learn to make choices and to assess risk as part of learning to keep safe and they develop a sense of control of their own lives. We listen to what children tell us and act on verbal and non-verbal signals that tell us when children have anxieties. We always take action to follow up concerns. Adults in the Nursery School act as role models and treat everyone with respect.

The Nursery School has very comprehensive Health and Safety guidelines and great care is taken in supervising the children at all times during both inside and outside sessions.

All accidents and children who require a change of clothing are recorded and always cared for by employed members ofthe School Education or 4Children Daycare team.

Regular risk assessments are carried out and Behaviour, Health and Safety and Child Protection Policies are in place and are regularly reviewed and updated. We follow Local Authority and DCSF guidelines on recruitment procedures.

Health and Well-being

We consider the individual needs of all the children that attend the Nursery and believe that by ensuring quality care and learning that is matched to their needs and interests we support their health and well-being.

We encourage children to think about their own health by:

Encouraging them to know about and choose healthy food;

Providing opportunities to develop a taste for foods from different cultures;

Planting, growing, gathering, preparing and using different foods;

Involving them in vigorous activities some of the time but also considering when they need to relax or rest.

We encourage children to think about wider issues and how their actions may impact on their local environment and beyond. We try to involve them in activities that help them to consider how they can make a difference e.g. recycling, planting in the local park.

We have a policy on the administration of medication and our policy on children returning or remaining in Nursery during or after becoming ill or infectious is based on Government recommendations and guidelines.

Moral, Religious and Sex Education

We aim to meet the spiritual needs of each child by creating a secure, caring relationship between the staff and children and a rich stimulating environment.

Staff plan for and support opportunities which:

Enhance the spiritual, emotional and moral development;

Create a sense of awe and wonder through practical experiences;

Develop reverence for life, living creatures and plants;

Develop awareness of self worth;

Develop independence and ability to make choices;

Encourage children to care for each other;

Develop an awareness and appreciation of the religious and cultural background of others.

No formal sex education is given. It is possible that the subject will arise incidentally during the children’s play and factual answers using the correct vocabulary will be given appropriate to the situation and stage of understanding.

At BenshamGroveCommunityNursery School we believe we have a moral duty to every child in our Nursery to ensure they achieve their full potential.

His name is Today.

We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst

crime is abandoning children, neglecting the fountain of life.

Many of the things we need can wait.

The child cannot.

Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood

is being made and his senses are being developed.

To him we cannot answer “Tomorrow”.

His name is “Today”.

Gabriela Mistral, Nobel Prize-winning Poet from Chile.

Complaints Procedure

If you have a concern please contact the Head Teacher immediately. Gateshead Council defines a general complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the council or their staff affecting an individual or group of individuals.

Any person who has been unable to resolve an issue with a school or who considers that the Council has not maintained a high enough standard of service may write to the Director of Learning and Schools setting out the complaint. The letter will be acknowledged and a full response made following any necessary investigations within twenty eight working days.

Starting Infant or Primary School

In Gateshead, the majority of children start school in the September Term of the year when their fourth birthday falls before August 31st.

The NurserySchool does not register children with any Infant or Primary school;therefore parents should contact the schools of their choice directly.

The Local Authority Admission Form is distributed and available from Nursery during the Autumn term, which will be returned to the Civic Centre. Parents can also apply online.