October 12, 2018
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing you on behalf of the Sarnia Saints Rugby football Club (SSRFC). We are actively involved in raising funds for St. Clair Child & Youth Services, ‘Youth at Risk.’ We are currently organizing a benefit dinner / silent auction and a benefit match to generate funds for ‘Youth at Risk,’ a service of St. Clair Child & Youth.
Benefit Dinner - Silent Auction
This event is scheduled to take place at the Sarnia Riding Club on June 13th, 2013. Last year, the200 guests who attended this benefit event enjoyed a meal catered by award winning chef Marcel St-Aubin, a silent and unique live auction all while the sun set over the sandy beachfront property. The Sarnia Saints Rugby Club and partner Assante Wealth Management have been successfully running benefit events for a variety of organizations here in Sarnia-Lambton. Our 4th annual event continues to grow year after year and with the help of our dedicated partners and volunteers our goal is to continue to give back to our communityfor many years to come. This event also receives great coverage from the local media.
Benefit Match
This annual match will take place at the newly refurbished Norm Perry Park on June 22nd, 2013. We eagerly anticipate at least 500 spectators for the premiere match where our hometown Sarnia Saints will take on the Brampton Beavers. TV Cogeco will provide live television coverage of the match, and local media will also be in attendance. The Sarnia Saints will be sporting specially designed jerseys for this event, also in celebration of their 55th Anniversary. These one-of-a-kind jerseys will be auctioned to the public via live auction (at the June 13th Dinner).
I am writing to you to kindly request your donation of an item or gift certificate that will be part of the offerings at our auction. We would be extremely appreciative of your support! We hope to receive a wide variety of items that will be interesting to our guests and participants.
All proceeds from the auction are being donated to St. Clair Child & Youth Services, for their ‘Youth at Risk’ programs and services…..and all of your donations stay IN our community.
With our deepest gratitude, we will recognize your support via all our promotional materials and media coverage as Sponsors of this important benefit event.
I will be in touch with you in the coming days to discuss possibilities for donations. In the meantime, you are most welcome to view all event details to date via our website: Sarniarugby.com, and the worthy recipients of proceeds, St. Clair Child & Youth Services, at:
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Yours truly,
Publicity OfficerPresidentCommunity Relations Coordinator
Sarnia Saints Rugby ClubSarnia Saints Rugby ClubSt. Clair Child & Youth Services,
129 Kendall Street Point Edward, ON N7V 4G6