Benchmarking Brisbane
Top Ranking Brisbane
Recently labelled as ‘Australia’shippest city’ (Lonely Planet, 2013),Brisbane has been improving itsrankings across the board. Brisbanehas improved significantly in thelatest 2thinknow index, movingup 25 places in its position asa hub city1, 2thinknow’s secondhighest category for innovation. Independent advice providedby PwC using their Cities ofOpportunity framework ratesBrisbane 16th out of 29 global cities.As one of Australia’s top cities,Brisbane’s ranking also reflectsAustralia’s top global rankings: 1stin the Better Life Index2, 2nd bestcountry in which to be born3, and3rd for economic freedom4 and market transparency5.
Unless otherwise specified, rankings in this reportare from independent advice provided by PwCusing their Cities of Opportunity framework.1. 2thinknow, City Benchmarking Data, Brisbane,2014. 2. OECD, OECD Better Life Index, 2013. 3.
The Economist, 2013. 4. The Heritage Foundation,Index of Economic Freedom, 2014. 5. Jones LangLaSalle, Global Transparency Index, 2012. 6. fDiIntelligence, Asia-Pacific Cities of the Future 2011-12,December 2011. 7. Property Council of Australia,My City Poll, 2011.
Brisbane: a new world city
Brisbane is committed to becoming a top-10 lifestyle city and a top-20 worldperforming city by 20318. With its improvement across the board in rankings,Brisbane has shown that it is well on the way to achieving these goals.
Brisbane: OutstandingLifestyle
Independent research shows that Brisbane has particularstrengths in liveability. Brisbane ranks highly in housing(1st), natural environment (2nd) and health, safety andsecurity (4th). Brisbane’s commitment to maintainingand enhancing its parks, natural environment and publicspaces will ensure that the city sustains its enviablelifestyle as it continues to grow.
Brisbane: Economyof Opportunity
Greater Brisbane accounts for 48% of the Queenslandeconomy and contributes 9% of Australia’s Gross
Domestic Product. By 2031, its $135 billion economy isset to increase to $217 billion, with employment set toincrease to 1.5 million people.
Brisbane is one of three Australian cities ranked in thetop 15% of global cities for innovation, and the firstAustralian city to develop a digital strategy.
Brisbane: A greatplace to visit
Brisbane is highly ranked for making local informationaccessible to visitors, ranking 5/5 for both travel advisoriesand visitor information. The Brisbane Greeters programprovides free, multilingual city tours run by locals, whileforeign language signage allows international visitorsto easily navigate the city.
With one of the fastest city-to-airport links in the world,newly established hotels, cultural diversity and a range ofopportunities, Brisbane is Australia’s New World City.
8. Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Economic Development Plan 2012-2031. 9. Brisbane City Council, Community Attitudes Survey, 2011.10. Startup Smart, Five reasons why Brisbane is Australia’s best city for startups, 27 May 2014. 11. Brisbane Marketing, client testimonials,viewed September 2014, 12. 2thinknow, Innovation Cities Index 2014: Global, 2014.