Michael Broadbent, Principal

Kim Dyer, Curriculum Specialist

Ben Johnson Elementary School

13598 South Highway 259

P.O. Box 51

McDaniels, KY 40152


Our Mission

Bringing all stakeholders together,

Joining for one common purpose,

Ensuring the success of all by

Striving to meet individual needs.

David Miller, Counselor

Sandy Johnson, Secretary

Ben Johnson Elementary School

Site Based Decision Making Council

Regular Meeting

July 19, 2011

The Ben Johnson Elementary School Site Based Decision Making Council met for a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 4:30 P.M. in Ben Johnson Elementary School Conference Room.

#001 Call to Order

Chairperson Michael Broadbent called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M.

1) Mission Statement

A) Michael Broadbent read the BJES Mission Statement aloud.

2) Recognition of Guests

A) No guests were present.

3)Roll Call

A) Members present were as follows: Michael Broadbent, Becky Thompson, Angela Taul, Tiffany Lucas, and Chris Woosley. Brendan Whitworth was excused from attending the meeting.

4) Agenda additions and revisions

A) There were no additions or revisions to the agenda.

#002 Routine Consent Actions

1) A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the routine consent action items.

A) Approve Minutes from June 21, 2011 Special Called Meeting.

B) Approve Budget Report

2) All members voted aye, and the motion carried to accept the routine consent actions.

#003 Recognition

1)  Michael Broadbent recognized Valerie Mattingly and Barry Dowell for their tremendous efforts on cleaning and making repairs on the school during the summer months. The school looks very inviting and welcoming for the community and staff.

2)  Michael Broadbent recognized Becky Thompson, as a new SBDM teacher representative, and Chris Woosley, as a new SBDM parent representative. They will be serving on the council for the 2011-2012 school year.

#004 Discussion and Action Items

a.  Operations

1)  Reorganization

a.  Angela Taul nominated Becky Thompson to serve as Vice-Chairperson. Becky Thompson accepted the position.

b.  Becky Thompson nominated Angela Taul to serve as Secretary. Angela Taul accepted the position.

c.  SBDM Regular Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 P.M. in the Ben Johnson Elementary School Conference Room. A motion was made by Tiffany Lucas and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve all reorganization of SBDM positions, date, time, and location of meetings. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

2)  A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the 2011-2012 Long Range Planning Calendar. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

3)  Principal’s Report

a.  Michael Broadbent discussed the school-wide theme, “Rising to the Challenge”. He encouraged students, parents, and staff to go above and beyond to reach goals, be challenging, and positive. He discussed the importance of parents, staff, and students working together. The 5 Guiding Truths: Students First, Results Matter, Count What Counts, We Are All Responsible, and Do What’s Right, will be on display as a visual reminder to all.

b.  Upcoming events include:

Kindercamp- July 25-27

Open House- July 28 from 4-6 P.M.

Opening Day for Staff - August 4

First Day of School – August 5

c.  ITBS results were outstanding. In math, BJES students scored 77% better than students across the nation. In reading, third grade BJES students scored 70% better than 3rd graders across the nation.

4)  Michael Broadbent reviewed the General Liability and Errors and Omissions Insurance memo. This insurance is provided for serving SBDM members.

5)  A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the student handbook. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

6)  A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the staff handbook. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

7)  A motion was made by Becky Thompson and seconded by Tiffany Lucas to approve the student/staff assignment plan. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

8)  A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the master schedule. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

9)  A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the extracurricular activities for 2011-2012 school year. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.

10) Policies that will need to be addressed at the next SBDM meeting will include the discipline policy, dress code policy, and developing a principal hiring policy will be of high priority.

#005 Adjournment

1) A motion was made at 5:45 P.M. by Angela Taul and seconded by Becky Thompson to adjourn the meeting.

2) All members voted aye, and the motion carried to adjourn the meeting.


Michael Broadbent, Chairperson Tiffany Lucas, Parent Representative


Becky Thompson, Teacher Representative Chris Woosley, Parent Representative

Vice Chairperson


Angela Taul, Teacher Representative Brendan Whitworth, Teacher Representative
