- Ben - Contact Info: justanwsers.com username - JACUSTOMER-z300klpg
Private email:
If I have not answered your questions or you need additional help please don’t hesitate to reach out. I hope the FAQ below is informative and answers all your questions.
User question 1: I want to know how delete a large amount of emails at once especially in all mail
Instructions on how to delete bulk email in Gmail.
Specifically to delete bulk unread email in All Mail enter the following (see screenshot)
1.)Search with this query in the search box
(in:all mail) and (is:unread)
2.)Click the search button
3.)In the radial box drop down select all messages
4.)Click the trash bin icon to delete
User question 2: what is the purpose of all mail and what gets sent there?
Background of “All Mail” and what it’s purpose is.
Gmail doesn't have folders. All your messages are saved in All Mail. Everything else (Inbox, Starred, Drafts, user-labels, etc) are just "views" into a subset of the messages in All Mail. And since there's only one copy of any message, if you delete it from any label, you're deleting the only copy, so it's gone from all of them. If you delete a label you remove that "view", but the messages are still in All Mail.
When you Archive a message, the only thing that does is remove the Inbox label from the message. The original message is still in All Mail along with all your other messages, and you can apply labels to them to make them easier to find later. Remember that Archive is an action, not a location.
In summary: folders are something you put messages in, therefore a message can only be in one folder at a time. Labels are something you put on messages, therefore a message can have any number of labels.
For more information see:
How labels work:
Using labels:
Depending on how you have things configured, deleting a message on your e-mail client can (a) remove it form the inbox (still in All Mail in Gmail) (b) deleted it from Gmail (moved to Trash), or (c) permanently remove it from Gmail. It sounds like you have already taken care of this so Gmail won't keep growing over time.
As to All Mail, no, you don't need to see it in your e-mail client. If you go to Settings->Labels in Gmail, you can UN-check the "show in IMAP" option for any of the labels you won't want to see in your client. That would probably be most/all of them except for Inbox (but that's up to you).
answer :
Everything that you send, receive or create via your Gmail account is placed into All Mail.This includes Sent Emails, Received Emails, and Drafts. The purpose of “All Mail” is to store everything
User Question 3: I want to know why my personal notes that I write in which are on another icon are being sent to my email, how can I delete files I've created.
Background on why and how your Notes are added to gmail
You can add your Gmail account to the Notes app and access any notes added to that account on any computer–Mac or Windows. Specifically on an IPAD your notes can get synced by adding your Gmail to your IPAD IOS device by doing the following: Going to Settings > Mail, Contact, Calendars > Add Account > Google. Enter the information for the Gmail account you want to add and follow the on-screen instructions. Notes are then synced up by doing the following: Going to Settings > Mail, Contact, Calendars > Notes (enabled if green). Please see screenshots below.
Now the notes you write are automatically sent to your Gmail account and stored in the notes folder. To stop this from happening simply click the notes button found on step 4 so it is not green.
If you want to delete notes in from your Gmail account, you need to launch the notes app and delete them. Or you can un-sync the notes app from your Gmail account and then delete them in Gmail. Otherwise if you just delete them in Gmail while your account is synced to the Notes app, the deleted file will be restored.
Your “Notes” app is synced up to your Gmail account. Please follow the steps outlined below to disable the sync if you do not want your “Notes” to appear in your Gmail account. To delete files you need to either delete them from your “Notes” app or un-sync your “Notes” app from your Gmail account and then delete them in Gmail.
Un- sync Notes –
1.)Go to Settings
2.)Click on “Mail, Contacts, Calendars
3.)Click on Personal Gmail
4.)In you selected account click the “Note” radial button so it is not green.
Delete Notes –
1.)Open the notes app
2.)Select the notes you want to delete
3.)Delete notes
- OR
1.)Un-sync Notes from gmail (see above)
2.)Go to the notes folder
3.)Delete notes within the notes folder
User Question 3: Why are some emails sent to files without me physically doing so shouldn't they just go into the inbox and them if I want to put them in a file I do that myself
Background on why emails are sent to other folders and how to make them go to one inbox:
Gmail by default categorizes your emails for you. Meaning it makes its best effort to identify if mail is personnel and goes to your inbox, spam and goes to your spam folder, or is a marketing advertisement and goes to a promotions folder. This is why emails are sent to different folders without you doing anything, Gmail is trying to help you. If you would like the majority of your mail to go straight to you inbox in place of these different folders you can enable Gmails to send all mail straight to one inbox. You can then create custom folders to send sort your mail into. This is accomplished through the following steps.
Make mail go to one inbox
1.)Click on the cog in the top right corner
2.)In the drop down click on settings
3.)Once in settings click on Inbox
4.)Make sure inbox type reads default
5.)Uncheck all categories except for Primary
6.)Save your changes
User question 4: I'm also missing an online credit from Victoria's Secret which is $300.00 that I cannot find and I never deleted it.
Background on how to search for an email.
Since Gmail allows us to use search operators we will do this to search your entire inbox for any emails from victoriasecret.com (you can change this if need be). For this search we will use the (in:anywhere) operator which searches all of your folders and inboxes. We will pair this with the search operator (From) to filter on emails you received from the domain of your choice.
In your search bar inside gmail enter the following query and hit enter
(in:anywhere) and (from:victoriasecret.com)
See Screenshot for example.
Dear customer,
I believe the above FAQ answers all the questions you had requested in the chat. I sincerely hope this will remedy all the problems you are having. If you have any confusion on the answers I provided, or have more questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me either via justanwser.com or my gmail account I provided above. Thank you for your patients while I researched your problem, and I look forward to talking with you in the future.