Bemer 3000 (PLUS) Comparison to iMRS

The Bemer 3000 is another PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) device from Europe. Manufactured in Liechtenstein for the past 10 years, it is a bit more expensive than most PEMF devices at $4300 to over $6000. It comes with the mat and a cover, the controller, an intensive applicator with bag, the power adapter, a travel bag and the user’s manual.

Like the iMRS PEMF System, you can rent this Bemer unit before you buy. Once purchased it has a 3 year warranty.

1.  The intensity settings are not in harmony with the human body’s frequencies. For example the lowest setting the Bemer 300 offers is still 40 times more intense than the lowest setting of the iMRS. This has a negative impact on very sick, exhausted or very sensitive people. The biological window of earth based frequencies that the human body can respond to and absorb is only 0 – 30 hertz. The Bemer is running at 1200 hertz. Reports show that chemically sensitive people using the Bemer 3000got really irritated, nervous, restless and in some cases could not sleep.

2.  The highest setting on the iMRS whole body mat is twice as powerful as the Bemer, and the iMRS probe and pad has three times the power than the Bemer to regenerate cells. This is key when we want to repair the body utilizing these tools to activate, optimize and regenerate cells.

3.  The Bemer 3000 uses flexible black plastic tubes which surround the copper and which do not emulate the earth’s pure field, as the intensity is the same head to toe, not graduated as the body requires.

The iMRS utilizes the proven NASA technology which reproduces the natural magnetic field of the earth,

6 copper coils with graduated intensity, which exactly emulates the intensities as you stand on the earth

(stronger at the feet, weaker at the head).

4.  There is no information on the Bemer’s range of intensities. Bemer’s representatives say intensity is not important, while we feel the opposite.

5.  Bemer 3000 does not have a biorhythm clock and no capacity to change the frequencies. Human beings require different frequencies at different times of day, proven by science. The biological rhythms of the body are crucial to take into account when entering a healing process.

6.  With the Bemer, you cannot adjust the frequencies, only the intensity. The human body requires different frequencies at different times of the day. In the am and early pm we are active and require 12 to 30 hertz (Beta), in the evening we are relaxing and require 7 to 12 hertz (Alpha) and right before bed we require 0 to 7 hertz (Theta and Delta). Some users have reported that using the Bemer kept them awake and even caused insomnia for extended periods.

7.  In usage only 50% of people have a positive result on the Bemer. The other 50% either have no change whatsoever, or the effect is negative. Several cases report that after years of use of the Bemer, osteoporosis actually got worse, and pain did not clear up. There is overwhelming evidence that people with severe allergies, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc, should seriously consider looking for another device.

With the iMRS, the results are 95% positive and 5% say they did not experience a change. This could be due to the short duration of their trial. In no cases has anyone experienced a negative reaction to the iMRS.