SUNDAY – 20th December 2015

2.45pmCarols at Willowcroft.

6.30pmEvensong at St.George’s.

TUESDAY – 22ndDecember 2015

8.00pmCarol Service at St.George’s.


2.30pm Children’s Service in All Saints.

4.00pmChildren’s Service at All Saints.

7.00pmBlue Christmas at St.George’s

11.30pmMidnight Mass at All Saints.


9.30amFamily Communion at St.George’s.

11.00amFamily Communion at All Saints.

SUNDAY – 27th December 2013

8.00amHoly Communion at All Saints.

9.30amUnited Service in St.George’s.

There is no 11am service today.

The gate to the church hall car park will be locked on 31st December and 1st January 2016.

SUNDAY – 3rdJanuary 2016

8.00amHoly Communion at All Saints.

9.30amParish Communion at St.George’s.

11.00amAll Age Serviceat All Saints.

6.30pmEvensong at St.George’s.

A big thank you to all those who have prepared our churches for the Christmas season. Revd.Becky.

The Parish Office is closed until Monday 4th January 2016. When it will be open between 5.30pm and 6.30pm and open on Fridays as normal from 7th January 2016. Telephone messages and emails will be checked frequentlyin case of anything urgent.

Happy Christmas


Best Wishes for 2016

Welcome to our churches.

If you are attending a communion service, we invite you to receive communion with us. If you would prefer a prayer of blessing, please bring a book with you to the altar rail.

A collection will be taken during our offertory hymn today.

If you would like to know more about our parish then please fill in a welcome card so that we can introduce ourselves to you more personally with a visit.

We keep quiet, in preparation for the service, once the organ stops playing.

The Vicar: Revd. Becky Roberts

Tel: 01722

The Curate:Revd. Heather Leppard

Tel: 07745

Parish Administrator: Mrs. Linda Baker

Tel: 07925

Parish Website:

Advent 4

Eternal God,
as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,
so we wait for his coming in glory;
bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
to see, with her, our great salvation
in Jesus Christ our Lord.AMEN.

Christmas Eve

Almighty God,

as we prepare with joy

to celebrate the gift of the Christ-child, embrace the earth with your glory and be for us a living hope in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Christmas Day

Lord Jesus Christ,
your birth at Bethlehem
draws us to kneel in wonder

at heaven touching earth:
accept our heartfelt praise
as we worship you,
our Saviour and our eternal God. AMEN.

Holy Innocents

Heavenly Father, whose children suffered at the hands of Herod, though they had done no wrong; by the suffering of your Son and by the innocence of our lives frustrate all evil designs and establish your reign of justice and peace; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,, one God now and forever. AMEN


4th Sunday of Advent:

Micah 5: 2-5a(P880)

Luke 1: 39-45(P54)

Christmas Eve:

Isaiah 9: 2-7(P648)

John 1: 1-14(P88)

Christmas Day:

Isaiah 52: 7-10(P693)

Luke 2: 1-14(P55)

Holy Innocents

Jeremiah 31: 15-17(P745)

Matthew 2: 13-18(P2)

Thank you:

  • from the Women’s Refuge to all who gave gift tokens on gift Sunday this year.
  • from Mary Harper who received flowers and Julian Jackson who received a book token, as a token of our thanks to them for their contribution to the magazine collation and delivery over the years.
  • from all who enjoyed the carol singing at Harnham Croft and Brympton.

Would you please PRAYfor:

20th December

the Church of England in particular the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham.

the Church of Norway in particular the Diocese of Borg. Bishop Hilary Garang, Diocese of Malakal in South Sudan

all Childminders living & working in Harnham.

all the parishes in the Weymouth and Portland Deanery.

those who live in The Crescent and Rowbarrow Lane.

Residential homes for the elderly, Salisbury Carers, Age Concern and the Alzheimers Society.

Christmas Day

all who are sad and lonely this Christmas.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Pope, the Ecumenical Patriarch and the leaders of the Protestant Churches.

the Queen, her family and the Commonwealth.

the homeless and those unable to be with their families over Christmas.

our own churchwardens, sidespersons, organists, cleaners, flower ladies and helpers.

27th December

the Church of Norway in particular the Diocese of Oslo.

the Church of England in particular the Diocese of Durham.

the Scottish Episcopal Church in particular the Diocese of Moray Ross and Caithness.

Bishop Andudu Adam, Diocese of Kadugli in Sudan.

Mental health in particular the work of Fountains Way, SHINE, drug dependency projects and Alabare Include.

the residents of St.Nicholas Hospital.

those who live in Woodbury Yard and Lynwood Close.

All days

those who are sick, and all who care for them, especially Beryl Rumens, Sarah, Brian Duke, Bishop John Wraw, Brother Damian, Gordon Jones. Keith Parker and Sue Barnes (Arundale).

those who passed away during the year and all who mourn their loss.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness.
Longing for truth, we turn to you.
Make us your own, your holy people,
light for the world to see.
Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.
Shine through the darkness.
Christ, be our light!
Shine in your church gathered today.
2. Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has pow’r to save us.
Make us your living voice.
3. Longing for food, many are hungry.
Longing for water, many still thirst.
Make us your bread, broken for others,
shared until all are fed.
4. Longing for shelter, many are homeless.
Longing for warmth, many are cold.
Make us your building, sheltering others,
walls made of living stone.
Christmas Morning

All the above and this verse.

5. Many the gifts, many the people,
many the hearts that yearn to belong.
Let us be servants to one another,
making your kingdom come.

“Messy Church Christingle”

Sunday 10th January.

3.00 to 5.00 pm

‘Christingle’ Crafts, stories & games.

Harnham Church Hall, Lower Street, Harnham.

Followed by the Christingle Service in St George’s Church

at 4.30pm

All welcome, proceeds to the Children’s Society


If you are planning to enter a photo in the “Harnham in 2015 “the deadline is Friday 15th January 2016. Entries can be a picture taken in Harnham in 2015 or a picture taken at one of the 2015 events. All entries to be A4 in size and handed in to the Parish Office. Categories are: 11 years and under, 12-16 years, and adult. Photos will be displayed and winners announced on Shrove Tuesday.

On Sunday 31st January 2016, at 10.00am in the Church Hall, we will be having an African themed service and lunch as a way of promoting our links with the Sudan.

More information to follow shortly. Keep the date!