BelswainsPrimary School


SECTION A:Reporting to: Headteacher

Job Title: / SEN/Inclusion Coordinator
Grade: / MPS/UPS + SEN point

SECTION B:Responsible for:

SEN Learning Support Assistances

Plus one EAL teacher


  • To directly support the role of the Headteacher – regarding provision for Inclusion, Pupil Premium and Gifted and Talented.
  • To lead, manage, develop and maintain high quality SEN provision which enables quality teaching, excellent learning outcomes and success for all pupils.
  • To model effective teaching to coach and train colleagues and to teach across the school.
  • To keep all aspects of paperwork including records and policies, up-to-date and actioned, as appropriate
  • To improve outcomes, and be accountable for their progress, for all students in vulnerable groups.

SECTION D:Main duties and Responsibilities

Strategic direction and development of SEN provision in the school – with the support of and working with the Headteacher and/or Deputy Headteacher - to:

  • Contribute to a positive ethos in which all pupils have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
  • Support all staff in understanding the needs of SEN pupils
  • Devise and promote plans to ensure the needs of pupils with SEN are met and that they are reflected in the school improvement plan
  • Regularly monitor progress against targets for pupils with SEN from teachers’ plans, evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning by work analysis and use these analyses to guide future improvements
  • Analyse and interpret relevant school, local and national information relating to pupils with SEN and advise the head teacher on the level of resources required to maximise achievement
  • Liaise with staff, parents, external agencies and other schools to co-ordinate their contribution, provide maximum support and ensure continuity of educational provision for pupils with SEN
  • Develop partnerships with parents to ensure that their views are considered and acted upon appropriately
  • Ensure that pupils with SEN are enabled to share their views and that these are acted upon appropriately

Teaching and learning -to:

  • Support the identification of, and disseminate the most effective teaching approaches for pupils with SEN.
  • Collect and interpret specialist assessment data on SEN to inform practice
  • Work with pupils, class teacher and key stage managers to ensure realistic and challenging expectations of pupils with SEN
  • Monitor the use of resources, teaching activities and target setting and develop and maintain a recording system for progress of pupils with SEN

Leading and managing Staff – to:

  • Achieve constructive working relationships and establish opportunities for the SENCO, support assistants and other teachers to review the needs, progress and targets of pupils with SEN
  • Provide regular information to Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and governors on the effectiveness of SEN provision and outcomes
  • Advise and contribute to all aspects of SEN training to ensure the professional development of staff

Parents, the community and extended schools – to:

  • Play a full part in the life of the school community
  • Work with parents and families who have a child with SEN offering support and guidance
  • Encourage parents to participate in the life of the school in a variety of ways

Managing own performance and development:

  • Demonstrate resilience and resourcefulness.
  • Take responsibility for own professional development.
  • Participate in the school’s appraisal and professional development scheme, ensuring that objectives are set and met within the agreed time-scale.
  • Think creatively and imaginatively to anticipate and solve problems and identify opportunities.

Use of Resources –to:

  • Identify appropriate resources to promote and support the achievements of SEN children and ensure they are used efficiently, effectively and safely
  • Oversee and monitor appropriate budget allocations in liaison with the Headteacher.

Additional responsibilities and general requirements – to:

  • Undertake any professional duties commensurate with the grade of the post, reasonably delegated to him/her by the Headteacher
  • Show commitment to the school, its inclusive ethos and equal opportunities for all in the school community, opposing strongly any form of discrimination
  • Attend and participate in relevant training sharing the knowledge and ideas gained with colleagues

IN addition to the above and to supplement:

1Use and provide support for others in implementing the school’s behaviour policy. This includes an emphasis on promoting positive behaviour with appropriate rewards and sanctions.

2Provide support for students experiencing difficulties with their behaviour for example by working with others to develop individual behaviour plans, playing an active role in the school’s ‘time out’ facilities.

3Work with individual students on strategies to prevent exclusion and support reintegration of excluded students.

4Work with individual students and small groups on programmes to address their needs.

5To set up intervention and additional support programmes at the start of each year and monitor and evaluate impact , adjusting provision as appropriate.

6To keep clear records of all intervention and support programmes delivered including progress made by individual and groups of pupils. Including the monitoring of provision maps etc and supporting teachers in implementation.

7Line manage a small group of Learning Support Assistants including planning, regular supervision and performance management.

8Under the guidance of the Headteacher. Inform parents of interventions being made to ensure their child is making better progress and to gain parental support for the school’s agenda of raising achievement.

9Monitor student progress ( those on SEN register, pupil premium and G & T ) through the use of attainment and other evaluative data including the school’s tracking system. liase with EAL teacher on the progress of EAL pupils.

10To give half termly reports to Senior Management and report to Governing Body on the progress and provision of all vulnerable groups including pupil premium , SEN, and gifted and talented.

11Attend relevant meetings including team around the child (TAC), multi agency and Child protection meetings including Multi -Agency Meetings. Report relevant information to Senior Management.

12Develop and work with others to run family conference/ parents’ and carers’ workshops.

13Develop in house training opportunities/staff meetings to keep staff aware of current practice and ensure high quality of provision for all pupils.

14To cover classes when requested by the Headteacher.

15Assist in supervising students at break and lunchtimes

Other Responsibilities

1Data Protection and Confidentiality

It is essential when working with computerised systems that you are completely aware of their responsibilities at all times under the Data protection Act 1984 for the security, accuracy, and significance of personal data held on such systems.

2.Equal Opportunities

To take responsibility, appropriate to the post for tackling racism and promoting good race, ethnic and community relations.

3.Health and Safety

  • Employees are required to work in compliance with the School’s Health and Safety policies and under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), ensuring the safety of all parties they come into contact, such as members of the public, in premises or sites controlled by the school.
  • In order to ensure compliance, procedures should be observed at all times under the provision of safe systems of work through safe and healthy environment and including such information, training instruction and supervision as necessary to accomplish those goals.


To have a due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and to follow all associated child protection and safeguarding policies as adopted by the school and Local Authority.

5.Other Duties

To undertake such other duties as may be required commensurate with the grade of the Post

This job description will be reviewed annually and may be subject to amendment or modification at any time after consultation with the post holder. It is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks but sets out the main expectations of the School in relation to the post holder’s professional responsibilities and duties.