Class: P4 Caledonia Primary Teacher: Mrs J Donnelly
Term: 1 Class Termly Information
Below is an outline of the curricular areas we will be concentrating on this term and details of how you can help at home. If at any point you would like to discuss anything further please contact the school.
LiteracyReading strategies will be taught through our novel ‘The BFG’ by Roald Dahl. Children will be encouraged to work on spelling, using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method and also a variety of Active Spelling strategies. Handwriting and presentation will also be an important feature of all lessons. Best Writing will be linked to our ‘Myths and Legends’ theme.
All groups will focus on Multiplication and Division and Fractions.
Mental Maths strategies will be developed through Number Talks.
Theme Work
This term our theme will be ‘Myths and Legends’. We will explore various stories from different countries and cultures. Activities will include internet research, art and craft and dramatising what we have read. / Health and Wellbeing
We will be learning about medicinal drugs and how to store them safely and how to take them safely.
At PE our focus will be Gymnastics and Rugby.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Expressive Arts
All art work will be related to our theme and will include a variety of activities such as painting, creating storyboards and collage characters.
In music pupils will explore rhyme and rhythm through our Creative Music programme, with use of their voices and instruments. / RME
For our topic this term, we will be exploring Hinduism and listening to and discussing the story of Ramayana.
Mon/Wed: Spelling
Tues/Thurs: Maths
Children may have other language and theme related homework activities. Pupils will soon have the opportunity to take part in a topic homework challenge. / How can you help?
Monitor and sign all homework. Encourage your child to write as neatly as possible, using joined script. Continue to orally revise tables and practise telling the time.
Many thanks for your continued support.