Thank your for your interest in sponsoring the Two Bear Race weekend. Your contributions are what make this great community event happen. The Wave Aquatics and fitness center is dedicated to providing opportunities for our community to chose active and healthy lifestyles and you are helping make this a reality!

Below is a summary of potential sponsorship levels.

Title sponsor: $5000 and up

In return for such generous support Title Sponsors will have:

●Your name or Company’s name on all race product. Including but not limited to race flyers, racer bibs, shirts and banners

●Prime space on Two Bear race website

●Any company information will be included in racer packets and put on display at packet pickup.

●Booth location directly adjacent to finish line and awards staging

●Recognition on all media..print, radio and web publishing.

●Logo included in thank-you advertising (local media)

Gold Sponsor: $2000-$4999

In return for such generous support Gold Sponsors will have:

●Your name or Company’s name on all race product. Including but not limited to race flyers, racer bibs, shirts and banners

●Prime space on Two Bear race website

●Any company information will be included in racer packets and put on display at packet pickup.

●Opportunity to place booth at finish line.

●Recognition on all media..print, radio and web publishing

●Logo included in thank-you advertising (local media)

Silver Sponsor: $1000-$2000

In return for such generous support Silver Sponsors will have:

●Your name or Company’s name on all race product. Including but not limited to race flyers, racer bibs, shirts and banners

●Space on Two Bear race website

●Any company information will be included in racer packets and put on display at packet pickup.

●Opportunity to place booth at finish line.

●Recognition on all media..print, radio and web publishing

●Logo included in thank-you advertising (local media)

Two Bear Supporter: Any in kind donation of $, product, lodging, media support etc.

In return for such generous support Silver Sponsors will have:

●Your name or Company’s name on race flyers distributed statewide

●Thank-you on Two Bear race website

●Opportunity to place booth at finish line

●Logo included in thank-you advertising (local media)