Willowbrook School
15th September 2017
“Believe, Achieve, Succeed together”
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Our first full week in school has been a real success. Children are getting more used to the routines and their new teachers and there is a real buzz around the school. This week I have been interviewing for pupil librarians. Year Five and Six pupils could apply and then I interviewed them with Mrs Wade. I wish you could all have heard how impressive they were and how they talked with passion about their favourite books and wanting to encourage younger children to love reading. Mrs Wade is really looking forward to working with the new librarians, once appointed.
Front Gate
Please shut this as you are entering and leaving school. We don’t want to lose any children, so help us to keep them safe, thank you.
Year Four
We have had several parents asking if Year Four children with a younger brother or sister can walk through school to meet parents in the younger classroom. This is fine so long as the children are polite and sensible in school and wait for the teacher to finish before entering their brother or sister’s classroom.
There has been some discussion about the correct PE kit and a few other issues. Children should wear a plain white T shirt and black or navy shorts for PE; black or navy skorts are also suitable. Trainers or plimsolls are also needed for outdoor PE and the main thing is that they fit properly so that they are safe and comfortable to run and exercise in. All children with hair that is long enough to touch their shoulder should have it tied up. Any bows or hard Alice bands should be removed. Earrings should either be removed or children should bring tape to tape them up for safety reasons. Most children choose not to wear earrings on the days they have PE.
A reminder that Years 5 and 6 can come into the library from 8.30 to change books. Please keep looking for library books at home...we have had about 65 back since the start of term but think there should be plenty more to come! Thank you.
There is a PTA meeting in Ms Scott’s class on Tuesday 19th straight after school. The PTA does a fantastic job raising money for the school and has bought things like playground seating, football strips for matches, the stage and much more! All parents are welcome and it is one of those groups that if more people come along, then everyone can do a little bit which makes it easier for everyone. Tea and biscuits will be available and you don’t need any special skills, just a willing pair of hands.
Another subject which we have been discussing with the children! I have made it really clear to all the children in assemblies that I am happy for them to bring their Pokemon cards to school as I realise it keeps them very busy at playtime and lunch time. I have also reminded them that they are not allowed to trade cards as this almost always ends with someone unhappy and that the cards should be kept out of sight during lesson times. This will be reviewed on a weekly basis and if staff are wasting time dealing with issues around Pokemon cards, then we will ask children to leave them at home.
Year Five and Six
Now is the time to look around secondary schools ready for applying for a place. Year Six need to apply for places by the end of October this year. The open evenings are as follows:
St Luke’s is on 27th September at 6pm-9pm
St Peter’s is on 20th September at 6pm – 8.30pm
Isca is on 21st September from 6.30pm
St James’ is on 28th September at 6pm – 8.30pm
There are also open days when you can look around the school with your children. Times for these are on the websites for the schools.
22nd September Year 3 trip to Lyme Regis
9th-13th October Year 6 Heatree Residential Trip