Belfrey Group notes and questions for week beginning November 5th 2017

Luke 20: 41-47

Religion is Toxic- Look at Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes was born in Stonegate, York on 13th April 1570 and baptised three days later in the parish church of St Michael le Belfrey on 16th April 1570. Though baptised into the Anglican tradition (The Church of England came into being in 1534 when Henry 8th declared himself the head of the Church of England) Fawkes became a Roman Catholic and identified himself with the recusant cause whose objective it was to restore Catholicism to England. When James1 succeeded Elizabeth1 as monarch, Fawkes joined forces with Robert Catesby and others in an audacious plot to assassinate the King and parliamentarians on Nov 5th 1605 which was foiled the night before.

Some would argue that this is a classic case that proves religion is toxic- two warring strands of Christianity fighting for dominance within the nation. They might be surprised to realise that Jesus himself warned about the potential of religion to be a toxic brand.

  1. What is there in the passage to suggest that Jesus believes that toxic religion is more to do with external form than internal reality? Can you think of a statement of Jesus’ in the gospels which indicates Jesus believes true faith to consist of the latter?
  2. What is there in the passage to suggest that Jesus believes that toxic religion is more to do with what an individual can get, as opposed to what they can give? Can you think of a statement of Jesus’ in the gospels which indicates Jesus believes true faith to consist of the latter?
  3. What is there in the passage to suggest that Jesus believes that toxic religion is more to do with self – aggrandisement rather than living for the glory of God? Can you think of a statement of Jesus’ in the gospels which indicates Jesus believes true faith to consist of the latter?
  4. Whilst Jesus warns of the dangers of toxic religion He outlines the essence of true faith in John 17 v3. What do you think knowing the one true God involves?
  5. Did you manage to invite someone to church this last Sunday? Remember it’s the invitation that counts, not how they responded. Share in the group someone you would like to invite to church for our next invitation Sunday and take the time to go round the group and pray for these people.