Blog #1
Beit Shalom Alpaca Farm
Behold, dawn rises on the mountaintop! Ah, it’s good to be alive; sunshine, food, water, what else could a crossback[donkey] desire? Masticating You don’t know me; let me introduce myself. I am George, chief crossback. I stand as a guardian, a sentinel over the place Jenny 2-legs [a female humanoid] calls Beit Shalom Alpaca Farm. I, George the crossback, watch over all the land and its inhabitants.
I was transported here by a moving box [truck or car] with various 4-legs from another mountain. Jenny says this is our home now, but I remain skeptical. Two-legged animals seem so fickle to me. One never knows what they will do next. Alas, the food is good so I will enjoy each day until the moving box comes again.
A skeptic you say? No, just pragmatic. masticating The two-legs call us rescues, which means we have been moved several times. We serve the 2-legs to the best of our ability and enjoy their companionship.They buy us, move us, feed us, don’t feed us, and then back into the box for another trip to yetanother mountain. We eat the food the 2-legs give us now, because tomorrow there may be none.
Let me tell you about the other 4-legs here on the mountain. Five large furry 4-legs [alpacas] were in the moving box when I arrived; my companion Gracie [mini horse] was also with me. The furry 4-legs are very strange. They move silently around the pen staying very much to themselves, quietly floating along from grass patch to grass patch. The large furry things chew slowly as they meditate on the surrounding scenery. Each one has been givena strange name like Mikey, Willie, Groucho, Harpo and Zeppo. My ancestors told stories about living with these creatures, but I do not recall those days.
Gracie had been my constant companion since we lived on the other mountain. We have spent many long hours grooming and swatting flies from each other. A wonderful friendship until the large 4-hoofed [horses] creatures arrived here. They galloped in and took over the pen; they grabbed the choices grass and drank large quantities of water. Elias and Oliver are their names. Both are bold and bossy. Gracie doesn’t seem to mind and has begun to enjoy their company over mine. I now live a solitary life in the midst of the chaos of the 4-hoofed pen. Jenny tells me other crossbacks are soon to arrive. She wants us to be a herd and tells me we will be living in another pen. Jenny is optimistic; I’m not so sure. masticating
Jenny has two little fluffy 4-legs [dogs] namedLilly and Dottie; they follow her everywhere. They seem to have been here quite some time, along with a very small fluffy 4-leg who answers to Ishy [cat]. We all have begun to live a relatively quiet life on the mountain top. masticating
I use the word “quiet” loosely as it appears there is something strange happening. Massive objects are being brought to the mountain on large beasts of burden [trucks] and other clawing beasts [backhoes] sit waiting to be made alive by foreign 2-legs. I do not understand what is happening, but I have a feeling it isn’t going to be quiet here much longer.
So now you know a little about the place on the Mountaintop called Beit Shalom. Jenny 2-legs, my food barer and scribe, says we will continue to share about life here on the farm. masticating As for me, I am off to the trough before the large hoofed ones drink all the water.