Unofficial translation

International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine
announces tender for survey performance

“Behavior monitoring of men having sex with men as a component of second generation surveillance”

The tender is carried out within the framework of “Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine” program, implemented by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance within the grant of the Global Fund to fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine is an international charitable foundation, supporting communities and community activities, playing valuable and effective part in the response to HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The Alliance’s priorities are to support public initiative, aimed at reducing HIV prevalence in the most vulnerable communities, development of social support of HIV positive people and their relatives, reduction of stigmatization and improvement of services for HIV positive people and most vulnerable to HIV groups, determination, exchanging and following examples of the most effective public response to the epidemic.

Background information:

Second-generation epidemiological surveillance is a part of National monitoring and evaluation system, providing control over HIV/AIDS epidemics.

Behavior monitoring aims to retrieve information on potential behavioral factors, causing HIV incidence in society, use of such data for information and educational activities, planning, monitoring and prevention, treatment, care and support programs effectiveness evaluation in target groups.

Behavior monitoring is carried out through systematic behavioral researches, providing information on knowledge, attitude (stereotypes, ideas, and myths) and behavioral models and practices.

In Ukraine behavioral researches in groups with high level of HIV infection risk (Injecting drug users – IDU, female sex workers – FSW, imprisoned population, men having sex with men - MSM) are carried out from 1996. They were connected with determination of HIV exposure factors among the group members and planning of preventive activities, with evaluating effectiveness of specific anti-epidemic measures and evaluation of behavioral changes in target groups.

In 2004 the group of social research experts has developed the Methodical recommendations for behavioral monitoring of MSM, and recommended tools for such research.

In recognition that men who have sex with menis an under-researchedbehavior in Ukraine, Alliance and the UK Government department for international development (DFID) have agreed that technical assistance should be providedto the agency that wins this contract. The technical assistance will beprovided by the expert of the DFID's Technical Assistance Programme to Ukraine.

Tender objective is to organize and accomplish the behavioral survey in group with high level of HIV infection risk (MSM), using Methodical recommendations for behavioral monitoring of men having sex with men as a component of second-generation surveillance.

Main tasks:

1.  To recognize the specificity of survey among this specific population, approbation of sampling methods and survey tools in MSM groups;

2.  To collect data for analysis of risk factors for HIV exposure;

3.  To analyze knowledge, attitude, practice and behavior of target group toward HIV;

4.  To ensure data collection by indicators, included to the list of National indicators;

5.  To determinate and analyze the links between groups with different level of HIV infection behavioral risk;

6.  To evaluate the influence of prevention, treatment, care and support programs.

7.  To provide the strategic data for further planning of preventive measures among target groups.

Main activities:

1.  Piloting qualitative research among MSM (4 focus-groups) and modification of research tools in accordance with pilot survey;

2.  Verification of sampling for target groups;

3.  Training of interviewers to work with vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups;

4.  Field stage of survey: access to the target group for conducting interviewing is assured in collaboration with organizations, working with MSM;

5.  Preparation and processing of data. Preparation of analytical report. Analysis of survey results is to be carried out using two-dimensional and multi-dimensional methods of analysis.

6.  Development of recommendations and strategic information on HIV prevention in this target group.

7.  Organization of survey result presentation for public.

8.  Development of proposals for Methodical recommendations for behavioral monitoring of men having sex with men on bases of conducted survey.

The whole research process is carried out in accordance with the Methodical recommendations for behavioral monitoring men having sex with men as a component of second-generation surveillance. The results of each work process component is subject to assessment and approval by the group of experts in social research, coordinated by UNAIDS.

Sampling and territorial coverage will be defined by the results of pilot research. Focus groups are conducted in 3 cities of Ukraine. Behavioral monitoring should be done in 6 large cities of Ukraine (Nikolaev, Odessa, Lugansk, Kiev, Doneck, Harkov or Lviv). Sample of survey should be not less then 750 person.

Time frames: August - December 2004.

The results by National M&E indicators must be reported by October, 1.

Project results:

·  Analytical report should contain results of analysis of data for all main tasks. The report is submitted in hard and electronic copies (MS Word), data arrays and data files – in Excel format. Basic report findings should be arranged in a summary presentation.

·  Results by National M&E indicators

·  Technical report of survey

·  Proposals for Methodical recommendations for behavioral monitoring of men having sex with men

Executing agency selection criteria:

-  Previous experience with surveys/researches with similar structure and assignments;

-  Familiarity with research subject and problems;

-  Availability of network of field workers or possibility to contract it;

-  Participation of highly qualified professionals: sociologists, trainers, managers;

-  Ability to act in coordination with partners, with NGOs working with hardly reached groups in particular;

-  Ability to meet intermediate terms and deadlines;

-  Competitive and realistic budget.

Deadline for proposals submissions: 5 August, 2004 by 10.00

To participate in tender the candidate should submit a proposal with stage-by-stage survey description, (especially in part of reaching the target group) and structure, and detailed budget, reference list and example of behavioral questionnaire used in previous survey (does not have to be the same target group). The proposal should not exceed 5 pages.

Project proposal is submitted in Ukrainian (or Russian) and English in hard and electronic copies (on floppy disc) at following addresses:

Mailing address: International Charitable Foundation
“International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”
Dymytrova str. 5, building 10A, 6-th floor
Kyiv 03050

E-mail address: and

For additional information, please contact the International Charitable Foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” by telephone numbers: (044) 490-54-85,490-54-86,490-54-87,490-54-88, contact person: Hanna Dovbakh

Tender announcement and Methodical recommendations are available at the International charitable foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” web-site

Please, note:

·  Tender applications, submitted to the ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” after the expiration term, stated herein, will not be considered.

·  The materials submitted are not to be returned or reviewed.

Good luck!