FEBRUARY 19, 2016

  1. The ACG will be governed by a committee that will monitor all rules, regulations and procedures and ensure compliance of same. They will work with the Aragon HOA and Gardeners (individuals assigned to ACG plots) to ensure the ACG remains a viable and aesthetically pleasing area.
  1. The ACG will be subject to some restrictions in regard to the type of plants allowed in the non-community plots. The following items may be planted: vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruit trees/bushes under 5 feet.
  1. Participants may use organic or inorganic fertilizers in the garden, including manures, composts and commercially bought fertilizers. The following soil amendments may be used: bone meal, blood meal, lime, fishmeal, soybean meal, seaweed, wood ashes, cottonseed meal and green sand. Participants will avoid fertilizers and amendments with noxious fumes in consideration of the Aragon community.
  1. Individuals, families and organizations located in Aragon, and others as approved, are eligible for participation. Plots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis with the following exception: Aragon residents, business and property owners will be placed on the top of the waiting list.
  1. Gardeners are expected to devote reasonable amounts of time to the maintenance and improvement of their plots throughout the year. Plots that are weedy, unsightly, or do not meet the guidelines, as determined by the ACG committee, will be notified to remedy the problem.
  1. It is helpful for plot users to volunteer to upkeep ACG walkways, keep the sheds neat, properly store full weed bags out of sight until Friday pickup alongside the curb, and generally upkeep tools and hoses. Gardeners are encouraged, if the groundskeeper is unavailable, to participate in weeding vacant plots,
  1. Unattended watering is not permitted; this includes sprinklers not on a timer or on the city water system. Gardeners will notify the ACG committee of any broken water lines or sprinkler heads, ensure all faucets are off when leaving the garden, keep hoses neatly rolled or on the hose hangers, and conserve the use of water by using mulch.
  1. Borrowed tools will be cleaned and returned to the storage sheds. Tools will not be taken home overnight.
  1. Overall, gardeners should be considerate of their neighbors. This includes limiting harvesting to community and personally assigned plots. Additionally, plants selected by gardeners should not be invasive, should remain under 5 feet tall and not overly shade another gardener's plot.
  1. Support structures are allowed as approved by the ACG committee, which will consider aesthetics, height and shade issues.
  1. Gardeners will keep weeds and insects under control through manual, cultural and organic methods only. Insecticides allowed include insecticidal soaps, Bacillus Thuriengiensis/BT (ie: Dipel or Thuricide) and Sevin dust. These will only be applied early in the morning when there is no wind to prevent drift to other plots. When bees are present, only soaps and BT can be applied. Other herbicides and insecticides desired by gardeners can be presented to the ACG committee for approval.
  1. No debris of any kind should be left behind, with trash and litter cleaned from plots, adjacent pathways and fences. Gardeners are expected to provide their own weed bags and not use community trash bins. They are to find places that do not obstruct the breezeway, walkways, sidewalks, mailboxes or front of the garden area until Thursday night for Friday pickup by the City. Bags shall be placed by the curb near the ARC sign for pickup.
  1. When a gardener desires to stop using their plot, they will inform the ACG committee so the plot may be reassigned.
  1. Pets are not allowed in the garden.
  1. Questions, suggestions and/or complaints by the Aragon community or Gardeners will be given to the ACG committee for action, consideration and/or resolution.
  1. Compliance with the ACG rules, regulations and procedures will provide an enjoyable and prosperous garden for the Aragon community. Gardeners who do not comply may lose future gardening privileges.
  1. Neither the ACG committee, land owners nor Aragon HOA are responsible for actions of the Gardeners and are therefore free from liability, damage, loss or claim occurring in connection with use of the garden by any Gardener or guest.