Beginning Your DBQ

  1. Analyze the Guiding Question:Underline key words that must be covered in your thesis
    Guiding Question: How did the ideas and valuesof
    Humanism contribute to the transformationof Europe during the
    Renaissance period
  2. Read the background and annotate
  3. Write your thesis

Thesis: Responds to the guiding question by:
* giving time period
* location
* answers all parts of the question
* defines key words
includes three main ideas for the body paragraphs.

Humanism was a movement during the Renaissance period in Western Europe. Humanists believed they could better understand the world and human nature by returning to the study of the classics of ancient Greece and Rome.
Thesis: Humanists transformed Western Europe during the Renaissance by creating ultra realistic artwork, began to use science and new inventions to replace church superstation and spread new ideas, and questioned political and religious institutions leading to increase of literacy and an ‘explosion of knowledge.’


Category Art Science and Invention ? Political and religious ints.

Create topic sentences for your three main ideas (Categories)

ART (ideas, values, humanism, transform)
Topic sentence for Art:
New values of creating realistic art lead to the use of 3D perspective(replacing the simple hierarchal 2Dchurch based subject matter of the middle ages,)creating more realistic church based art while at the same time expanding beyond church subject matter to include classical gods and wealthy merchants. (Introduce doc) An example of art reflecting classical values can be seen in document #2The Birth of Venus. (Description of doc.)The artist represents Venus standing in a clam shell. She is surrounded by Angels blowing wind in her direction. (Analysis)This art would not be allowed during the medieval period as Pagan subjectdiffered with church dogma.(Introduce doc)An example of the value of realism can be seen in document #3The Marriage. Here the artist uses 3D perspective to illustrate the value of realism. The subjects are a rich merchant and his pregnant wife. The realism is breathtaking. There is a mirror concave in shape showing a mirror image of the painting in the background. This shows the artist was not just going for realism but perfection. The inclusion of the pregnant wife reflects the value of humanism by showing a true image of the individual. (Summary Statement) This art of realism and subject matter transformed Western Europe by creating new art for a new time that influenced Western art to this day.

(Ideas, values, transformation)
What docs???? See chart 1, 4, 8
Topic Sentence refer to background
Science during the Ren. Period was highly dangerous if its discoveries went against church beliefs. Yet,science thrived because of the humanistic value of curiosity. Through observation, and new inventions, science transformed Western Europe in technology, learning, and anatomy

(Introduce doc) An example of using observation over church dogma can be seen in doc 1. Heliocentric Model . (description) The document is a is a correct model of the solar system with the sun postioned in the center. (Analyis) Curpunicusdiscoved this by avoiding the mainstream belief of the day and through observation over time concluded the Sun was in fact at the the center of the solar system belivinge that “ we must follow the wisdom of nature” to understand the world.

DBQ Check list
For Each Paragraph: Did I underline the Topic sentence (Ideas, Values, Transformation)
Does the Topic Sentence tell what the paragraph is about?

Be sure to underline your topic sentences
Be sure to write (intro) (description) (analysis) for each document
Be sure to underline summary statement
1. Did I (Introduce)the doc. in a sentence? (An example of the Humanism and therole of the individual can be seen in doc……)

2.Did I (Describe) the doc. (What it is, Who it’s from or to)
3.Did I (Analyze) doc. Describe the meaning and write about ideas and values

For each paragraph did I include a Summary Statement? ( Inventions like the printing press and the study of anatomy both transformed Western Europe allowing common people to have access to books leading to literacy and increase science awareness leading to future study that would benefit doctors and medicine.)


Doc#5- Self Portrait of a universal man, Alberti.“His genius was so versatile that…. Thus showing by example that (men can do anything with themselves if they will”)
* Summary without being redundant
* The inclusion of a document which sums up Humanism
*Statement of transformation in a wide context leading to modern times. (Answering the
*key Quote:

Example: Humanism during the Renaissance centered on the importance of the individual. While some were artists, scientists, engineers and religious and political reformers, all shared similar values including: curiosity, independence, risk taking andhaving a thirst for true knowledge.The soul of the Humanist Movement can be summed up by a quote in Doc #5 The Universal Man Alberti says ‘… man can do anything for themselves it thy will.’Alberti meansthat the individual is capable and responsible for achieving any accomplishment by having the courage to follow through with their beliefs.The ideas and values of the Humanist Movement during the Renaissance laid the foundation whichtransformed Western Europe from a superstitious illiterate population to the modern world of art, science and separation of powers we take for granted today