School Improvement Plan
Beginning of Year Report Due: September 9, 2017.
School NameMount Pleasant Middle School
SchoolSMART Goal:
Impact Goal: Mount Pleasant Middle School will increase its reading proficiency as measured by the end of grade test by 3% increments per year.
2016/2017 EOG Proficiency Results / 2017/2018 EOG Proficiency Goal / 2018/2019 EOG Proficiency Goal / 2019/2020 EOG Proficiency Goal
6th Grade Proficiency / 69.5 / 72.5 / 75.5 / 78.5
7th Grade Proficiency / 64.3 / 71.5 / 74.5 / 77.5
8th Grade Proficiency / 50.4 / 66.3 / 73.5 / 76.5
Impact Goal: Mount Pleasant Middle School will increase its reading growth as measured by scale score on the end of grade test by 3 pointincrements per year.
2016/2017 EOG Avg. Score / 17/18 EOG Avg. Score/Growth / 18/19 EOG Avg.
Score/Growth / 19/20 EOG Avg. Score/Growth
6th Grade EOG / / / / / /
7th Grade EOG / / / / / /
8th Grade EOG / / / / / /
Aligned District Goal:
Place an “X” next to the aligned district goal.
Goal 1: Every student in the Cabarrus County School system will graduate from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenship.
Goal 2: Every student will experience a personalized education in the Cabarrus County School system.
Goal 3: Every student, every day has excellent educators. / X
Goal 4: CCS has effective and efficient financial, facilities, and technology systems, as well as community.
Goal 5: Every student is safe, healthy, and responsible.
Aligned District Objective:
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Every student in the Cabarrus County School system will graduate from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenship.
1.1 Increase the number of students prepared for post-secondary education and the workplace
1.2 Increase student performance on the state’s End-of-Grade (EOG) assessments and End-of-Course assessments.
Goal 2: Every student will experience a personalized education in the Cabarrus County School system.
2.1 Increase the number students involved and who successfully complete an effective specialty school or program
2.2 Increase student demonstration of CCS global competencies and attributes, including all subgroups.
Goal 3: Every student, every day has excellent educators.
3.1 Increase supports needed to increase employee recruitment and retention
3.2 Expand differentiated professional development opportunities to match the attributes and uniqueness of individual teachers and students
Goal 4: CCS has effective and efficient financial, facilities, and technology systems, as well as community.
4.1 Effectively and efficiently use funds to meet CCS goals and initiatives.
4.2 Increase the number of student seats to meet growth in our community
4.3 Utilize professional, community and parental quality partnerships
Goal 5: Every student is safe, healthy, and responsible.
5.1 Create and maintain a safe and respectful school environment
5.2 Promote positive decision making, healthy choices and active lifestyles for students
5.3 Increase school participation and attendance
5.4 Promote a culturally responsive approach to discipline and suspensions
Teachers from all subjects will implement balanced literacy and different components of the content literacy continuum with a focus on learning new vocabulary.
Data is public and shall not include teacher or student identifiers. Links may be used.
Data that supports the SMART Goal
Person Responsible
Andy Maness, Assistant Principal
Beginning of Year Report: Report Key Steps for the year. Due by September 9, 2017
Aim for ten or less steps, however to add a step, click at the very end of a row and hit enter (return).
Key Steps
Step / Date Started / Date Completed
Teachers will create subject specific academic vocabulary word walls to review with their classrooms. / 8/28/17 / 06/08/18
Teachers will review word of the day with their venture classrooms. / 8/28/17 / 06/08/18
Students will write the word of the day in their agenda along with definition and illustration to improve comprehension and retention. / 8/28/17 / 06/08/18
Grade level PLCs will choose an ASCD strategy on how to learn subject matter vocabulary and will implement strategy during the year with a common formative assessment to measure learning. / 9/21/17 / 06/08/18
Word of the day will be reviewed throughout the week to increase comprehension including acting out the word and illustrating the word in class. / 8/28/17 / 06/08/18
Each grade level will have a summer reading project in order to pre-asses reading and writing ability. / 06/08/17 / 09/15/18
Teachers will develop a selection of words for explicit vocabulary instruction prior to the introduction of a new unit or material as necessary. / 8/28/17 / 06/08/18
Language arts teachers and specified EC teachers will take part in a full day of Balanced Literacy training provided by Ed. Center here at MPMS. / 9/28/17 / 9/28/17
Language arts teachers will implement a balanced literacy approach to teaching language arts in their classes. / 9/29/17 / 06/08/18
Mid-Year Report Due March 5, 2018
Formative Measures / List Key Results from Formative Measures / Record Progressing / Not Progressing
End-of-Year Report. Due June 15, 2018
Summative Measure / Key Results from Summative Measure / Indicate with a “X”
Progress Made
Not Progressing
Not Met
Summative Measure / Key Results from Summative Measure / Indicate with a “X”
Progress Made
Not Progressing
Not Met
Summative Measure / Key Results from Summative Measure / Indicate with a “X”
Progress Made
Not Progressing
Not Met