Office hours: / Christina Stanton
281-245-3000 Ext: 2585
Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 – 3:45. Email responses will generally be within 24 hours. For email messages received on Fridays (Thursdays in the summer) or holidays, responses will be on the following work day. I will normally check email twice each day…morning and evening.Please email me if you need to arrange an appointment at different hours.
Communicating with Instructor
The preferred method for communicating with your instructor is through the email address above. You may call me at the number above. Please leave a name, number or e-mail address where I can contact you and tell me what you need to discuss with me. I will respond within 24 hours Monday-Thursday and within 72 hours Friday-Sunday.
Course Description
This course familiarizes students with the keyboard and builds skills essential to obtain employment in an office occupation. Emphasis is placed on correct typing techniques and practice in production problems such as letters, memos, reports, and tables using Microsoft Word 2013 for Windows.
This Hybrid class will meet on for the classroom portion. All assignments and timings will be completed using the Keyboarding Pro Deluxe and Microsoft Word 2013 software. Exams may be completed in Blackboard.
Additional Materials
- Microsoft Word 2013
- Keyboarding Pro-Deluxe Online Software
- USB/ jump drive
- Copy paper to print assignments completed in the lab.
Course Goals & Objectives
- Student will learn to operate the keyboard by touch.
- Student will learn the proper utilization of various parts of the computer.
- Student will develop speed, accuracy, and fluency in the typing of words, sentences, and paragraphs.
- Student will develop a basic skill in the typing of business letters, memorandums, reports, and tables.
- Student will develop self-confidence, interpersonal skills, and good work habits.
- Student will demonstrate proofreading skills and correction skills through the creation of documents.
- Student will demonstrate time management by meeting due dates for assignments and tests and organizing work, family, and personal schedules.
Students are encouraged to make every effort to attend class each week. Attendance will be taken each week and failure to attend class may result in points being deducted from the final student grade average. Internet students are required to “check in” by Wednesday of each week in order to be counted “present” for the week.
Course Expectations
- Read the assigned lessons.
- Complete and turn in assignments on time. Time management is essential. ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE DUE DATE.
- Complete all tests and timed writings.
Lessons/Assignments(quality of work, proofreading skills, correction skills, work habits). / 40%
Average of three best 3-minute Timed Writings with
3errors or less / 10%
Two Objective Tests; Production Tests/Assessments / 20%
Final Exam Project / 30%
TOTAL / 100%
Your grade is based on the TOTAL or AVERAGE of the points you received on all course assignments and activities. Always notify your instructor if you are concerned with your grades or your status in the class.
Timed Writing Grade Scale (Words per Minute)
A = 50 and above wpm
B = 40 - 49
C = 30 – 39
D = 20–29
F = 19 or less
Grading Matrix
Percent / Grade
90-100% / A
80-89% / B
70-79% / C
60-69% / D
< 60% / F
Office Administration majors must make a minimum grade of “C” in Document Processing I before they can enroll in Document Processing II.
Final Grade Evaluation
A = Highly Skilled
B = Skilled
C = Moderately Skilled
D = Limited Skills
I.…..Incomplete. No Incompletes or “I” grades will be given except for extreme circumstances. If the course work is not completed by the pre-arranged time limit, this grade will convert to an “F”.
W….Withdrawal. It is recommended that students talk with the instructor before withdrawing. Current information may be found online in the Withdrawal section of the ACC Schedule. Students who file withdrawal requests by the published deadline will receive a grade of W.
Late Course Work Policy
Students are encouraged to make every effort to complete all exams by the due date. If you are unable to complete an exam, you must notify the instructor before the exam. EXAMS CANNOT BE RETAKEN.
Assignments and tests must be completed by the due dates. Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 90 (10 points deducted) andmust be turned in no later than one week following the original due date. Assignments received later than one week following the due date may earn a grade of zero (0).
General Instructions
- Only students registered for classes may attend campus labs. To avoid disruption of a campus lab, children of enrolled students may not attend a campus lab.
- Cell phones, pagers and other electronic equipment which may be considered disruptive to the campus lab should not be brought. In emergencies, student may be contacted through the Campus Police Office. (281-756-3700/3703) (See ACC Catalog.)
- No food or drinks allowed in class/lab.
- Do not unplug or move equipment.
- If you experience difficulty with any equipment, notify an instructor/lab assistant or leave a note explaining what is wrong with the equipment.
1. MyBlackboard -Any technical problems or issues with MyBlackboard should be directed to the Distance Education Department at . Include your first and last name, student ID number and a description of the problem.
2. WEBACCESS, Passwords or Computer Labs- contact the IT Dept. Help Desk at 281-756-3544.
Additional Support
- Computers are available for use by all registered ACC students in many of the 23 ACC/PCC computer labs, including the Cyber Lab, room A-173. Cyber Lab hours are:
- The ACC Library website:
- The ACC Learning Lab and Writing Center, A-235, is for tutoring, exams, and additional computer access:
Americans with Disabilities Act
ACC complies with ADA and 504 Federal guidelines by affording equal access to individuals who are seeking an education. Students who have a disability and would like classroom accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services, A 136, (281)756-3533. Instructors are not able to provide accommodations until the proper process has been followed.
Code of Academic Integrity and Honesty
Students at Alvin Community College are members of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through a formalized program of instruction and learning. At the heart of this endeavor, lie the core values of academic integrity which include honesty, truth, and freedom from lies and fraud. Because personal integrity is important in all aspects of life, students at Alvin Community College are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom. Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and students guilty of such conduct are subject to severe disciplinary measures.
Career Services on Campus
Career Services consist of a career library, individual counseling, career workshops, job placement, and job fairs. Career Services is linked to the College’s website,
Career Library Resources contains career books listing major employers, vocational biographies, job search information and videos. Student workstations consist of computer planning software, resume writing software and easy access to labor market information.
Individual Counseling will assist students by critiquing resumes and job search strategies.
Career Workshops offer workshops on job-search topics such as resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation and tapping the hidden job-market.
Job Placement Service receives weekly from local and national employer job vacancies. These job vacancies are posted on job boards on campus, on the college’s website ( and click on job corner), and Office Administration’s bulletin board.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus as needed and will notify the students of any changes either in class or by using the Announcements Tool in MyBlackboard or MyBlackboard e-mail.
POFT 1429 Beginning Keyboarding II
Assignment and Test Schedule—Spring 2016
ALL assignments are due by 11:59 p.m on Thursdays.
Week / Lessons / Teaching/Learning/Evaluation Content
Preassessment / Keyboarding Assessment/Placement
1 / 1-4 / Level 1:Lesson 1-25
Module 1:Alphabetic Keys (Lessons 1-13)
1 Home Row, Space Bar, Enter, I; Review
1R Review
2 E and N
3 Review
4 Left Shift, H, T, Period
4R Review
2 / 5-8 / 5 R, Right Shift, C, O
5R Review
6 W, Comma, B, P
7 Review
8 G, Question Mark, X, U
8R Review
3 / 9-13 / 9 Q, M, V, Apostrophe
9R Review
10 Z, Y, Quotation Mark, Tab
11 Review
12 Review
13 Review
Skill Builder 1
4 / 14-17 / Module 2:Figure and Symbol Keys (Lessons 14-25)
14 1 and 8
15 5 and 0
16 2 and 7
17 4 and 9
5 / 18-21 / 18 3 and 6
18R Review
19 $ and – (hyphen), Number Expression
20 # and /
21 % and !
6 / 22-25 / 22 ( and ) and Backspace Key
23 & and : (colon), Proofreader’s Marks
24 Other Symbols
24R Review
25 Assessment
Skill Builders 2 and 3
Mid-Semester Assessment
7 / 26-28 / Level 2:Lessons 26-55
Module 3:Word 2013Essentials (Lessons 26-31)
26 Getting Started with Word
27 Getting Started with KPDO
28 Paragraph Formats
8 / 29-31 / 29 Format Paragraphs/Navigate Documents
30 Clipboard Commands and Center Page
31 Project
Practice Quiz 3
9 / 32-34 /
Module 4 Memos and Letters (Lessons 32-37)
32 Memos and Email33 Block Letter
34 Block Letter Format with Envelope
10 / 35-37 / 35 Modified Block Letter Format
36 Project
37Assessment Modules 3 and 4
Practice Quiz4
11 / 38-40 / Module 5Tables (Lessons 38-42)
38Create Tables
39Table Tools—Layout Tab
40 Change Table Structure
12 / 41-42 / 41 Table Tools—Design Tab
42 Project
Practice Quiz5
13 / 43-45 / Module 6:Reports (Lessons 43-48)
43Unbound Reports
44Leftbound Reports
45Multiple Page Reports
14 / 46-48 / 46 Reports in MLA Style
47Reports in APA Style
48 Project
Practice Quiz 6
15 / 49-52 / 49 Assessment Modules 5 and 6
Module 7 Graphics (Lessons 50-53)
50 Pictures and Clip Art
51 SmartArt and WordArt
52 Documents with Columns
16 / 53-55 /