Using the MOSATT template for MS Word
Abstract: This note is to explain the use of the MS Word template to produce an article in the format required for the MOSATT conference papers (In English, max 5 lines)
Key Words: document preparation, text processing, MS Word (In English,max 5 words)
This paper gives an example of the MOSAT 05 template. In order to enable the publisher to develop the conference proceedings in a uniform layout and style, authors are kindly requested to follow the suggestions as follows.
2Page Layout
Use English for Title, Abstract and Key Words and one of the conference languages (English, Slovak, Czech and Polish) for an article. Use the size of page A4 (210 x 297 mm). The margins must be as follows: left margin 2.5 cm, right margin 2.5 cm, top margin 2.5 cm and the bottom margin 2.5 cm. Use only asingle column layout. Do not start a new page for new sections or subsections. Do not insert page numbers; they will be assigned by the editor. Also notice that no forms of running headlinesare allowed. Use footnotes only if it is unavoidable.
3.1Title Material
3.1.1Using styles
Use the Title and Author styles. Append author affiliations to names using insert footnote command with a marker following the sequence First1, Second2, Third3. The title and authors should be followed by an abstract and a keyword section, as shown in this template. Use the style Abstract for your own text of abstract and key words.
3.2Section Names and Numbering
Sections are numbered (for sections use styles Heading 1, Heading 2andHeading 3).
3.2.1Using formulas, figures and tables
Align the formulas 1 cm from the left and number them in the order on the right side. Use figures of high quality that can be reproduced. Have figures and tables centred between the margins without any text flowing around them. Don’t use coloured pictures and the coloured photographs. Use the style Figure for the figures, style Title of the figure for titles of the figures and style Title of the table for titles of the tables.
Figure 1Title of the figure
Table 1Title of the table
Please do not put any acknowledgements or thanks in conclusions. They are to be placed just before the bibliography section using the style Support.
The opponent’sjudgement with opponent’s name, address,phone and e- mail contact is to be sent together with your article.
We wish you good luck in preparing the final version of the paper for the MOSATT'05 Conference.
This work has been supported by the GrantAgency of Slovak Republic grants No. xxx/xx/xxxx "name of the grant".
Style References is used for the heading which is without numbering here as opposed to the style Heading 1. For the items in the reference list use the style Ref item.
- SURNAME Name: Title of the Article, Proceeding of The International Scientific Conference MOSATT 2002, Košice, Slovak Republic, 2002, pp. 83-88
- SURNAME Name: Title of the Article, Proceeding of The International Scientific Conference MOSATT 2002, Košice, Slovak Republic, 2002, pp. 83-88
[1] Prof., Ing., DrSc., address, tel., e- mail
[2] Doc., Ing., CSc., address, tel., e- mail