Beginning Introduction to K9 Nose Work® - Before Class Handout
Nose Work Dogs –
Things you’ll need for class:
Crate (where your dog will rest between runs). Dogs should be crate-trained; (it’s ok if they are still working on that!)Dogs should be crated with you nearby. If that’s not a possibility, in some facilities the dog may be secured to the fenceline by a carribiner (please put distance between your dog & any other dogs, and dogs MUST be outside of the working area.) Some crates may be available at the training facility, or you may choose to bring your dog’s own crate, if that is convenient.
Water (for you and the dog)
Flat Collar (buckle or Martingale style) or a well-fitted traditional style harness during the class. No head halters or Easy Walk harnesses during runs but they may be used to and from the search area as needed.
Leash: A 6-foot light-weight leather or nylon leash (no chain or retractable). All dangling items, rings, charms, poop bags holders should be removed so as not to distract the dog.
Toys and/or treats: HIGH VALUE toys and treats! Bring a few things in case what you thought was going to work doesn't. Sometimes, your usual food reward for other activities is not high enough value for Nose Work. We've found some of the following to be very motivating: Tuna, sardines, salmon, bleu cheese, ham hocks, sausages, mackerel, meatballs, liverwurst, and hot dogs. Please avoid crumbly/crunchie cookie-type treats.
Treat pouch/bait bag: Please bring a small vented container, bait bag or "Tug N Treat" in which to put the food (prefer no plastic baggies)
Hungry Motivated Dog: Please either don't feed your dog before the class, or feed a reduced meal so that your dog is hungry and motivated. Also if you have a high energy dog, please don't burn them out with a long hike or play session before the class.
Class structure:
1.The structure of the class dictates that one dog work at a time. Other dogswill remain secured or crated until their turn.
2.When you enter the room with your dog, wait outside of the designatedsearch area until instructed to enter.
3.When entering and exiting the room, or out in potty area, please keep dogsa safe distance (minimum 6') from one another. No meet and greets.
4.Make sure to potty dogs prior to class and when possible, before each run.The nature of the work may trigger the desire to eliminate anyway. If youthink that your dog may be getting ready to go, excuse yourself and gentlytake him outside. If you are unsuccessful, don't reprimand your dog. Leaveit be and gently take him outside. We will clean it up.
5.Minimize chatting during the dog's runs. Students are encouraged toobserve other dog-handler teams. In an effort to support this, as well asgive each team undivided time with the instructor, please minimize chattingwith each other while another dog-team is up.
6.Instruction may vary from dog-handler team to dog-handler team based onan individual dog - handler team need.
7.The dogs will work dogs on leash at first but may eventually work off leash.
8.The instructor may "rev up" or excite your dog. Please hold your groundand do not release dog until instructed.
9.If a dog solicits social contact during the search, please ignore them.Please leave toys and treats in the crating area when it is not your turn sothat the workspace floor is clear of distractions.
10.Be patient with your dog. There's no need for frustration. Continue tosupport your dog. The goal is to keep it fun for both dog and handler.
11.Leave all obedience at the door, including 'No' or 'Leave it'. If you need thedog to leave something during a search, just quietly encourage the dog tomove away. Be careful not to leash correct the dog.
12.Please ask questions, but know that some may be tabled due to the timelimitations of classes and workshops.
13.Please feel free to email any questions to your instructor – the addresses are available at
14.At the discretion of the instructor and facility, videotaping or photography of your own dog may be allowed during runs but may not be posted on the internet including but not limited to public access websites, use groups, or social networking sites (i.e. You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) without permission from the K9 Nose Work™ instructors. There may be some videotaping done by the instructors for educational purposes, which will only be used if participants at the workshop have signed the photo/video release.
Created with permission from material © Copyright 2010 Amy Herot, Jill-Marie O'Brien & Ron Gaunt.