Sauk Prairie High School – Agriculture Department

Large Animal, Plant, & Soil Science

Instructor: Mr. Talford



  • Introduction to Livestock & Companion Animals
  • Crop Production
  • Profitable Soil Management
  • Please use the check out list for taking text books out of classroom


504 Large Animal, Plant, & Soil Science 10, 11, 12 (Semester)

Production Agriculture includes dairy management, soil science and crop science. Dairy management will include: business management, ration work, milking practices, reproduction, and animal evaluation. Crop production will include: corn, soybeans, forages, and small grains. Soil science includes discussions and labs on “what is this thing we call soils?” Activities will include GPS (global positioning systems) labs, soil evaluation, crop evaluation, and dairy evaluation and planning of the test plot.


Grading will follow the policy of the Sauk Prairie School District

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A+, A, A- = 100% - 90%

B+, B, B- = 89% - 80%

C+, C, C- = 79% - 70%

D+, D, D- = 69% - 60%

F = 60% - 0%

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  • 3 Classroom Rights:
  • The teacher has the right to teach
  • Students have the right to learn. School is a place of learning. Concentrate on your work and allow others to learn!!!
  • All students have the right to be safe from physical or verbal abuse.
  • To achieve success in this class beneficial to your life long goal of success - class attendance, class participation, respect, and cooperation will be very important.
  • Any materials (texts, tools, etc.) damaged you will be responsible for the cost.
  • The DO’s & DON’TS:
  • Congregate by the door = DON’T
  • Leave cell phones in locker = DO
  • Damage Classroom Equipment = DON’T
  • Request Passes to leave the classroom = DO
  • Enter Mr. Talford’s Office = DON’T
  • Be to class on time, with a notebook, folder/three ring binder, pen/pencil = DO
  • Have an open attitude to learn/participate and get involved = DO
  • Actively participate in all labs.
  • Milk or water is allowed in the agriculture classroom during class-time but NO FOOD.
  • NO FOOD OR DRINKS in the Agriculture Shop, Greenhouse, or Computer Lab!!!

Attendance Guidelines

Attendance is important to your success in class. Be near your seats when the bell rings. Each day of constructive attendance will be worth 5 points, 3 points if you are absent and it is excused, and 0 if you are absent and it is unexcused.

Tardy Policy (each quarter)

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: 15 minutes served on student’s time

3rd Offense: 1 hour detention after school

Behavior Guidelines

As young adults, there are responsibilities that you have in class. My main concern is the safety and well-being of each student that is in Ag Ed. Therefore, no activity will be allowed that would interrupt the education of other students. Classroom conduct during the quarter that interferes with other students right to learn will result in:

1st Offense: One verbal warning per class & attendance points removed

2nd Offense: Thirty minutes served with instructor/or 1 hour detention after school

3rd Offense: Parental Conference

4th Offense: Removal to a quiet study hall, F earned

If you disagree with the instructor, see me after class.

Grading - Grades are determined by work turned in and participation.

The following grades make up 80% of your grade in the class.

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a. Tests150-300 points

b. Labs10-100 points

c. Quizzes10-200 points

d. Worksheets 10-150 points

e. Projects200-500 points

f. Presentations200-500 points

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20% of your grade in the class will come from a final project.


  • Assignments are due at the end of each unit.
  • Major projects will have specific due dates.
  • Assignments will lose 5 points of their value for every day late.
  • All tests will be announced (No Notes Used). Quizzes may be unannounced and you willbe able to use your notes.

Course Schedule:

The weeks are only approximates. Some of these topics go one day longer than a week, but this schedule will fit into our 18-week schedule. Please note that these units are subject to change as decided by Mr. Talford

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Week / Unit
1 / Introduction to Large Animal, Plant, & Soil Science & Careers
2-4 / Soil Science
5-7 / Plant Sciences
8-11 / Dairy Production
Week / Unit
12-13 / Beef Production
15-16 / Sheep Production
17-18 / Swine Production

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I have read the above expectations information; I understand my responsibilities in class and will follow them.


Student’s SignatureDate

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