Welcome to the 2016-2017 HHS Choral Music Department - Mr. Zogaib office phone 646-3300 extension 6113

Fall Concert-All Choirs – Hamburg HS AuditoriumMonday, November 14, 2016at 7:30 PM

Spring Concert-All Choirs-Hamburg HS AuditoriumTuesday, June 6, 2017 at 7:30 PM-Masterworks Concert

Rehearsal after school 2:30-6 PM

*ECMEA 9th grade auditions-Jan 7. 2016, *ECMEA 10-12 auditions – Jan 21, 2016, *not mandatory


60% of the grade is based on class participation.

In class and in lessons, you will earn 60 points if you:

  • Come to class prepared (music and pencil) and on time.
  • Perform accurate notes and rhythms to the best of your ability.
  • Use correct posture and proper vocal technique when singing.
  • Never talk when we are rehearsing a piece of music.
  • Students absent from an excessive number of rehearsals are not permitted to participate in the concerts.


30% of your grade is based on lesson attendance. Attendance at lessons is vital to student success in music reading and proper vocal technique. Some students have difficulty attending every lesson due to their course load. YOU MUST ATTEND ALLSCHEDULED LESSONS. Make up lessons will be scheduled on FRIDAYS, DURING PERIODS 6-9. Students unable to attend a make-up lesson will have to complete an online make-up assignment, either at home or in school. This must be completed by the end of the marking period. Make up assignments are not to be used as a substitute for lesson participation…important skills are covered and drilled at these lessons. Check the parent portal, as it is updated weekly with attendance grades. Students not attending lessons will not be permitted to perform in concerts.

Quarterly assessment

10% of your grade is based upon a quarterly assessment. This short test during a lesson will be an individual evaluation of music studied in class and/or music reading skills. This assessment MUST be completed by the end of the marking period. If a student is not available to take the assessment during the scheduled time, arrangements must be made by THE STUDENT with me to make it up another time. Students will be scored from 1(lowest) to 10(highest) on each assessment based on a performance rubric specific to the assessment. A score of zero will be given if the student fails to take the assessment. Students who do not make up a missed assessment will not be permitted to perform in concerts.

Concert attendance

Concert participation is a reward for hard work at rehearsals, lessons and practice. Attendance is required, but is not graded. Excused absences must be pre-approved and are at the discretion of Mr. Zogaib. Only school-sponsored events that conflict will be considered excused. In case of emergency, a phone call from the student’s parent/guardian is required in order for the absence to be considered excused. Unexcused absences from concerts may result in removal from the course. Students not attending rehearsals, lessons or completing assessments will not be permitted to perform in concerts.


I have a unique website which will be used for lesson make-ups practice:


All student s will have an account by the third week of school.

username (unless set up differently last year): first initial, last name. Joe Smith=jsmith

password: music (you may change)

There is also an app for iPhone. Download through the apple app store. You need the link above to get it.

There will be make-up lesson assignments here, in addition to drills and other fun music stuff!

Concert Attire-Concert Chorale, Chorale (women)

Ladies-Gowns will be assigned. Black shoes

Men-Tuxes/shoes will be assigned. You need black socks. $10 Tuxedo rental fee for new Concert Chorale men.

Chorale Men- Black Shirts, Long Tie, Black Pants, Black Shoes/Socks

New members may purchase a special choral folder from me (which may be reused) for $15. checks payable to HHS Choir Fund

You may buy yours directly from:jwpepper.com search for 901 Choral Folio- 11.95 plus shipping-

Please sign, detach and return the agreement form by next class.


I have read and understand the procedures for the Choral Music Department2016-2017


Print parent/guardian namePrint student name


Signature of parent/guardianSignature of student