Application Form


Before you fill in this form have you:

• Read through the AiR Grants Program Guidelines and associated information provided online at www.artsedge.dca.wa.gov.au; and

• talked through your project idea with ArtsEdge?

Completing this form:

• Do not use more than the maximum allowed space for your answers.

• The maximum number of pages for answers in Sections 2 to 5 is six (6) single sided A4 pages.

• Excess pages will be excluded and may deem your application ineligible.

• Use a minimum of 10pt font size.

• Consult the AiR Grants Program Guidelines and associated information online at www.artsedge.dca.wa.gov.au when considering your answers for each section.

• Use the budget template provided.

• Ensure all support material is supplied; and in the format requested.

Draft application enquiries to:


Tel: (08) 6552 7300 or toll free (within WA) 1800 199 090


Submit your final application for assessment to:

Ms Lorraine Scorer Principal Consultant Secondary Pathways and Transitions

Department of Education 33 Giles Avenue


Applications must be submitted by

5pm Friday, 27 September 2013.

AiR Grants Program 2013-2014 STREAM 1

Section 1: Applicant Contact information

Section 2: School community

Maximum response = one (1) single sided A4 page.

2 a. Provide a brief description about the profile of your school/network of schools/university faculty of education.

If applicable, note any existing network, community or other partnerships or relationships that may be strengthened through participation in your AiR project. Use the table provided.

Name of School(s)/ University
Education region
Regional Executive Director [RED] (if applicable)
Education network
Student cohort profile
Staff profile
Community profile/

Section 3: The artist(s)

Maximum response = two (2) single sided A4 pages.

3 a. Briefly define the creative practice of the artist(s) or arts and cultural organisation(s) involved and explain

how their professional knowledge and experience will be shared during the course of the project.

Make specific note of:

• most recent experience working with children and young people and/or in the school context;

• how they will work with the students on the AiR project;

• how they will work with the school(s)/university’s assigned AiR project coordinator(s) and other staff;

• how they will work with the wider community; and

• what professional learning will the artist(s) or arts and cultural organisation acquire during the project?

Section 4: The project

Maximum response = two (2) single sided A4 pages.

4 a. Briefly describe the proposed AiR project.

4 b. What are the proposed outcomes of this project?

Make specific note of:

• proposed outcomes for students;

• proposed outcomes for the school(s) and the wider community, and

• professional learning outcomes for teachers/lecturers.

4 c. What teaching and learning approaches will be used to engage participants?

4 d. Identify the school support strategies that will be put into place to assist the project coordinator(s).

4 e. Provide a detailed timeline of the project including:

• evidence that the minimum artist residency contact hours will be met,

• information about the students who will participate (year level, how many, when?), and

• information about how and when teachers will access professional learning.

Section 5: Curriculum links

Maximum response = one (1) single sided A4 pages.

5 a. Describe how the AiR project will relate to:

• The Western Australian Curriculum Framework; and

• The Australian Curriculum.

Note: You can refer back to the activities listed in your timeline (Section 4) when making these links explicit. Create your own table using the headings provided below in your answer.

Description / Year
Group(s) / WA Curriculum Framework Learning Area Outcome / Australian Curriculum Content descriptor / Facilitator(s)

Section 6: Budget

Expenditure / Unit $ / Total $ / Income / Unit $ / Total $ / c/nc
Administration 1 / Earned 5
Sub-total $ / Sub-total $
Marketing, promotion & documentation 2 / In-kind: confirmed (c) or not confirmed (nc) 6
Sub-total $ / Sub-total $
Project costs 3 / Sponsorship, donations: confirmed (c) or not confirmed (nc). 7
Sub-total $ / Sub-total $
Artist fees and on costs, relief teacher
wages etc. 4 / Other income: specify. Do not include AiR grant funds. 8
Sub-total $ / Sub-total $
Total expenditure (A) $ / Total income (B) $
Request to AiR (subtract B from A) $

1. Project Coordination pre time, stationery, photocopying, phone calls etc.

2. Flyers, posters, publicity, design, printing, photography, filming etc.

3. Specific materials, costumes, hire of equipment etc (excludes purchase of capital equipment. AiR funds cannot be used for this type of purchase).

4. Artist’s fees, superannuation, workcover, travel, wages for casual relief teachers etc.

5. Ticket sales, sale of products e.g. DVD etc.

6. Non-cash support e.g. volunteer labour, relief teacher costs paid by the school/institution etc.

7. Donations or financial contributions from local businesses etc.

8. Direct financial support from the school, fundraising, P&C cash support etc.

Section 7: Support material

You must provide the following support material for the project artist(s)/arts and cultural organisation(s):

• One (1) Curriculum Vitae (CV) for each artist or arts and cultural organisation working on your AiR


Maximum length of each artist’s CV is two (2) single sided A4 pages. CV’s must clearly show experience working with children and young people and/or in the school context.

• One (1) item of support material that illustrates the work that each artist/organisation has produced in the last three (3) years.

Select the format of the support material required from the list below.

Provide one (1) item for each artist/organisation working on your AiR project.

• One (1) single sided A4 page of budget notes to explain your budget calculations. Notes relate to figures entered

into the budget table in Section 6.

Support material format options

Provide one (1) of the following for each artist/organisation involved. Material should reflect the artist/organisa- tion’s experience working with children and young people and/or in the school context. Do not send original materials as support material will not be returned to you.

• Up to five minutes of video material on DVD. Please ensure you test your DVD prior to submitting and that it can be

played on a standard PC.


• Up to five minutes of audio material on CD. Please ensure you test your audio CD prior to submitting and that it can

be played on a standard PC.


• Up to 20 images on a CD or DVD. The format of the images must be either JPG or TIFF at a minimum of 72dpi.

Each image being identified with a title, date of creation, medium, artist and dimensions (if applicable). Supply this information on a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Please ensure you test your CD or DVD prior to submitting and that it can be played on a standard PC.

Complete the support material submission table below:

Item (please list the items you have submitted with your application) / Submitted
(please tick)

Section 8a: Declaration Schools/University

Privacy and Freedom of Information

Full listings of grant recipients will be published on the ArtsEdge website and may be included in the Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA) and Department of Education (DoE) annual reports. The funding bodies (the Australia Council for the Arts, DCA and DoE) may also publicise recipients in ArtsEdge and/or departmental newsletters and publications. You will be required to acknowledge the funding bodies in all your marketing and/or publicity materials. You will be required to submit an Acquittal Report at the conclusion of your project. Images/vision/audio

or other documentary support material submitted with your application and/or acquittal may be used for promotional purposes.

According to the Freedom of Information Act (1992), any information held by us, including your application is accessible by you. The information you present to us may be reviewed by staff, external panel members and key stakeholders. The information you supply may also be made available to those assessing any other grant applications you make. By submitting your application you waive any right to raise any type of proceedings against the funding bodies as a consequence of, or in contemplation of, any disclosure of the contents of your application in response to an information request made under the Freedom of Information Act (1992).

Data held in the funding bodies’ systems may be used for, but not limited to, the following purposes: promotional use, statistical reporting, application assessment, media enquiries, accounting purposes and for contacting you. The details of your grant will be public information including the names of the participating artists, school principal and/or school project coordinator(s). However, your personal contact details, unless otherwise authorised, will only be accessible by our staff, appointed auditors, individuals or organisations who may help us assess or monitor grants and those participating schools/artists from previously funded projects.

Your signature on this application means you have read, understood and accepted the use of your information as outlined above and you

also agree to giving ArtsEdge staff and/or representatives from the funding bodies access to in-school visits for project reporting and program research purposes including photographic opportunities. Your signature confirms that this is the formal and final submission of your application for assessment by the Panel.

I, the undersigned, certify that:

1. I have read the AiR Grants Program Guidelines.

2. I have worked in partnership with the artist(s)/arts and cultural organisation(s) identified in this application to develop our

AiR project concept and they have assisted in the writing of this application (where possible).

3. I acknowledge that this application will not be accepted if it is late, faxed, emailed, or subject to outstanding acquittals.

4. The statements in this application are accurate to the best of my knowledge and the supporting material is the work of the artist(s)/arts or cultural organisation(s) named in this application.

5. I understand decisions are made by an assessment panel and information provided by ArtsEdge staff is feedback advice only.

6. I agree to accept the decision of the panel assessing this application.

7. I have read and understood the section on Privacy and Freedom of Information and accept the terms.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to inform ArtsEdge of any change in the status or circumstances of the application between the time of its lodgement and assessment.

Please sign below: (if more than one school, duplicate this page and ensure all Principals/University Directors/CEOs and Project

Coordinators sign)

Title / Name / Signature / Date
Principal/University Director or CEO
Project Coordinator

Section 8b: Declaration Artist/Organisation

I am aware of the special responsibilities associated with working with children. I declare that I do not have

a criminal record and that there are no other circumstances or reasons that might preclude me working with young people aged under 18 and I have a Working With Children Check.



Privacy and Freedom of Information

Full listings of grant recipients will be published on the ArtsEdge website and may be included in the Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA) and Department of Education (DoE) annual reports. The funding bodies (the Australia Council for the Arts, DCA and DoE) may also publicise recipients in ArtsEdge and/or departmental newsletters and publications. You will be required to acknowledge the funding bodies in all your marketing and/or publicity materials. You will be required to submit an Acquittal Report at the conclusion of your project. Images/vision/audio

or other documentary support material submitted with your application and/or acquittal may be used for promotional purposes.

According to the Freedom of Information Act (1992), any information held by us, including your application is accessible by you. The information you present to us may be reviewed by staff, external panel members and key stakeholders. The information you supply may also be made available to those assessing any other grant applications you make. By submitting your application you waive any right to raise any type of proceedings against the funding bodies as a consequence of, or in contemplation of, any disclosure of the contents of your application in response to an information request made under the Freedom of Information Act (1992).

Data held in the funding bodies’ systems may be used for, but not limited to, the following purposes: promotional use, statistical reporting, application assessment, media enquiries, accounting purposes and for contacting you. The details of your grant will be public information including the names of the participating artists, school principal and/or school project coordinator(s). However, your personal contact details, unless otherwise authorised, will only be accessible by our staff, appointed auditors, individuals or organisations who may help us assess or monitor grants and those participating schools/artists from previously funded projects.

Your signature on this application means you have read, understood and accepted the use of your information as outlined above and you

also agree to giving ArtsEdge staff and/or representatives from the funding bodies access to in-school visits for project reporting and program research purposes including photographic opportunities. Your signature confirms that this is the formal and final submission of your application for assessment by the Panel.

I, the undersigned, certify that:

1. I have read the AiR Grants Program Guidelines.

2. The statements in this application are accurate to the best of my knowledge and the supporting material, where applicable, is my work.