
English 12Syllabus


Mrs. Markolovic

“Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you quit, try.” Ernest Hemingway

Class Outline:

The purpose of this English class is to prepare you for college and the workforce. The English program will consist of various types of writing, analysis and critical thinking skills will be reinforced, and you will be able to expand your vocabulary, and grammatical skills through the process of writing and revision. During the course of the year, we will be focusing on the different types of writing that you may encounter in college, and identifying strategies and techniques to help you write with clarity and precision. In addition, we will be reading the following two novels throughout the year. The culmination of this course will be a research paper and a presentation.

Course Learning Objectives:

  • to write and revise essays for content, form and style
  • to articulate personal responses, summarize, draw inferences and to express informed opinion in class discussion with peers and in writing
  • to read and demonstrate an understanding of texts by identifying core ideas, articulating response to the ideas in writing and discussion, and supporting the responses with references to the text
  • to perfect the structure of the narrative essay, the compare/contrast essay, the cause/effect essay, argument essay and research paper.

Methods of Instruction:

Reading, essay and response writing, class discussion, multimedia, group work, peer editing, student presentations

Writing Expectations:

In Research and Writing, the focus is on the transference of basic essay concepts (introduction-body-conclusion, thesis, topic sentences, logical progression of ideas in individual paragraphs and the essay as a whole) to a college-level analytical writing, which includes use and integration of sources. More specially:

  1. Students will be expected to pre-write: brainstorm, conceptualize, cluster ideas, outline

2. Students will be expected to revise all works for a final copy for the portfolio


College Compare/Contrast

Expository Analytical

Response Creative


Use of Sources/MLA Documentation:

  1. Students will be taught to gather and evaluate primary and secondary sources, paraphrase and quote, cite and document where appropriate in their writing.

2. Students will be taught to use documentation while still maintaining their own

voices and develop a point of view.

Course Requirements:

  1. Required Books (School has copies):

Sold by Patricia McCormick

Beauty School of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

They Say, I Say by Gerald Graff

  1. Pens: blue or black

WCC ACE Program: Writing and Research English 101 Credit:

You will have the opportunity, if you so choose, to receive Writing and Research English 101credits. SUNY WCC will administer an essay test, which you will need to receive a score of an 8+ on in order to be eligible for the credits, along with maintaining and 80 average in English 12. These are 3 college credits for a small monetary amount that you are responsible for paying if you so choose. The credits transfer to many colleges. (see attached sheet at end)

You also must maintain an 80%average in English throughout the year to receive this credit.

60% --Tests, Major Writing Assignments

30% --Quizzes, minor writing assignments,reader response assignments

10% --Homework and Participation**

**Participation grade is based on your ability to successfully follow attendance guidelines, take an active role in whole class and small group discussion, overall productivity and seriousness of purpose during class activities, and demonstration that you are keeping up with assignments.

Late assignments will be deducted -10 a class period

Letter Grades are as follows:












D 63-66



PLAGIARISM will result in an automatic 0 - NO EXCEPTIONS


You will be required to respond to blog postings on pnwboces.schoolwires.net. I will direct you as to when a blog is due. 5 blog response postings = 1 quiz grade. (20 points for each blog)


Markoloviceng: You do not have to use twitter. Usage of Twitter: I will post assignment due dates and relevant articles, but twitter is not required. It will be merely another reminder for those that choose to use it. All assignments will be posted/announced in class, in addition to on Twitter.


Topics/Units / Description / Readings / Assignments / Additional Materials
Identity / Who are you? How does culture shape the way you see yourself and others? How identity connects to community and world. / Arm wrestling with my father by Brad Manning; The dog ate my homework; We wear the mask by Paul Lawrence Dunbar; Girl by Jamaica Kincaid / Narrative essay; college essay writing; Reputable article / Grammar; sentence structure; blogs
Gender Bias / Is one gender better than the other? How does gender bias influence women’s ability to be successful? / Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez; They Say…I Say; / Reputable article; reader response; mini research paper; film literacy response / MissRespresenation; Blogs; Op-ed pages NY Times
Food & Society / Homogenous societal representations: professional Image; self-image; Body image; How do chain superstores compete with smaller stores? / Fast Food Nation; They Say…I Say; / Reputable article; reader response; mini research paper; film literacy response / Op-ed pages NY Times; Food Ink; Blog;
Violence Against Women / Why are women still treated poorly in the US and other countries? How do we change the perception and stereotype of women? / Sold by Patricia McCormick; They Say…I Say; / Reputable article; reader response; mini research paper; film literacy response / Op-ed pages NY Times; Blog; Quiz Show movie
Pop Culture & Inspirational People / How are theideas, perspectives, attitudes, images, that are within the mainstream of a given culture viewed and why? How do we make popular culture? / They Say…I Say; Entrepreneurial readings; / Reputable article; reader response; mini research paper; film literacy response / Pretty Little Liars & Body Image; Op-ed pages NY Times; Blog

Unit Assignment Explanations:

  1. Reading Response Assignment

Your job in this reading response is to practice the strategies of “They Say/I Say” using the article from an article submission assignment.

For this response, write a paper that summarizes the author’s arguments and then give your own opinion.

Here are some requirements:

  1. Your response should be 1-2 pages.
  2. Your response should have a THESIS around which it is organized.
  3. Your response should use some of the strategies and the templates provided about
  • how to introduce what “they say”
  • how to summarize
  • how to use quotes
  • how to agree or disagree
  1. Your response should be formatted according to MLA style (see sample paper posted on
  2. For each quotation, you must use an in-text citation (MLA style).
  3. You must use AT LEAST 1 quotation from the article you choose.
  4. For each quotation, you need a "quote sandwich" - you must introduce the quote, stating the rationale of the quote; after the quote, explain the purpose of the quote relating to your thesis.
  5. Your response must have a Works Cited page (see sample paper posted).
  1. Article Submission Assignment

For this assignment you have to:

  1. Find a credible article on the topic the unit covers. If you aren’t sure what this means, review the exercises under “How to find a credible source.”
  2. Create a proper MLA citation for the article.
  3. Provide a link to the article.
  4. Explain why the article is credible, using the five criteria in the “How to find a credible source” reading and video.
  5. Explain why you chose this article and how it is relevant to our unit of study.

As always, your paper should use proper MLA style in the format (a proper heading, etc.) and you should proofread your paper before submitting.


Absences and tardiness should be kept at a minimum. The course is designed to achieve its objectives primarily by in-class activities, thus excessive absenteeism and tardiness will result in a lowered quarter grade. You are responsible for the work that you miss if you are absent. You should obtain the phone number of one of your classmates to find out what you missed and turn it in on the next day, unless other arrangements are made with me.


Website: Pnwboces.schoolwires.net/Meredith Markolovic/Choose class on left side

Twitter: markoloviceng