V1.0 (25/11/2005)


Charts allow you to present data entered into the worksheet in a visual format using a variety of graph types.

Different Charts
Chart Type / Charts / Chart Sub-type
Column charts
Compares values across categories
Horizontal axis: category names
Vertical axis: values / / Clustered column
/ Stacked column
/ 100% stacked column
/ Clustered column with a 3-D visual effect
/ Stacked column with a 3-D visual effect
/ 100% stacked column with a 3-D visual effect
/ 3-D column
Bar charts
Compares values across categories
Horizontal axis: values
Vertical axis: category names / / Clustered bar
/ Stacked bar
/ 100% stacked bar
/ Clustered column with a 3-D visual effect
/ Stacked column with a 3-D visual effect
/ 100% stacked column with a 3-D visual effect
Line charts
Display trends in data at equal time intervals / / Line
/ Stacked line
/ 100% stacked line
/ Line with markers displayed at each data value
/ Stacked line with markers displayed at each data value
/ 100% stacked line with markers displayed at each data value
/ 3-D line
Pie charts
Display the contribution of each item to the total / / Pie
/ Pie with a 3-D visual effect
/ Pie of pie
/ Exploded pie
/ Exploded pie with a 3-D visual effect
/ Bar of pie
XY(Scatter) charts
Display the relationships among numeric values in several data series / / Scatter
/ Scatter with data points connected by smoothed lines
/ Scatter with data points connected by smoothed lines without markers
/ Scatter with data points connected by lines
/ Scatter with data points connected by lines without markers
Area charts
Display the trend of the distribution of each value over time or categories / / Area
/ Stacked area
/ 100% Stacked area
/ Area with a 3-D visual effect
/ Stacked area with a 3-D visual effect
/ 100% Stacked area with a 3-D visual effect
Doughnut charts
Like a pie chart but can contain multiple series / / Doughnut
/ Exploded doughnut
Radar charts
Compare the aggregate value of a number of a data series / / Radar
/ Radar with makers at each data points
/ Filled Radar
Surface charts
Show trends in values across two dimensions in a continuous curve / / 3-D surface
/ Wireframe 3-D surface
/ Contour
/ Wireframe contour
Bubble charts
Compare sets of three values. The value of the third set is represented by the size of the bubble / / Bubble
/ Bubble with a 3-D visual effect
Stock charts
Usually used for data of stock price and scientific investigation / / High-Low-Close
/ Open-High-Low-Close
/ Volumn-High-Low-Close
/ Volumn-Open-High-Low-Close
Cylinder charts
Like column and bar charts but the shape of the bar or column is represented by cylinders / / Column with a cylindrical shape
/ Stacked column with a cylindrical shape
/ 100% stacked column with a cylindrical shape
/ Bar with a cylindrical shape
/ Stacked bar with a cylindrical shape
/ 100% stacked bar with a cylindrical shape
/ 3-D column with a cylindrical shape
Cone charts
Like column and bar charts but the shape of the bar or column is represented by cones / / Column with a conical shape
/ Stacked column with a conical shape
/ 100% stacked column with a conical shape
/ Bar with a conical shape
/ Stacked bar with a conical shape
/ 100% stacked bar with a conical shape
/ 3-D column with a conical shape
Pyramid charts
Like column and bar charts but the shape of the bar or column is represented by pyramids / / Column with a pyramid shape
/ Stacked column with a pyramid shape
/ 100% stacked column with a pyramid shape
/ Bar with a pyramid shape
/ Stacked bar with a pyramid shape
/ 100% stacked bar with a pyramid shape
/ 3-D column with a pyramid shape

Before making a chart you can first enter data into a worksheet.

Chart Wizard

The Chart Wizard is a very convenient tool for making charts.

1.Highlight the cells to be included in the chart

2.Click on the Chart Wizard button on the standard toolbar orInsertChart

3.Choose the Chart type and the Chart subtypeNext

4.Select the data range (if different from the area highlighted in step 1)Next

5.Enter the name of the chart and titles for the X- and Y-axes under the Titles Tab. You may change the axes, grid lines, legend, data labels, and data table by choosing the corresponding tabsNext

6.The chart can appear as a new sheet or as an object in the current worksheet or other worksheets in the workbook by selecting the options from the pull- downFinish

Resizing the Chart

You may resize the chart by just clicking on its border and dragging any of the nine black handles to change the size. Drag the handles on the corners to resize the chart proportionally and the handles along the lines to stretch the chart.

Moving the Chart

You may move the chart by selecting the border of the chart, then holding down the left mouse button, and finally dragging the chart to a new location. You may also move individual elements within the chart e.g. the title and labels by clicking on the element to activate it, and using the mouse to drag the element to the desired position.

Formatting the chart

You may format the chart using the Chart Formatting Toolbar



A chart with the legend and data table shown and value axis rotated by 45o.


You can also change the settings in steps 1 to 4 of the Chart Wizard by right clicking the chart