Safe Bus Travel is the joint responsibility of all travellers.

All travellers need to show respect for their own safety, by:

·  Waiting for the bus to stop fully before boarding or leaving the bus.

·  Listening for any instructions from the driver, staff member or supervisor

·  Storing bags under the seats and not in the corridor

·  Remaining seated at all times, facing forward - not moving around the bus

·  Keeping your arms and all items within the bus – never throwing anything around the bus, nor out of the bus (This type of action could also put other road users in danger as items thrown from the bus will travel at or above the speed of the bus, possibly causing considerable damage).

All travellers need to show respect for others - not putting anyone at risk

·  Keeping the noise level low, so that the driver is not distracted and can hear car horns, sirens and any urgent messages from travellers. It is important to not talk to the driver, unless there is an urgent matter.

·  Being courteous to all travellers, treating others as you would want to be treated – fairly and respectfully.

·  Being respectful to the bus company, not damaging any part of the bus and not creating a mess on the bus. Food should not be consumed on the bus unless there is an extended trip – not the normal school bus runs. Water is the drink to take, preferably with a resealable lid / cap.


·  Always make sure that you wait until the bus has moved away - Never cross the road in front of the bus as the bus blocks your vision of oncoming cars & trucks.

Safe Bus Travel is dependent on all travellers being responsible

for their own actions AND not putting others at risk.

Failure to act responsibly (and not heed warnings)

will lead to suspension from bus travel.
