BeethamChurch of England (Aided) Primary School
Governing Body
Minutes of a SIP Meeting of the Governing Body, held in Beetham Church of
England (Aided) Primary School on Monday 22nd June 2015at 7pm
Present: Mr John Lomax (Chair, Foundation Governor – JL)
Ms Wendy Nicholas (Headteacher - WN)
Revd Linda Lonsdale (Foundation Governor – LL)
Mr Brian Smalley (LA Governor – BS)
Mr Chris Christou (Parent Governor – CC)
Mrs Vivien Stirrup (Foundation Governor – VS)
Mr Julian Handy (Foundation Governor – JH)
Mrs Kirsty Klijn (Staff Governor – KK)
Mrs Jenny Beresford-Jones (Foundation Governor – JBJ)
Apologies:Mr Antony Wood (Foundation Governor – AW)
Mrs Claire Kinnear (Parent Governor – CK)
In attendance:Mrs Sally Coyle (Clerk to the Governing Body - SC)
1. Welcome and apologies for absence / ACTIONJL welcomed everyone. Apologies for absence were received from AW and CK. (KK in attendance from Agenda Item 5 onwards).
JL began the meeting by congratulating the school and church on winning the Bishop’s Church and School Award. All present thanked WN, LL and all those involved in helping win such a prestigious award. WN/LL to attend a presentation event at Rydal Hall on Tuesday 30th June.
2. Notification of AOB and Confidential Items
AOB raised:-
- Website (WN)
- Fishwicks Crematorium Application Appeal Hearing (JL)
3. Minutes of last SIP Meeting – Monday 2nd March 2015
The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by JL.
Proposed: BS. Seconded: VS. The decision was unanimous
4. Matters arising from the Minutes
- Sport England Grant –Pennine Playgrounds won the tender and work will commence at the end of term. Some modifications and improvements will be made to the original plans
- Governor Photos– pending. Netherwood end of term event or inaugural meeting in September mentioned as possible dates
- Pupil Questionnaires –LL/VS to liaise with WN and design a new questionnaire that provides school with more useful feedback. Pupils to complete in partnership with LL/VS prior to the end of term
- Headteacher Appraisal –completed in December and review due in September. VS/WN to schedule a date
- NGA Model Code of Conduct–pending. CK to add to the website
- RAISEonline/School Data Dashboard – pending. CK to add to thewebsite, including a cautionary note about cohort sizes
- Subject Reviews –Literacy (CK), Swimming (CC), French (BS), History and Geography (JBJ) all now completed. Reports to be presented at the inaugural meeting of the Governing Body on Monday 14th September. CK/CC/BS/JBJ to forward reports to WN if they have not already done so. SC to include on the agenda
- Disqualification by Association – forms issued to all staff
- Policy Update – ongoing process. WN to report back to governors next term
- Staffing – Beverley Tattersall has been appointed as a new teacher working mainly in Reception. KK’s hours have reduced slightly by mutual agreement to enable Beverley to be employed full time. Due to losing some statement funding, Teaching Assistant hours have had to be reduced. Janette Marshall has sadly resigned and the school is currently recruiting for a TA to work 10 hours a week over 4 days
- Residentials – WN thanked staff and pupils for 2 very successful recent residential trips to Ennerdale and Arnside
- CLEO – contract has now been terminated and there will be an month overlap in September
- Assessment Without Levels – now underway in all years except Yrs 2 and 6 and following foundation stage tracking model of “emerging/expected/exceeding”. Governors discussed their concerns about the removal of national levels of progress and questioned WN on how the school ensured its moderation judgements were accurate. WN highlighted that the staff worked together to agree judgements. Local schools met recently to check their moderation was consistent and the school had also been selected to have its KS2 writing moderated by the local authority.
5. School Development Plan
See Agenda Item 6, 7, 8 below. All discussions will form part of a focussed session on the School Development Plan and SEF in the autumn term.
6. CASL Peer Review Outcomes
Governors questioned WN on the outcomes of the recent CASL peer review. WN confirmed the process was very positive and useful and the judgements largely agreed with her own with the exception of Leadership and Management which was viewed by CASL to be a 1 not a 2.
Governors asked WN for further clarity on how pupil progress was measured. WN/KK outlined the current arrangements and WN confirmed that an up to date graph showing individual anonymised pupil progress data would once again be provided to governors in the autumn term.
The need for WN to have more time to regularly assess the quality of teaching across the school and for staff to have more opportunity to work together and support each other was highlighted by governors. WN agreed but highlighted this was difficult due to her current teaching commitment and involved booking supply cover. WN to consider possible ways forward for 2015/16.
Governors questioned WN on progress being made with improving writing skills and WN outlined the success seen to date. KK/WN reiterated that writing was a national area for concern with Cumbria below the national average and South Lakeland below the Cumbria average. / WN
7. Safeguarding Checklist for Governors
To be completed by all governors in advance of the next SIP meeting. Copy to follow by email.
BS to take over role of Safeguarding Governor from Paul Lusted. / ALL
8. Ofsted Questions
Governors agreed that each governor should review the questions circulated by WN in advance of the next SIP meeting. They should also form part of an analysis of SATs results and the rigour of the assessment process at Beetham. 2 other documents provided by the local authority at a recent training course should also be reviewed by governors in advance of the meeting and an action plan for governors should subsequently be developed
-Purpose and role of the Governing Body
-Governing Body Health Check
SC to liaise with the local authority with regard to getting email copies of both documents to send to governors. Both documents to be included in new governor induction packs from now on.
Governors highlighted it would be beneficial to have 2 governors leading subject reviews for core subjects. All to note when compiling the schedule for next year. Writing and reading should also be looked at separately.
WN was asked to provide examples of pupils writing work so progress could be reviewed. / ALL
9. Parent/Pupil Questionnaires
Pupil Questionnaires - see Agenda Item 4 above
Parent Questionnaires – to be issued in current format / WN
10. End of Year Report to Parents
Governor responsibilities as follows:-
H&S – JL
Parent Governor Update – CC
Curriculum and Staffing – CK
Finance and Resources – AW
Community and Welfare – BS (actioned)
Staff and Governor Training – WN/VS
All copy to be forwarded to JL as soon as possible as reports need to be issued before the end of term. JL to liaise with WN accordingly once contributions have been received. / JL/CC/CK/AW/VS/WN
11. Policy Update
WN to update governors next term. / WN
12. End of Year Meal – Friday 17th July, Netherwood Hotel
Cheques to CK as soon as possible please. Presentation to be made to Gillian Slater. / ALL
13. Any Other Business
Website – WN reported that CK is keen to develop the website and has met with a number of local providers. A potential new supplier has been identified charging £1,000 setup costs and a £150 annual hosting fee. Governors agreed in principle to the development of a new site but expressed concern about the cost. CK/WN were asked to provide more details about the benefits and functionality of the new site. AW and the Finance and Resources committee to be consulted about the budgetary implications.
Fishwicks Crematorium Application Appeal Hearing– JL reported that this was taking place at 10am in Kendal Town Hall on the 11th August. As the grounds for appeal did not involve the school and the governing body’s views had already been put forward there would be no representation from the school. / WN/CK
AW/F&R Committee
14. Confidential Items
Not applicable.
15. Date of Next SIP Meeting
Inaugural meeting of the Governing Body – Monday 14th September 2015, 7pm.
(Beetham Brief Encounter - 6.30pm, 9thJuly)
(Leavers’ Service – 2pm, 15th July)
SIP. 22.06.15. SC. APPROVED 17.11.15.