Becoming an STA Pool Snorkelling Teacher by RPL
STA members who are qualified Snorkelling Teachers or Instructors from other organisations are eligible to be registered to deliverthe STA Pool Snorkelling Programme.
To register members must complete and return the following:
- RPL Form
- Worksheet
- Relevant Certificates
- £15.00 registration fee
The application will be processed, normally within 28 calendar days, and you will be asked to confirm your acceptance and agree to abide by the relevant Rules and Regulations.
All the Rules and Regulations and Membership Application Forms are available at
Post Code / Tel:
Pre-requisites- Please
I am currently an STA Member - or /
I enclose herewith my Membership Application Form /
I enclose herewith my cheque for £15.00 /
Scuba Diving Instructors Qualification
Other Please provide details:
Pool Rescue Award
NaRS Pool Lifeguard NaRS Pool Attendant NaRS Poolside Helper NaRSPool Safety Award
Other Please provide details:
Signed ______Date ______
Return to:
STA, Anchor House, Birch St, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 8HZ
STA Pool Snorkelling Programme Teacher’s RPL Worksheet
Teachers are required to successfully complete this worksheet to show evidence of reading the
STA Pool Snorkelling Teaching Manual. This can be downloaded from .
1. What are the minimum numbers of contact hours required for each STA Pool Snorkelling Level?
Level 1Level 2
Level 3
2. What is the minimum pre-requisite age for a person to attend the programme?
5 years old6 years old
7 years old
8 years old
3. Which one of the following is part of the prerequisite Competent Swimmer ability for levels 1
& 3?
Swim unaided for at least 50mSwim unaided for at least 100m
Tread Water/Float for a minimum period of 1 minute
Hold the STA Shark 3 badge and certificate
4. Who is required to complete and sign the Junior Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire?
5. If candidates answer ‘YES’ to question1 on the Junior Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire, it means that (please tick one option):
They must see a Doctor before being allowed to attend the courseThey are not allowed to attend the course
All equipment used is latex free
They must discuss their condition with the Tutor who will assess their suitability to attend the course
6. If the teacher is in the water what is the STA recommendation?
Only have a maximum of 8 students in the pool at one timeAll students must have a ‘Buddy’
The students should not use fins
Separate lifesaving cover on poolside
7. What skill must be taught before a candidate can submerge to a depth greater than 1.5m?
Clearing a fogged maskClearing water from a snorkel
Equalising pressure on the ears
Relaxed fining technique
8. Indicate, by ticking the appropriate box, if the following statement is true or false:
Students suffering from any infections/illnesses that block the sinuses must not participate in submersion activities. / TRUE / FALSE9. What is the recommended maximum Teacher to student ratio?
10. Indicate, by ticking the appropriate box, if the following statement is true or false:
To test if a mask fits correctly, place it against theface and blow out through the nose. / TRUE / FALSE
11. List the 5 types of equipment required for teaching the programme:
12. How should you clean all equipment following use?
Give to the students to take home and cleanSubmerge is a tank/bin of bleach for 5 minutes and then rinse in fresh water
Submerge is a tank/bin of bleach for 10 minutes and then rinse in fresh water
Rinse in fresh water and sanitise according to manufacturer’s recommendations
13. Saliva is used for which one of the following functions?
Defogging a maskLubricating a snorkel mouthpiece
Lubricating the shoe of a fin
Lubricating the seal around the mask
14. What is the recommended minimum depth for teaching a ‘Giant Stride’ entry?
15. How do you minimise any water from entering your mouth, while breathing through a
Clench your teethUse your tongue as a splash guard
Remain on the surface while snorkelling
Trickle breathing out while submerged
Confirmation of Completion of Worksheet
Teacher’s Name: / Memb. No.:
Teacher’s Signature: / Date:
For STA Official Use Only
Worksheet checked by: / Date:
Completed satisfactorily / YES / NO*
*If unsuccessful return to the Teacher with a blank worksheet for completion
Become an STA Pool Snorkelling Teacher by RPL and Worksheet 2010