S.A.F.E. After school
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Location: 165 Pleasant St.Contact: Ryan Glass
Littleton, N.H. 03561 (603)444-2575
Parent Handbook 2016/17
Hello parents! It is that time of year again; This handbook should help answer all of your questions about the upcoming School year. It is our intention that you will read through this handbook with your child to ensure that everyone is familiar with the rules, regulations, and procedures of the S.A.F.E. Afterschool Program. Please remember that all forms in this packet must be signed and returned before your child will be permitted to attend the program. Please keep any forms that do not need to be signed, as these sheets hold information that is important for children and parents to have the entire school year.
Things to look for this year:
After school Hours
School year2017/18, the regular program will be in session every day that school is in session, beginningAugust 29th. The hours of operation are from 2:15-5:15 p.m. The S.A.F.E Afterschool program is for children in grades K-6.
Program Fees
Please make all checks payable to Town Of Littleton, and please write the name of the child, on the memo of your check. You also have the option of paying online, at our Departments website. We do not accept cash!
First Child $250.00 per year
Additional Child$100.00 per year
Drop in rate$8.00 per day
A $50.00 deposit is due MONDAY or the first day of attendance of the program for the week in attendance!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Monthly, Weekly or daily payments are required in full!! There are no partial payments accepted, regardless of the number of days attended by your child and regardless of the number of days the program is open!!
Discipline Policy
Please take a few moments to review the S.A.F.E. Afterschool Program discipline policy with your child. This form should remain with you in your handbook throughout the school year.
The Afterschool program is offered so that children can have a safe and fun environment during the hours of 2:30-5:00. That being said, we expect all participants and parents/families to respect the staff, the other kids, and the property of others at all times.
We reserve the right to remove any child from the program if we feel we cannot adequately handle the behavioral needs of the child.
Offensive behaviors
Pushing, fighting, swearing, verbal abuse of another child or staff, stealing or destruction of property, failure or refusal to follow directions, misbehavior in the class room or gym area, and any other behavior deemed inappropriate by the staff.
The 3 strikes policy of the program is as follows:
- Strike one:If after a verbal warning the behavior does not change, a written notice will be sent home which will need to be signed by a parent and returned before the child is permitted to return to the program.
- Strike two:If poor behavior continues after the written warning, a second written notice will be sent home which will also need to be signed and returned before the child returns to the program. The child will also be asked to not return the following day after the incident.
- Strike three: If poor behavior continues after the first and second strike. The child will be removed from the camp for the remaining days of the afterschool program.
Fighting will not be tolerated. If fighting occurs the child will automatically move to strike two status and will be asked to not return the following day.
The S.A.F.E. Afterschool Program ends at 5:10pm. All children are expected to be signed out by 5:10 p.m.unless permitted to leave at a specified time by written notice. All children being picked up must be signed out by a parent or designated person everyday!
S.A.F.E. Afterschool Program Registration and Medical & Emergency form.
(Fill out one per child)
Childs Name ______M or F ______DOB ______
Address ______Last grade completed _____
Email ______
Parent/Guardian ______Home phone ______
Work phone ______Other ______
Parent/Guardian ______Home phone ______
Work phone ______Other ______
Check the days your child will be attending the program:
______M ______T ______W ______Th ______F Starting Date: ______
***Emergency contact person in the event of injury/illness and the parent cannot be reached. (This must be completed before your child will be permitted to the park.)
Name ______Home phone ______Work phone ______
Address ______
Medical Information
Does your child have any medical needs, allergies, or special conditions?YN
If yes, explain______
Does your child take any medications that we need to be aware of?YN
Does the medication need to be taken during Program hours?YN
(If you answered yes to either of the above questions, please complete the Medicine release form.)
Has your child ever been stung by a bee?YN
If yes, was there a reaction? ______
Please list all persons who are permitted to pick up your child after the park program.
(For safety reasons, we may ask for ID from people until we get to know them. We will not permit your child to leave camp with anyone who is not listed here, unless we have written permission from a Parent or guardian in advance. If there is anyone who is not permitted to pick up your child, official documentation is required with registration. If there are any questions or concerns, please see the director.)
Child Release
[Fill out one per child]
I understand that participating in recreation and sports activities has inherent risks. I take full responsibility for any accidents or injuries occurring during such activities. I hereby release the Town of Littleton, its employees, and volunteers from any liability or personal injury and loss or damage to property which my child(ren) may experience in connection with the Littleton S.A.F.E. Afterschool Program. I hereby consent to any medical procedures, including transportation to a medical facility, for my child in the event I cannot be reached and my child has sustained an injury.
Child’s Name______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Biker/Walker Release ______(if not applicable, leave blank)
(Please indicate whether your child is biking or walking)
I give my child permission to (walk ride a bike) home from the afterschool program. My child should leave the program at______(time).
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
[If there are any changes in the time that your child will be leaving or if the child should not walk or ride a bike, a written note MUST be sent to the office on that morning.
Final Child/Parent Contract
I have read and understand the policies and procedures described here in this handbook. I assume responsibility for my child(ren) and myself to abide by these policies and procedures. I understand that failure to do so can result in consequences pertaining to my child’s attendance at the program. I have read the S.A.F.E Afterschool Program discipline policy with my child(ren) and have explained the steps that will be taken if my child misbehaves while under the direction of the Program Staff.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
I, as anS.A.F.E. Afterschool Program Camper, have read the discipline policies of the program with my parent/guardian, and understand the consequences that will occur with my failure to follow the policy.
Child SignatureDate
Remember to return the following forms to the office:
[ ] Registration Form
[ ] Release/Medicine Form/Biker or Walker Release Form
Please Mail completed forms to Town of Littleton:
125 Main Street / Park Phone: 444-2575Suite 200 / Federal ID#: 02-6000495
Littleton, NH 03561 /