Hooks High School Algebra 2 Honors

Syllabus: Algebra 2 Honors


Name:Teresa Kuhn

Room 10



Textbook: McGraw Hill Texas Algebra 2 ISBN 978-0-02-139256-8. Students will have online access to all textbook resources at connectEd.mcgraw-hill.com. They will be given their login information on the first day of class.

AScientificCalculator(preferablya graphing calculator)

3-ring notebook with loose-leaf paper (No spiral notebooks please)

Pencil and erasers

StudentLearningOutcomes for the Course


1. Demonstrateunderstandingandknowledgeofpropertiesoffunctions,whichincludedomainand


2. Recognizeand apply linear,polynomial,rational,radical,exponential,andlogarithmicfunctionsand solverelatedequations.

3. Applygraphingtechniques.

4. Evaluate allrootsofhigherdegreepolynomialandrational functions.

5. Recognize,solveand apply systemsoflinearequationsand inequalities.

StudentRequirementsfor Completionof theCourse andDueDates

There is a 10 day window after the due date in which to complete each homework assignment (except for the last ones). Scores are automatically reduced 10% per day beyond the due date. There is a 5 day window for taking chapter testsafter the due date for students who are absent. ALL work is due by the last regular class date.

Homework – Homework will be assigned for each class period.

Daily Work - Assignments will be done in class and turned in at the end of the period regularly.

Tests– There will be Chapter tests and quizzes over chapters 1-8 and section 9.7.

Projects – There will be 2 projects assigned during this course, one each semester.

Semester Tests– Therewillbeamultiplechoicecomprehensivefinalexamgiventhelastweekofeachsemesterinourregularclassroom.


Youhaveopportunitytoearnpointsinthefollowing areas.Your finalgradewillbedeterminedbythe correspondingpercentages.

Homework / 20%
Daily work / Daily work / 30%
ChapterTests/Projects / 50%

Six Weeks Grade = 0.2*homework average +0 .3*daily work average + 0.5*Test average

SemesterGrade=0.3*1st six week average+0.3*2nd six weekaverage+ 0.3*3rd six week average + 0.1*semester test grade.

Final Grade = 0.5*1st semester average + 0.5*2nd semester average


A90-100 / B80-89 / C70-79 / D60-69 / F59-below

Test Policy –A student may retake any quiz or test within 1 week of the test administration after seeking additional instruction. This instruction will include correcting the previous test and/or completing an additional worksheet for practice. The original test score and the retake score will then be averaged together and the average will be placed in the grade book for that test.

Calculator Policy – Each student will be assigned a calculator for in-class use after a calculator–policy sheet has been signed by the student and a parent/guardian and returned to me. As these calculator will not be checked out for home use, there will be access to a free on-line calculator on the school webpage as well as calculator apps that can be purchased and downloaded to various types of smart phones. Check school website for specifics. If you feel that your child needs at-home access to a graphing calculator then we suggest a TI-84 graphing calculator that can be purchased at most local retail stores.

School Web Page – Assignments will be able to be viewed on the school web page that is assigned to me.

Projects – The due date for each project will be given to the students when the project is assigned. There is a 10 day window after the due date in which to complete the assignment. Scores are automatically reduced 10% per day beyond the due date. This is without regard to absences. If you are not going to be able to be at school on the due date you must make arrangements to turn your project in beforehand or send it with someone you trust.

Please sign below stating your agreement to this syllabus and willingness to abide by guidelines set forth in it.

Student signature______



I want you to have an enjoyable learning experience this year. Math is a vital subject which I am sincere about. The primary cause for failure is lack of concern in attendance and study. If you make up your mind to have a genuine concern then you will pass this class.

Please sign below stating your agreement to and understanding of this syllabus and turn it back in as soon as possible.

Student signature______

Parent/Guardian signature______
