Trace Minerals in Cellfood

Actinium / Dysprosium / Krypton / Platinum / Tantalum
Antimony / Erbium / Lanthanum / Polonium / Technetium
Argon / Europium / Lithium / Potassium / Tellurium
Astatine / Fluorine / Lutetium / Praseodymium / Terbium
Barium / Gadolinium / Magnesium / Promethium / Thallium
Beryllium / Gallium / Manganese / Rhenium / Thorium
Bismuth / Germanium / Molybdenum / Rhodium / Tin
Boron / Gold / Neodymium / Rubidium / Titanium
Bromine / Hafnium / Neon / Ruthenium / Tungsten
Calcium / Helium / Nickel / Samarium / Vanadium
Carbon / Holmium / Niobium / Selenium / Xenon
Cerium / Hydrogen / Nitrogen / Silica / Ytterbium
Cesium / Indium / Osmium / Silicon / Zinc
Chromium / Iodine / Oxygen / Silver / Zirconium
Cobalt / Iridium / Palladium / Sodium
Copper / Iron / Phosphorus / Sulfur

There are 79 trace minerals and elements in total present in Cellfood. Outlined here are some of the potential benefits and potential negative health consequences of the elements in Cellfood

Trace minerals and health

There are some schools of thought that believe the body needs up to 72 trace elements and minerals for health. Some of these we even take in our daily diets- so why would we not need them? They are found in seafood and are also taken up by plants and we get them from eating plant foods. There is a huge controversy surrounding the supplementation of lesser known elements, because of their relative toxicity to humans. However, in small or trace amounts, these minerals and elements are actually life giving and heath enhancing. Even arsenic is needed by the body in small amounts- even though it is deathly poisonous in large amounts.

What makes a particular mineral toxic or not all has to do with the form the mineral is in. Take something seeminglybeneficial, like calcium. In its inorganic rock form, calcium is actually toxic and can build up in and block arteries in a process known as calcification. But in its ionic, colloidal form, it is very beneficial, helping with nerve impulses and building strong bones and teeth. Any unadulterated mineral product, like Cellfood will contain a full spectrum of minerals found in nature and is therefore can to contain some “toxic” elements. But in the case of Cellfood, these elements are not toxic at all. This is because all the minerals are present in only very trace amounts and are bio-electrical, ionic and colloidal in nature.

Bear in mind, too, that biochemical science is only just beginning to uncover the beneficial effects of trace elements and it wasn’t too long ago that essential minerals like selenium, chromium and molybdenumwere considered non-essential.

In addition, there have been experiments done that show that toxic inorganic minerals can actually be chelated and safely removed by supplementing with their organic, colloidal, bio-electrical counterparts.The test, conducted by Dr. GP Todd- author of the book Nutrition, Health and Disease, involved subjects already diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning (through hair analysis). The subjects were then given a full spectrum bio-available trace mineral supplement along with vitamins and amino acids and high dose vitamin C. During the study it was observed that several of the individuals with lower levels of toxic metals on their initial hair analysis, initially experienced a notable rise is those same substances as evidenced by their second hair analysis three months later. This appeared to indicate that there was a mobilization of the stored toxic metals from the body's soft tissues back into solution which would account for the higher concentration of these substances in the hair. Repeat hair analysis at six months all the way through sixteen months (the end of the study) demonstrated reduced levels of toxic metal in the hair as the natural chelation process took place and the toxic mineral levels were reduced.

What does this study show? Analysis of the results suggest that there is some type of ionic exchange taking place between the opposite minerals because the organic minerals bear an opposite electro-magnetic charge.

Another reason for the success of organic, electro-charged, colloidal mineral supplements is that they contain a full-spectrum of elements. In nutrition, substances work together with each other, in synergy and rarely work alone. It doesn’t always help to just supplement with one or two minerals (unless you are treating a specific deficiency). For optimum health, you need the full range.

Some people also ask the question- how can such small or trace amounts of minerals way under the RDA have an effect on my body? Biophysicist, Fritz-Albert Popp believes it’s all to do with the electric properties of the supplemented minerals. In essence Dr. Popp observed that, "All living organisms emit certain electro-magnetic waves. If they are in healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This phenomena is common to all forms of cells. These electro-magnetic emissions are called bio-photons." He showed that when cells are given only a small quantity of a bio-electrical mineral solution increased the cell’s energy levels considerably. (From Not All Minerals are Created Equal by Steven Whiting PhD)

Special Focus on: Major elements, all life

Carbon (C) 6

Carbon is unique in its chemical properties because it forms a number of components superior than the total addition of all the other elements in combination with each other. The biggest of these components is formed by carbon and hydrogen. Carbon and its components are widely distributed in nature. Carbon forms 3 gasses with oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and carbon suboxide. Carbon also forms compounds with the halogens, fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. Carbon is found in big reservoirs like hard coal. Pure crystalline carbon is found in the form of graphite and diamond.

No element is more essential to life than carbon. Carbon can form strong single bonds with itself as well as with other elements and is the structural basis of most compounds that comprise living cells, especially DNA.

Elemental carbon has a very low toxicity. Black carbon, carbon monoxide and cyanide are hazardous in gas form. Carbon 14 is one of the radio nucleotide involved in atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, which began in 1945, with a US test, and ended in 1980 with a Chinese test. It is among the long-lived radionuclides that have produced and will continue to produce increased cancers risk for decades and centuries to come. It also can cross the placenta, become organically bound in developing cells and hence endanger fetuses.

Carbon is found in most of what we eat, giving a total carbon intake of 300 g/day.

Percentage Amount in the Human Body: 22.85 %

Hydrogen (H) 1

At standard temperature and pressure it is a colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, univalent, tasteless, highly flammable gas. Hydrogen is the lightest chemical element; its most common isotope comprises just one negatively charged electron, distributed around a positively charged proton (the nucleus of the hydrogen atom — all other atoms have more complex nuclei involving more protons or neutrons).

The role of this element to human life is impossible to understate. It forms part of water, which second to oxygen, is the most important element to life. As well as being a critical component of water, hydrogen is also part of hydrogen bonds, which give water many of its special qualities. Hydrogen also binds to carbon in the body to form the structure and physical arrangement of our bodies. It also forms part of hydrochloric acid (HCl), essential for digestion and absorption. Without hydrogen, life would not exist.

Hydrogen is not radioactive or carcinogenic. Inhaling high concentrations can lead to headaches, dizziness and unconsciousness.

Percent amount in body: 10%

Nitrogen (N) 7

Nitrogen is a colourless, tasteless and mostly inert non-metallic gas comprising almost 80% of the earth’satmosphere and is a constituent of all living tissues. In the body, nitrogen forms many important compounds including amino acids, nucleic acids, ammonia, nitric acid and cyanides. Nitrogen can also be found in organic compounds, like amines, amides and nitro groups. Nitrogen is relatively non-reactive on its own but in the body it is slowly converted to useful compounds. Nitrogen dissolves in the blood stream and very high levels can lead to decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis. Humans cannot get nitrogen from the air we breathe; we must take it in the diet. Nitrogen is fund in almost all types of foods.

Percent amount in human body: 2.57%

Oxygen (O) 8

Oxygen is the second most common element on earth and comprises around 46% of the earths crust, 2*% of the entire earth and is the third most common element in the universe. It is usually covalently or ironically bonded to other elements. Most elemental free oxygen comes from photosynthesis of algae and plants. Oxygen supplementation has use in medicine as oxygen therapy because it is essential to respiration. Breathing in oxygen acts as a mild euphoric. Dioxygen (O2) is a gas and makes up 21% of the earths atmosphere. O3 or ozone consists of 3 oxygen atoms. Due to its electro negativity, oxygen forms chemical bonds with almost all other elements hence the origin of the original definition of oxidation. The only elements to escape the possibility of oxidation are a few of the noble gases. The most famous of these oxides is water (H2O), without which life on earth would not exist. Oxygen also forms radicals such as chlorates (ClO3) and nitrates (NO3). Oxygen is non toxic at normal pressures. Certain derivatives of oxygen, like hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals are toxic. The body has developed mechanisms to deal with these byproducts, like the antioxidant glutathione and the enzyme catalase.

Percent amount in human body: 61.43% (mainly as water)

Special focus on: Noble gasses

The group of elements on the periodic table referred to as the noble gasses consist of helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. All of these with the exception of radon can be found in Cellfood.

The noble gasses are generally described as inert (unreactive), although argon, krypton and xenon do form some compounds. Their inertness is due to their having a complete valence shell (equal number of protons and electrons). The noble gasses are all gasses at room temperature. The noble gasses in Cellfood are as follows:

Argon (Ar) 18

Argon is one of the noble gasses and is also the most abundant in the earth. Because Argon is a gas, it is not typically ingested. It is non-hazardous. I cannot find any information regarding the use of argon in health or nutrition.

Helium (He) 2

Helium is a gaseous element and is one of the noble gasses. It is the second lightest element, which is why it makes balloons float. It is colourless, odourless and non toxic. Its thermal conductivity and caloric content are very high. It can be liquefied, which is how it must be present in Cellfood.Neutral helium at standard conditions is non-toxic, plays no biological role and is found in trace amounts in human blood.

Krypton (Kr) 36

Krypton is a colourless noble gas. It is inert for most practical purposes but can react with fluorine. Solidified krypton is white and crystalline. Inhalation of krypton gas causes asphyxiation. Krypton-85 is radioactive. As a noble gas, its has very little known biological role in the body but a small amount can be dissolved in the blood stream and distributed to organs. Radiation doses from ingesting krypton are very small.

Neon (Ne) 10

Neon is a colorless, nearly inert noble gas. It glows reddish orange in a vacuum discharge tube and is often used in signs to create illumination. It is non toxic a has no known biological role.

Xenon (Xe) 54

Xenon is a rare, odorless, colourless, tasteless, chemically unreactive gas. It was regarded as completely inert until, in 1962, Neil Barlett reported synthesis of xenon haxafluoroplatinate. It has very little commercial use and no known biological effect in the body. It is non toxic if ingested and is not carcinogenic.

Special focus on: Platinum Group Elements

The platinum group minerals, namely iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium and platinum seem to have the most promise as future health champions, especially ruthenium, palladium and platinum. Since they are all similar its probably true that each has some role in health that will soon be uncovered. Watch out for these- definitely the next group of trace elements to be recognized as essential to health. All of the platinum group minerals are present in Cellfood. These are the individual elements and what I have found on them:

Iridium (Ir) 77

Iridium is a dense, heavy, hard, brittle, silvery-white transition metal with a very high strength. It resembles platinum. Iridium metal is mostly non-toxic due to its relative unreactivity.There is some evidence that monoatomic iridium (as its found in Cellfood) can interact with damaged DNA causing it to recombine corrected. It also seems to inhibit the breakdown of DNA. See study: Sabbioni et al. Inhibition of enzymatic hydrolysis of end-phosphate DNA by iridium chlorocomplexes. Bioinorg Chem 1975: 5(1): 39-49

Osmium (Os) 76

Osmium is a hard brittle blue-grey transition metal in the platinum family. It is the densest natural element. Osmium forms osmium tetroxide (OsO4) which is extremely toxic. It is rarely used in its pure form due to its high toxicity. Ingestion of osmium tetroxide will lead to destruction of the tissues of the mouth and throat as well as stomach pain and vomiting. Why its in Cellfood, I don’t know. Still its in minute quantities and probably helps the other platinum group elements do their job.

Toxic if swallowed

ORL-RAT LD50 14 mg kg-1

Palladium (Pd) 46

Palladium is a rare silver white transition metal that resembles platinum and is one of the platinum group elements. It is primarily used as an industrial catalyst and in jewellery. Of note, is its ability to absorb up to 900 times its own volume of hydrogen at room temperatures. The element played an essential role in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment, also known as cold fusion. Palladium is a good catalyst and is used to speed up hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions. The compound palladium chloride was at one time prescribed as a tuberculosis treatment at the rate of 0.065g per day (approximately one milligram per kilogram of body weight). This treatment did not have many negative side effects, but was later replaced by more effective drugs. This may give some clue as to its role in human biology. Palladium is regarded as of low toxicity, being poorly adsorbed by the body when ingested.

Platinum (Pt) 78

Platinum is a heavy, malleable, ductile, precious transition metal often used in jewelry. It is a good catalyst. It generally doesn’t cause any health problems due to its unreactive nature (it is a noble metal). Certain platinum complexes (cis-platin) have been used in chemotherapy, as they have very good anti-tumor activity, particularly when used to combat testicular cancer, though they also cause cumulative, irreversible kidney damage.A danger of platinum is that it can cause potentiation of the toxicity of other dangerous chemicals in the human body, such as selenium.What the effects of platinum on animals and the environment may be has not yet been researched very extensively. The only thing we know is that platinum will accumulate in the roots of plants after uptake. Whether eating platinum-containing plant roots can do any harm to animals and humans, is not yet clear. There is some evidence that platinum supplements can help increase mental alertness, help nerve and muscle function and strengthen the immune system.

Rhodium (Rh) 45

Rhodium is a silvery white hard transition metal and is a member of the platinum group. It is the most expensive precious metal. It is used to harden platinum and palladium. Rhodium compounds are highly carcinogenic and toxic. There is no known biological role for rhodium

Ruthenium (Ru) 44

Ruthenium is a rare transition metal in the platinum group. It is used to harden platinum and palladium and is sometimes used with gold in jewellery. It is a good and versatile catalyst. Some ruthenium complexes absorb light throughout the visible spectrum and are being actively researched in various, potential, solar energy technologies. Recently, large metallo-organic complexes of ruthenium have been found to exhibit anti-tumor activity and the first of a new group of anti-cancer medicine are now in the stage of clinical trials. Ruthenium red is a biological stain used to visualize polyanionic areas of membranes. Ruthenium red acts by inhibiting mitochondrial calcium transport. There is some evidence that Ruthenium red helps protect liver cells. Ruthenium is otherwise considered carcinogenic and toxic.

Some studies related to the anti-tumor activity of platinum:

Barakat RR. Benjamin I. Lewis JL Jr. SaigoPE. Curtin JP. Hoskins WJ. Platinum-based chemotherapy for advanced-stage serous ovarian carcinoma of low malignant potential. Gynecologic Oncology. 59(3):390-3, 1995 Dec.
Connors TA. Jones M. Ross WC. Braddock PD. Khokhar AR. Tobe ML. New platinum complexes with anti-tumour activity. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 5(6):415-24, 1972.
Farrell N. Nonclassical platinum antitumor agents: perspectives for design and development of new drugs complementary to cisplatin. [Review] [74 refs] Cancer Investigation. 11(5):578-89, 1993.
Leh FK. Wolf W. Platinum complexes: a new class of antineoplastic agents. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 65(3):315-28, 1976.
Maeda M. Takasuka N. Suga T. Sasaki T. New antitumor platinum(II) complexes with both lipophilicity and water miscibility. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. 81(6-7):567-9, 1990.
Maeda M. Uchida NA. Sasaki T. Liposoluble platinum(II) complexes with antitumor activity. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. 77(6):523-5, 1986.
Perevodchikova NI. GorbunovaVA. Grigorova TM. Kozachenko VP. Marenich AF. [Combined chemotherapy including platinum derivatives in the combined treatment of patients with stage-III to -IV ovarian cancer]. [Russian] Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR. (5):8-11, 1986.
Pouskouleli G. Kourounakis P. Platinum compounds in cancer chemotherapy. Biochemistry & Experimental Biology. 16(2):191-212, 1980.
Shparyk IaV. Bilynskyi BT. [Effectiveness of platinum drugs in the treatment of gastric cancer]. [Ukrainian] Klinicheskaia Khirurgiia. (5):48-53, 1993.
ten Bokkel Huinink WW. Eisenhauer E. Swenerton K. Preliminary evaluation of a multicenter, randomized comparative study of TAXOL (paclitaxel) dose and infusion length in platinum-treated ovarian cancer. Canadian-European Taxol Cooperative Trial Group. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 19 Suppl C:79-86, 1993.
Waxman J. Wasan H. Platinum-based chemotherapy for bladder cancer. Seminars in Oncology. 21(5 Suppl 12):54-60, 1994 Oct.
Williams CJ. Stewart L. Parmar M. Guthrie D. Meta-analysis of the role of platinum compounds in advanced ovarian carcinoma. The Advanced Ovarian Cancer Trialists Group. Seminars in Oncology. 19(1 Suppl 2):120-8, 1992.