Beaverton Rotary Club
District 5100
July 13, 2010
Cathy Mills / President / X / Christine Huot / Director / XJohn La Plante / Past President / X / Buzz Marron / Director / X
Ken Dailey / President-Elect / X / Ron Montplaisir / Director / X
Larry McMacken / Secretary / X / Greg Oaks / Director / X
Jon Woodworth / Treasurer / X / Jim Parker / Director / X
Dave Buchner / Director / Chris Winn / Director
Jerry Condray / Director / X / Jill Woodworth / Director / X
Ellen Beighley / Foundation PresidentAGENDA
Beaverton Rotary Club
Board of Directors Meeting
July 13, 2010, 7:00 – 8:00 am
Chamber of Commerce Conference Room
Call to order 7:03
Agenda Item
Board Meeting Minutes, June 8, 2010Christine moved to accept. Approved
Honorary Members – Review policy
Review Honorary Members John Anderson, LeRoy Bentley, Gladys Carlos, Jay Jantzen, David McBride, Sue Springer, Gamil Takla, Al Taylor, Robert Thompson plus Collin Peterson beginning 7/1/10] Jim moved we drop Al Reser and Gladys. Seconded by Jill. Jerry, Christine and Jim will review the listand review the policy in the constitution and ramifications of a person's being an honorary member. Approved.
Request by Dick Savinar for Honorary status The above committee is to review the process as it relates to the policy. Honorary members cannot be an officer of the club or a chair of committees.
Photography Release Form Maureen Wheeler of the school district recommends that the club have a release. We will continue discussion next month per Jon's recommendation.
- Creation
- How to Implement?
Motion to approve classification for WarrenSmalley be changed to Commercial Insurance. APPROVED
Paul Harris or some award for Rotaract President. We made prior decision to not award a Paul Harris. Other options were considered. A plaque was discussed. Cathy will look up options.
Scholarship / Grants Operating Policies Ellen led discussion on role of the club committee and role of the foundation in scholarship and grants. The question is what is the line of demarcation. The Foundation administers said grants/scholarships. Committees manage scholarships/grants not awarded.
Youth Exchange Fiscal Policy (attached) Foundation will be discussing the policy at Thursdays meeting. Jon to explain at next club meeting how members can get background checks.
NEW Business.
Ellen reports on discussion she and Connie Winn and others had regarding fellowship. They decided that we would have a some type of Thirsty Thursday with first one this Thursday night at the Racoon Lodge at 5:30.
Ellen believes that the Day in the Sun will be making some money. She recommends that a T Shirt [Beaverton Rotarian at Work] be purchased for members who participate in the projects. Board members liked the idea.
Treasurer’s Report – Jon Last years report will have a couple of adjustments. John's year will have a deficit. This years expenditures will have an adjustment of $750 for accounting moved from last year's report. 52 have not paid their dues as of this date. Discussion on the emailing of the dues notice – some do not remember receiving them or their spam filters are intercepting the bills. We shall have some generic dues notice. Larry will have some at the club on Wednesday.
Membership – Larry
- Stats - June 30 – 96 members, 6/2 – 66%, 6/9 – 68%, 6/16 – 68%, 6/23 – 71%, 6/30 – 72%
- Prospective Members - Jim Lundblade 7/14 (Charlie Dobson), Vickie Adams 7/14 (John Woodworth), Maureen Wheeler 7/21 (Larry McMacken) plus application request from Ernesto Toskovic (Jim Parker) Paul Alley, Scott Porter and Chuck Keagy resigned.
Foundation Report – Ellen Foundation is trying to reorganize regarding policies, procedures, etc.
Greg Oaks reported that the fund raising committee had a meeting last evening with the discussion focusing on a third fund raising option – Fun Run (not this year), Taste of Beavertion. Bob Brandon early fall with a Bar-B-Que (a fund raiser social event)
Jon said that questions have been raised about the difference of lunch cost and expense. It is a positive balance.
Question was raised are we considering a wine tour this year. Connie Winn had some thoughts about this.
Jerry raised a question about job descriptions, etc. Where do we store the records? Do we have a storage policy? Maybe we should rent a room. What happens if someone comes in and asks for info. Cathy indicated that we are working toward computer storage of all records. Cathy reported that Jeff Spaulding will be reviewing web stuff. Another phase would be to develop processes for long term retention of reports, minutes, etc.
Buzz reported that Hal is getting stuff for St. Mary’s ballfield,so there will be a need for workers.
Vacant chair positions
Job Descriptions
July 22 – Summer Picnic
September 24-26 -- Black Butte
October 25 – DG Barb Dinner at Christine's
October 27 – DG Barb visit to club
October 9 -- Wine Raffle
Adjourn 8:22
Per Beaverton Rotary Constitution
Section 6 Honorary Membership.
Eligibility for Honorary Membership. Persons who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals and those persons considered friends of Rotary for their permanent support of Rotary’s cause may be elected to honorary membership in this club. The term of such membership shall be as determined by the board. Persons may hold honorary membership in more than one club.
Discussed at April BOD meeting
-length of time as a Rotarian and as a Beaverton Rotarian
-activity as a Rotarian
-age and health (physical capabilities) of Rotarian
-other considerations
Beaverton Rotary Club Youth Exchange Fiscal Policy
This will serve as a guideline for payment or reimbursement of expenses involved with the Youth Exchange Program.
The Beaverton Rotary Foundation will pay the following program expenses;
-50% of Outbound student registration fee $750
-Inbound student monthly stipend$1,250
-Host family monthly reimbursement$1,750
-District 5100 Inbound Fee$900
-Youth Protection Policy Background checks (for host families)$150
-Inbound student school expenses (activity or athletic fees, etc.)
-Other expenses that the Beaverton Rotary Foundation Board may decide to cover when circumstances warrant.
The Beaverton Rotary Club will pay the following expenses;
-Miscellaneous YEC expenses
-Meals for students and host families at weekly meetings
-Meals/fees for club functions (Auction, Black Butte weekend, Installation Banquet, etc)
-Youth Protection Policy Background checks (for Rotarians)
-Other expenses that the Beaverton Rotary Club Board may decide to cover when circumstances warrant.
The Inbound Student will be expected to pay the following expenses;
-Cell phone
-His/her entertainment
-School dances, yearbook, graduation, etc.
These are guidelines. Individual circumstances will vary and the BRC Board may decide to deviate from the above from time to time. Generally, the payment of the above, and similar, expenses should be the responsibility of the Club or the student and not the host family.
Photo/Digital Image Release
Beaverton Rotary Club, District 5100
Beaverton, Oregon
I hereby grant Beaverton Rotary permission to use my likeness in a photograph or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration.
I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of Beaverton Rotary and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize Beaverton Rotary to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute this photo for purposes of publicizing Beaverton Rotary and it’s programs, activities and mission.
In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph. I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge Beaverton Rotary from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.
I am 18 years of age and am competent to contract in my own name. I have read this release before signing below and I fully understand the contents, meaning, and impact of this release.
______(Signature) (Date)
(Printed Name)
If the person signing is under age 18, there must be consent by a parent or guardian, as follows:
I hereby certify that I am the parent or guardian of ______, named above, and do hereby give my consent without reservation to the foregoing on behalf of this person.
(Parent/Guardian’s Signature)(Date)
(Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name)
Revised: April 24, 2010
Director Huot's Report - July 13, 2010
Herb McDonnell - Group Study
Nothing new to report
Sherre – WCS
Nothing new to report.
Mark Fryburg.- Ambassadorial Scholars
Nothing new to report.
John R - Youth Exchange
In regards to the committee activity. They are behind getting theinformation to the district for the new inbound student. They are hung up withthe Beaverton school district. John has submitted the paperwork to thedistrict and must wait for the one person in the district to bless it (onvacation) and then get someone at Sunset High to stamp it off. With any luckthat will happen next week. John Boone and family have volunteered to be ahost family and I am not sure if the district has given the green light. Hedoes not anticipate a problem but the paperwork requirements are daunting.
Larry - Friendship Exchange
Waiting for information from the District. George (former King George) Kringelhede is working with the district chair to get chairs in each club.
Bob B - WCS Requests
Follow items were discussed.
(1) what more Dave McMorine should do along the way toward Fall when we anticipate receiving a specific request for funds, depending on how successful he is between now and then;
(2) a request from Shantu Shah that we consider a request to contribute to his India School Project, that he indicates is now sponsored by the East Portland Club. He's being informed that he needs to apply in the Fall and reminded what additional information is necessary for consideration.
Director Woodworth's report.
I really don't have anything to report as most of my committees are self-sustaining. Bob Peterson is working hard at getting programs lined up. Emails have been flying. We have programs set for July.