Beaver County Collaborative Action Network Foundation
Minutes of the Advisory Board of Directors Meeting
October 14, 2015
Attendance: Victor Colonna, Carl DeChellis, Mary Ann Falcone-Bolland, Linda Hall, Joanne Koehler, Gerard Mike, Paulette Miller,Rick Riley, Dave Rodgers
Mike Rubino, Darlene Thomas
AGENDA ITEM / DISCUSSION / MOTIONSOpening Meeting / Paulette Miller, Executive Director, BCRC, Inc. opened the meeting at 12:16pm.
Review of Minutes / Minutes were previously emailed to the representatives from partner agencies. There was a correction to the September 2015 minutes. The Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit applied for a grant that will allow them to hosta training on aggression.
Dave Rodgers motioned to accept the minutes; Gerard Mike seconded. All were in favor; none opposed. / Minutes corrected and approved
Finances / Finances were reviewed by Victor Colonna.
Rick Riley motioned to accept the financial report; Mike Rubino seconded. All were in favor; none opposed. / Financials approved
Bills / Victor Colonnareviewed the bills to be paid.
Rick Riley motioned to pay the bills; Gerard Mike seconded. All were in favor; none opposed. / Bills approved
BCBH / Gerard Mike discussed some of the issues with the state budget still on hold and ways to provide funds to help maintain operations in some of the Beaver County agencies that are in dire need. Gerard reflected on things he is doing to help provide some funds to providers. BCBH’s goal is to prevent closure of any funded programs.
Women’s Center of Beaver County / Darlene Thomas shared that October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. There were 1,300 victims of domestic violence in Beaver County this past year and there is also a great problem with homelessness in Beaver County. Darlene discussed the Adult Services Group, a weekly support group that runs from September through May. A help line is available at the Women’s Center for more information.
Beaver County Office on Aging / Linda Hall announced that October is open enrollment for Medicare Insurance. Several trained staff are available to provide counseling for help with open enrollment. Beaver County Office on Aging advocates strongly for residents rights in nursing homes and has a department that handles complaints.
United Way of Beaver County / Mike Rubino reported that United Way’s October and November allocations were released during this month of October. Mike discussed the steel, oil and gas industry’seconomy and the result of having less of a work force to make new financial pledges. Mike plans on campaigning with new companies to increase participation in employee pledging.
The United Way kick-off breakfast was held on September 24, 2015 at the Shadow Lakes Country Club and had a very good turn out with more than 200 people who attended. A client from the Women’s Center attended the breakfast and shared her story about how the Center helped her overcome many obstacles in her life.
Mike talked about 2-1-1 and how he has been providing information to other companies to promote 2-1-1.
Discount prescription cards are available at no charge that provide up to 75% off prescriptions and prescription co-pays. Mike will bring these prescription cards to the next BCCAN meeting.
Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit / Dave Rodgers talked about the Beaver County Transition Council that is a team of school professionals, agency representatives, and community members interested in providing services to students receiving secondary transition services in Beaver County. The next Beaver County Transition Council meeting will be on October 23, 2015 from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm at the Beaver County CTC.
Dave mentioned the Bender Leadership Academy that provides employment skills to students with disabilities. Seven Beaver County school districts will participate in the academy this year. The Intermediate Unit is looking to increase parent outreach at New Horizon School in Beaver; it is in the initial planning phase and flyers will be sent out.
Dave explained Project RENEW, a program that helps students who are at the risk of dropping out of school. Trained facilitators guide students through a mapping process to identify their strengths, supports and goals. The students then can develop a plan to achieve their goals. Several school districts in Beaver County are receiving training for the project.
National Disability Mentoring Day is October 21, 2015. / Beaver County Transition Council Meeting
9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Beaver County CTC
National Disability Mentoring Day
Housing Authority of the County of Beaver / Carl DeChellis announced that the Housing Authority recently sold a housing property. The Housing Authority of the County of Beaver continues to receive funds from HUD. After school programs were discussed.
The Beaver County on Call program is working toward an agreement with the County to provide temporary housing to victims of a disaster. The Housing Authorityhas two apartments available on College Hill that the County will fund for the remainder of 2015-16, and possibly into the future if funds are available.
JTBC / Rick Riley discussed how JTBC is dealing with the state budget issues. The US Airways closure affected 81 residents with some relocating to Texas. Rick talked about the steel industry and how those individuals who are laid off can be eligible for training at JTBC. The Welfare to Work program has had great success with job placements.
There will be a Job Fair Boot Camp on October 22, 2015 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Beaver Valley Mall. This event will help individuals with their resume, how to dress for an interview and interviewing tips, including mock interviews. Approximately 70 – 80 employers will be present at this event.
PA Career link of Beaver County will host a Job and Career Fair on Thursday, October 29, 2015 from
10:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Beaver Valley Mall. / Job Fair Boot Camp
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Beaver Valley Mall
Job & Career Fair
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Beaver Valley Mall
Homemaker-Home Health Aide Service / Mary Ann Falcone-Bolland shared that the Savanna Jack concert, held on September 26th had a very good turnout.
Managed Care Programs were discussed.
A hoarding task force is being created and hoarding training is being organized.
Mental Health Association / Joanne Koehler talked about Peer Support Services and expanding programs.
Lunches are being served five days a week.
The Mental Health Association hired a new payee.
Joanne has raffle tickets available for a chance to win one of five designer purses.
BCRC, Inc.
BCRC, Inc., cont. / Paulette Miller announced that sign language classes are available starting October 21, – December 2, 2015 on Wednesdays at the Aurora Building, 363 Third Street in Beaver, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
BCRC’s United Way campaign was held during the week of October 12, 2015.
Paulette discussed BCRC’s Youth Psych Rehab Program; this will be a new service to Beaver County.
Paulette talked about Project Recovery, a program developed with left over grant funds. This program helps individuals without a referral who needs help finding work due to a disability; 52 people had successful placement so far.
Paulette reported on the Autism Program for individuals who are not being served by the Autism Waiver Program. There is a need for individualized programs for those with autism aged 18-21 that BCRC will provide.
October is Disability Awareness Month. BCRC is using their electronic sign to spread awareness.
Flyers for BCRC’s Gifts Delivered Christmas Open House were handed out. The open house is being held on Tuesday, November 17 – Friday, November 20, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm at 1517 Sixth Avenue,
New Brighton. All are welcome to attend. / Update -
Sign Language classes
have been canceled
Gifts Delivered Open House
BCRC New Brighton
New Brighton, PA
Old Business / There have been problems with the BCCAN website; Victor is trying to get this corrected and has been in contact with Pacer IT, the company that hosts the website. The website may need to be moved to a new server and may affect email services. The last quarterly bill will not be paid since the website could not be accessed during that time.
There are no trainings scheduled at this time. The last training survey was reviewed and the number one topic for training was mental health. Other trainings were suggested at the Executive Board meeting; Joanne Slappo at WPIC/OERP has been contacted regarding future trainings.
The Leadership Forum was held on October 8, 2015; five board members attended.
2-1-1 was discussed; call volume has been increasing. Mike Rubino has been promoting 2-1-1 at every meeting that he attends and hands out 2-1-1 literature. PNC Bank is handing out 2-1-1 literature at their branches and 2-1-1 has been advertised in the Beaver County Bridge newsletter. A suggestion was made to put 2-1-1 information in your agencies newsletter.
New Business / Paulette Miller motioned for Mary Leitao to be a member of the BCCAN board; Mary Ann Falcone-Bolland seconded. All were in favor; none opposed.
The November BCCAN meeting is scheduled on November 11, 2015 which is Veteran’s Day this year. It was decided to cancel the November meeting since it falls on a holiday. / Motion to accept new BCCAN board member Mary Leitao approved
11/11/15 BCCAN meeting canceled
Adjournment / Carl DeChellis motioned to adjourn at 1:37 p.m. Darlene Thomas seconded.
Meeting adjourned. / Next BCCAN meeting
12/9/15, noon at BCRC