The text of a talk given by Eugene Halliday at Parklands Ishval Audio 101

Track 1

Beauty, trickery, suffering, relationships, right. So we will do a diagram first of the least relationship possible. Now to make the least diagram we put down a dot don’t we? Can you see that red dot? Or would you like a black dot drawn with a dried up pen that won’t draw? I will use the red dot and the redness will symbolise the fact that the primary dot is energy. Red equals energy. Phonetically, the word red means a vibratory process of life creating a division. Now here, where I haven’t done a dot, all round it extending to Infinity, there is no dot and there is a relation between no dot and the dot. Is that clear? And that is the least relation we can talk about, the relation of infinity to finity, the relation of the unlimited to the limited. The unlimited space is really unlimited Sentient Power and the dot is a point of concentration of that power by that power, for that power, so when it puts it puts the dot down there, that is its first beautiful gesture of self-trickery. Now trick is a little form of trock, troc, taroc, tora, law. Cosmic law is called torah or rota or taroc because it repeats eternally. Only the eternally repetitious can be eternally true, to be true it must repeat forever, so there must be a relationship forever between Infinite consciousness and the content of that consciousness which is precipitated by the consciousness, for the consciousness. And that dot is the first reference point and the first possibility of the relation. Without the dot there is an extended field of Sentient Power with no content, nothing is being done. There is an Infinite Potential and no content.

Think about that very carefully. Infinite Sentient Power doing nothing. Is it any use, is it any profit to itself? Is there a profit in a power that does nothing, gains nothing, posits nothing, there is just an awareness of nothing, is there any profit? Can there be?

You answer Trevor.


No. Does anybody disagree with that?

What do you mean by profit?

Profit, profit means a rational fittingness with a purpose. You must have a purpose, you must define it and you must define the means to its realisation. Now if your definition of the goal is matched by the means to attain it that is pro fit, pro-fit. Now that ‘fit’ and facere, to make, to do, and the ‘pro’ for and pira reason. When you define a goal the goal you define conditions your aims and your sub-aims, your purposes to get it. The means is going to be realised in the end and the realised end is the profit, right.

Now, you can spell it with a PH in the middle as well because unless you prophesy with a PH you do not setup a goal do you? So we say, “No prophesy, no Messiah”. If some men called prophets had not seen that a sacrificial figure was an essential to teach people how to take suffering If they had not prophesied there would be no looking forward, If there were no looking forward there could not be the attainment of a goal that had not been defined. Now define and divine are the same word, you are divine in so far as you can define your goal and the means to it and then take the steps to realise it.

I am Alpha, that means infinitely, extended, eidetic conscious field and Omega, the big O, the realised goal. Now beauty means that which attained with ease, absolute ease. It is another word for economy. Look at the water in the French word for beauty, look at the ‘eau’ the EAU, to flow like water, like he tao we say in with the whirl, out with the swirl. You adjust to the realities like water adjusts to rocks. Doesn’t it wear the rock down and defeat it ultimately by ever so gentle rubbings, aren’t the rocks reduced to sand? Aren’t the rocks reduced to sand and carted away into the sea? So there is a continuous cycle, and the sand is represented by that dot. The dot is posited there and then ground to bits, made into a lot of little dots so we will surround that with some other dots. We will put six dots because that is geometrically correct to do.

Track 2

Now the mills of God grind slowly, they grind exceedingly small. What is meant is that when you posit a dot that dot on its own is the possible seed of other dots. Once you have got the idea of a dot, a location, then you can have the idea of a plurality of dots, and when you have a plurality of dots then you have something you didn’t have with only one dot, whereas the relation of infinity to the dot is simple, the relation of several dots to each other is not so because then we can extend the dot and make it, through passing through the dot, a line connecting to another dot. So we can say, there is a triangle, and there is another triangle. Now who would have thought in putting the dots down, that we would arrive at the Israeli flag, and that means a triad of power, form, function in two worlds. The one that points upwards is the spiritual world, the one that points downwards is the physical world, and we live in two worlds a world of consciousness and a world of physicality constituting the object of consciousness. We all have physical bodies, they are objects and we all have those physical bodies within the field of consciousness.

Now it is beautiful when we can do a thing easily. If you go to the ballet and you see a girl dancing with great grace and floating about, either on the points or heels, as long as it’s done with ease, with efficiency and smoothness you say beauty, because the model of beauty is water. Water means flexibility. It means flow, it means ease, it means beauty, it means B a house of EAU, water, crucified, suffering, I will write that word for you. One house, one zone of water, one crucifixion and one affirmation. Now we can’t have beauty unless we affirm the crossings of the waves of the water in the house.

I am going to surround this diagram here, the earliest form of the letter B is quite simply is a circle which represents a sphere. When a sphere spins, it flattens and becomes a circle. The solar system is flattened into a plane because it rotates. The same with the spiral nebulae you see in the sky.

Now we are talking about trickery and beauty, sacrifice, suffering and we will examine the relation between them. We say that unless you can affirm, that is Y, unless you can say yes to it, you cannot establish it. Establishment of anything whatever, every idea, every feeling, every active of the will, unless it is posited it cannot be established, so there must be a YT, Himalayan Yeti, there must be an affirmation of a cross and the cross symbol is an active force striking a passive force. The vertical symbolises the active and the horizontal the passive, and unless that relation exists, then there is no establishment of a Cosmos.

Track 3

Now let’s look at the EAU. The B is a house, which is a sphere. E is life A is action, U is drive, A is action of affection, so the word is saying “Life, affection, drive”, a house, a spherical container, which is our being. You know we all start life as an egg, an ovum carried in the body of a woman, and this is impregnated with a sperm, a more condensed, more formulated being, the two relate together and the life force has felt itself to be and then driven. The life has felt itself to be and then driven itself, within itself, to become itself, to realise itself, and ultimately attain absolute free, easy self-expression of itself to itself. We are all working to express ourselves to ourselves. The marvellous dancer or Olympic Gamester does it to express him self in order to become, by feedback, aware of himself. If you do a terrific pole jump everybody applauds and you know that you are you because the applause is for you, and you can see the Olympic gamester, when there is a great burst of applause, when he does something brilliant and you can see him swell a bit, he has done it right. And if he takes a leap and does the splits and lands on the wrong leg, he knows there is a mark gone off there and it is not ten, not nine-five it’s five-six and he feels smaller and he literally shrinks, he is on the way to death and he keeps repeating he will die. I remember a particular gamester who, on seeing a negro do a long jump, gave up trying and it was a very, very long jump so although he was a long jumper, he gave up, he shrank, his long jumping potential diminished. He might have done the opposite, he might have said if he can jump that far I can jump twice that far, if I do twice the practice and have twice the intelligence and twice the better coach and twice the better food and vitamins and so on.

Did he invite the thing?


He didn’t invite himself to that?

No he did not, he invited himself to failure. Probably many of you remember that particular case. But we must remember that unless we have that B which is a sphere, we can’t have this water controlled and if it not controlled, it is chaos. Control means con with trol, tora linkage. It means binding up and then flowing within a boundary. I’ll draw you an example of water flowing at random like this, this is random water. Now tell me, do you like that or do you prefer this kind of water, which do you find the more interesting? This one. Why, well it has got the point in it there which would pin it totally and having created it, it dodged the final committal and got out. And we think that is terribly clever. We are always courting disaster, you know everyone that has ever got married knows that, the ones that didn’t get married, they were not finally committed, they didn’t quite make the grade; they did not do what is necessary for beauty then. You can’t have beauty unless you commit yourself to the ultimate degree of restraint within the situation into which you enter, and affirm that restraint. That restraint is educational.

Let’s write the word ‘restraint’, the re of course is the repetition, and here is the strain, [re – strain] Spirit rotating, tora, AIN, that means an observer, there is an eye observing. If you don’t rotate, you cannot become an eye/I. If you don’t repeat you cannot become an eye/I. You must tell yourself over and over again, “I am such and such a being, I am power, I am form, I am function”. And you must say what kind of power, weak power, strong power, mediocre power, and you must say what form, triangular, square, hexagonal, and you must say what function. If you can say the power, the form and the function, and repeat it you establish yourself as a being of power, form, function. But that is the definition of God, God is Infinite power, form, function, and a divine being that is not infinite but is created and finite, self-realised, is called a little god because he makes himself as a little circle within the big circle by power, by formation, by functioning.

Track 4

The answer is some thing. There is our dot again, and when we look at that dot and remember that infinity of light beyond it, we see that where the infinity meets the edge of the dot there, there is an interface and what we are going to talk about to explain beauty and trickery, remember trickery is little troc(k)ery, Troc is big law, Cosmic law, trick is a little application of a little knowledge of that law.

I was teaching Ghreta a dirty trick the other day. Was I Ghreta?


How to handle certain colours in a certain way to produce a certain effect; it is a trick. She said, “Oh we are not supposed to use tricks.”

But we are, but we are supposed to understand that the trick is a little bit of troc, is a little bit of Cosmic Law, and the people that can’t see the trick are the ones that pay to see Paul Daniels, the tricker. Trickster is one of the oldest figures in mythology and corresponds with Mercury, Hermes, Tehuti, Messiah. Why is the Messiah a trickster? Because he spoke to the people in parables and said that hearing, they might not understand unless they repent from their sins and be saved. If they saw the trick they would repent. Repent means re-think. Magicians don’t like talking and doing tricks in front of babies because babies are not concerned with the magician’s best trick which is misdirection of attention I am going to shift a ball from one pocket to the other with my left hand so I put my right hand up there and admire it. The adult audience follows the directive, the baby is watching the hand. So good stage magicians won’t have baby on the front row because it says, “Oh Mr you’ve got it in your left pocket.”