BEACH PERMITS more readily available to people with disabilities

BEACH PERMITS have lately become more readily available to people with disabilities whocan only reach the beach by means of a vehicle.

The following guidelines should be followed when an application is made:

  • The person who makes the application should be able to give adequate proof that he/she is seriously and permanently disabled in their mobility.
  • The term “mobile disability” refers to the physical inability of limbs or absence of limbs that would enable a person to move along the beach independently.

Experts agree that the process is now fairly simple. Application forms are available from the offices of the department of environmental affairs and tourism. Among other information, as part of the application packet, a certificate issued by the national council for persons with physical disabilities is required. With this certificate the council certifies that the mobility of applicant is actually permanently and seriously inhibited. The council is only involved in an advisory capacity and merely makes recommendations to the department of environmental affairs and tourism regarding the degree of physical disability of the applicant. The recommendation is then considered as usual and completed by the provincial structures of the council. An applicant has to supply this completed evaluation, with a medical certificate, to the national council, before a final recommendation can be made.

If national council refuses to issue a certificate a notice of appeal could be directed to the council itself or to the department of environmental affairs and tourism.

In the case of children the date of birth of the person concerned is also acceptable. Applications should not take longer than 90 days to complete.

Beach permits are issued to a specific person and not to his/her vehicle or the registration number of any vehicle.

For more information contact the department at (086)-1123 626 or (021)-402 3911. The contact details of the national council are: (011)-726 8040. Write to me at: Post Box 20027, Willows, 9320 or E-mail: .