Sensory Enrichment Calendar
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 Religious Services On Tape
10:30 Sunny Stretch
11:30 Home Life
1:30 Aviary Visits
2:00Pastoral Visits / 2
10:30 Up And At ‘Em
11:30Video: Songs Of
Cherished Childhood
1:30Wake Up: Orange
2:00 Ice Cream Sandwiches / 3
10:30 Willowy Wands
11:30 Spa Treatment
1:30 Watermelon Treats
2:00 Furry Friends / 4
10:30 Let’s Move
11:30 Songs Of The Sea
1:30Grandfather’s Memories
2:00Video: Island Serendipity / 5
10:30 Parachute Fun
11:30 Aromarama
1:30 Strolling Musician
2:00Sense-Abilities / 6
10:30 Friday Fitness
11:30 Sing Me A Memory
1:30 Friendship Collage
2:00Sense-Abilities / 7
10:30 Fiery Fanbourines
11:30 Easy Listening
1:30 Suitcase Of Memories
2:00 Video: Family
8 Religious Services On Tape
10:30 Sittercise
11:30 Laundry Basket
1:30 Name That Tune
2:00Sense-Abilities / 9
10:30 Tambourine Taps
11:30Video: Whimsical Songs
And Melodies
1:30 Mystery Box
2:00 Doll Therapy / 10
10:30 I’ve Got Rhythm
11:30 Royal Treatment
1:30 Color Sort
2:00 Pet Visits / 11
10:30 Steamy Stretch
11:30 Songs Of The Past
1:30 Activity Mats
2:00Video: Dream Trains, Short
Hops And Whistle Stops / 12
10:30 Wand Waves
11:30 Scent-Sational
1:30 Bedside Harp
2:00Volunteer Visits / 13
10:30 Summer Scarves
11:30 Soulful Sing Along
1:30Grandmother’s Journal
2:00Sense-Abilities / 14
10:30 Blazing Batons
11:30 Light And Easy Melodies
1:30 Famous Faces
2:00 Video: Airplanes
15 Religious Services On Tape
10:30 Rhythm Sticks
11:30 Life Skills
1:30 Aquarium Visits
2:00Sense-Abilities / 16
10:30 Stretch It Out
11:30Video: Songs Of Love And
1:30Wake Up: Green
2:00 They Come In Twos / 17
10:30 Summer Hat Dance
11:30 Pampering Time
1:30 Comfort Foods
2:00Feelings Group / 18
10:30 Move To The Beat
11:30 Beach Tunes
1:30 Natural Relaxation
2:00Video: Turtles Of The
Caribbean / 19
10:30 Clacker Crazy
11:30 Herbal ID
1:30 Strolling Musician
2:00Sense-Abilities / 20
10:30 Maraca Mayhem
1:30 Tasty Creations: Wiggly
Watermelon Parfait
2:00 Pleasing Pictures / 21
10:30 Morning Stretch
11:30 Musical Massage
1:30 Time Slips
2:00 Video: Ocean Chapel
22 Religious Services On Tape
10:30 Baton Beats
11:30 Coupon Clipping
1:30 Name That Sound
2:00Sense-Abilities / 23
10:30 Rhythm Band
11:30Video: Songs From The
1:30 Activity Aprons
2:00 Green Thumbs / 24
10:30 Musical Rope
11:30 Velvet Hands
1:30 Soak Up Some Sun
2:00 Four Legged Friends / 25
10:30 Cool Clackers
11:30 Musical Favorites
1:30 Jewelry Sort
2:00Video: Coral Reefs And
Fish / 26
10:30 Steamy Streamers
11:30 Aromatherapy
1:30 Bedside Harp
2:00Sense-Abilities / 27
10:30 Rhythm Sticks
11:30 Together In Song
1:30 Moments From The Bible
2:00Sense-Abilities / 28
10:30 Pom Pom Promenade
11:30 Musical Relaxation
1:30 Personality Parade
2:00 Video: Sentimental
Reflections: Summer
10:30 Parachute Waves
11:30 Table Setting
1:30 What’s In The Bag?
2:00Birthday Celebration / 30
10:30 AM Energizers
11:30Video: Songs Of Road,
River And Rail
1:30Mothballs In My Attic
2:00 Chicken Soup Stories / 31
11:30 Soft To The Touch
1:30 Positive Focus
2:00 Visiting Pets / Name Of Facility:
Phone #:
Website: / Activity Staff:
Happy Birthday To: / All activities subject to change
Outdoor activities weather permitting
Sensory Room Open Daily at 10:00 AM
One to one visits conducted daily
All activities held in the dining room unless otherwise indicated / Religious Services
Catholic Mass Sunday 10:00 am
Jewish Services Monday 2:00 pm
Rosary Saturday 10:00am
Interfaith Service Saturday 2:00 pm
Resident Right Of The Month:
Residents have the right to be fully informed of their medical condition by a physician.
Be sure to visit our dates to remember page for a complete list of dates, holidays, birthdays, health care dates to help you plan your calendars.
Creative Forecasting: “Success Starts with Planning.” Their number is 1800 373 0115. This is a fantastic publication, comes two months ahead, with ideas, blank calendars, suggestions and so much more.
**NOTE** Do not name your calendar an Alzheimer’s calendar because the activities should be self-evident. Think of a creative name for your calendar. This calendar was named Alzheimer’s/Dementia to help potential customers identify the calendar for sale.
***Those residents, who cannot participate in your programs due to cognitive/functional level, can be seated at a table with items to touch and look at. For a multisensory experience for your residents, check out Abilitations Sensory Products at
Are you certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner? Please visit which is the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Their toll free number is 1-877-729-5191.
Must-have book! “Mothballs In My Attic” The spiral bound book contains over 220 questions that require only a ONE word answer and instantly the childhood memories will flood back and the conversation begins. The books format is the key that opens the trunk to the past and what makes this book unique. Go to: to purchase.
Make Otis Spunkmeyer cookies a part of your program. Go to: to order supplies. Use the cookies for snacks, for fundraising activities and aromatherapy. Who doesn’t love the smell of baking chocolate chip cookies??
Go to for a great creative program.
Be sure to cleanse your resident’s hands before and after programs (and especially meals) with soothing hand wipes from a warmer.
Refreshments/Snacks: Offer residents healthy snacks throughout the day such as fruit, yogurt, snack bars, cheese and crackers and in the evening light sandwiches and warm milk. Avoid sugared snacks and caffeine.
Always check with your dietary department for special diets when serving refreshments at activities!
For times between activities, have supplies available such as your photo books, sorting items, folding items and theme boxes for other staff to utilize with residents.
All underlined videos mentioned in this calendar may be purchased at Check out the new “Sentimental Reflections” Series also available on this site.
Go to: for free loan videos.
Interfaith Service: This service is for residents who are non-catholic. Contact a non-denominational organization in your town and ask if they can volunteer their services to your residents for a half hour at least once a month. This program can consist of simple readings and music. You can also go to for religious cassettes, videos and other resources.
Another Great Resource: Eldergames: Contact United Seniors 409 Third Street, S.W Second Floor Washington, DC. 20024
202 393 7739 They have a variety of Trivia books for seniors for memory stimulation. Examples are
It’ A Guy Thing, They Come in Two’s and It’s a Woman’s World. ISBN number is 0944847 20 x
S&S Arts And Crafts: Go to for information regarding this company. S&S has a huge variety of projects for all levels of functioning. They’re affordable, easy to do and have something for all of your residents!
Grandmother’s Journal & Grandfather’s Memories To His Grandchild: These 2 books can be purchased at . Use them as guides to start your residents creating their own journals to give to their grandchildren.
Positive Focus: Start a self esteem boosting program with your residents. Go to for the book, “Enhancing The Self Esteem Of The Nursing Home Resident” For ideas.
Memory Boxes
Memory boxes are a great way for residents to remember their past and can be used in groups or for one to one visits. Check out our sensory enrichment book at . You can develop theme boxes, the ideas are endless. If unsure how to get started begin with primary colors. Fill a box with items of a specific color. For your bed bound residents, make memory boxes for that individual. You could include photos of the resident, family members, pets etc. A special book or piece of jewelry, CD or tape of favorite song or a song that brings back a special memory. Or any item that is special to that resident.
Sensory Cart: Keep a cart stocked with a variety of sensory items to either bring to a group or for one to one visits. Keep picture books, photos, aromatherapy items, CD player and CD’s, hand lotions, fiber optic lights, stuffed animals, lollipops and books of short stories, poetry and bible readings. Keep some antibacterial hand wipes on your cart and be sure to cleanse the resident’s hands prior to allowing them to handle items. Be careful with stuffed animals! Use only those that can be thoroughly cleaned between residents!
Setting the scene: August’s theme is Summer. Decorate your bulletin boards with summery flowers, beach items etc. Make some floral arrangements for your centerpieces. For all of your decorating needs go to:
Exercise Programs: (Sunny Stretch, Up And At ‘Em, Willowy Wands, Let’s Move, Parachute Fun, Sunday Stretch, Fiery Fanbourines, Sittercise, Tambourine Taps, I’ve Got Rhythm, Steamy Stretch, Wand Waves, Summer Scarves, Blazing Batons, Rhythm Sticks, Stretch It Out, Summer Hat Dance, Move To The Beat, Clacker Crazy, Maraca Mayhem, Morning Stretch, Baton Beats, Rhythm Band, Musical Rope, Cool Clackers, Steamy Streamers, Pom Pom Promenade, Parachute Waves, AM Energizer, Beach Ball Pass): Put on some soothing music and lead your residents in very slow, gentle movements such as stretching out arms, hands, moving their heads slowly side to side etc. Demonstrate the movements for them and or help them by lifting their arms etc. You can add props to your exercise programs to make it more stimulating and promote additional movement. Try scarves, batons, streamers etc. For lots of prop ideas go to
Sing Along And Music Programs: Underlined sing along programs are sing along videos that can be purchased at . Almost any resident will respond to music. Music evokes a life time of memories and is associated with so many of their life events. This month, you want to use songs about flowers and summer. Encourage residents to sing, tap their feet, hum, clap and reminisce. Remember to use props whenever you can. You can invite or hire a music therapist to come into your facility and provide either one to one or group therapy. Hire a “Strolling Musician” to go room to room and play for the residents. To learn more about the bedside harp program, go to – it’s fantastic for this population! Go to for new sing along videos.
Life Skills: (Home Life, Laundry Basket, Color Sort, Life Skills, They Come In Twos, Coupon Clipping, Jewelry Sort, Table Setting):These are tasks with which your residents are familiar and are most likely still able to do. Have them fold cloth napkins, perhaps tablecloths, towels, clothing. Give them different types/colors of socks or gloves to pair up. For sorting activities, have residents sort household items or items that pertain to a certain category, sort photos into scenes, people, animals etc.
Reminisce Programs:
Wake Up Programs: (Orange Green): Visit for the Sensory Wake Up book. For the different colors, themes, offer items to your residents that stimulate the senses of each. Keep each subject in a box (except for foods of course) to use for one to one visits. Make a collection of boxes so that you will always have them handy.
Grandmother’s Journal/ Grandfather’s Memories: Go to for these great books
Suitcase Of Memories: In an old suitcase, put items that one would take for a day at the beach or on a summer vacation. Bathing suit, beach towel, sun screen, sunglasses, sun hat, umbrella, sand pail and shovel, sandals, goggles, swim fins etc. Talk about each item and why one would take it with them. Ask residents if they can think of any other items they would bring.
Famous Faces, Personality Parade: Show pictures of movie stars, presidents, musicians etc and see if your residents can identify them.
Time Slips: Go to for more information on this program.
Name That Sound: Purchase a tape of sound effects and ask your residents to identify them.
Mothballs In My Attic: Go to to purchase this great tool for reminiscing!
Sensory Programs:
Easy Listening, Light And Easy Melodies, Natural Relaxation, Musical Massage, Musical Relaxation: Play some relaxation music for residents while giving them a hand massage.
Doll Therapy: You can provide the residents with dolls and stuffed animals to hold for comfort. If the resident is unable to hold the items, they can be placed between their arms and chest so they can still feel the softness. Remember to wash the dolls and animals especially if they are being used by more than one resident.
Spa Treatment, Royal Treatment, Pampering Time, Velvet Hands, Soft To The Touch: Using soothing wipes from a warmer, cleanse the residents hands. Apply a mild scented lotion, massaging their palms, fingers, wrists, backs of hands. Be gentle – many will most likely have arthritis and you don’t want to cause pain. Pampering Time and Spa, treat your residents to not only a hand massage, but gently brush their hair (use a very soft brush), apply make up for the women, put on a pretty piece of jewelry etc. Play relaxing music in the background. Leave picture books and photo albums on tables for residents to look at while waiting their turn. Make sure you check with nursing for any skin sensitivities. Do not use lipsticks on more than one resident. If you know, or have an Avon or Mary Kay representative, ask for samples of cosmetics. You can keep each resident’s cosmetics in separate bags. You can also call and ask if a representative would come out to your facility to do facials and makeovers. Be sure to get Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on every product you use. Never leave products unattended! Also, only nurses or certified nursing assistants should be cutting nails!
Mystery Box, What’s In The Bag?: Put simple objects in a bag or box and see if residents can tell what they are just by feeling them. Keep items in the themes of the month.
Activity Mats, Activity Aprons: Activity mats and aprons can be purchased through such companies as Nasco or you can make your own. Sew or hot glue pieces of fabric (fur, velvet etc), Velcro strips, buttons (make sure they are on very secure), buckles, zippers, anything to keep hands moving. Place on residents lap or on a table. For catalogs go to:
Pleasing Pictures: Keep photo albums of beautiful scenic pictures from magazines such as “Reminisce”, “Country”, “National Geographic” or any other publication. Go through the pictures with residents and ask questions about them; Where do they think they were taken? Does it look familiar? Etc.
Aromarama, Scent-Sational, Herbal ID, Aromatherapy: A number of scientific studies have concluded that benefits of aromatherapy can include stress relief, better sleep, increased appetite, decreased pain and an increase in overall comfort level. An aroma diffuser with a variety of available aromas can be utilized. You can also create your own aroma bags or jars. Lavender, chamomile, cedar are a few examples of relaxing aromas, while lemon, eucalyptus, and ginger are stimulating scents.Have a bread machine running to make the area smell of fresh baked bread. Make sure you check with the nursing staff in your facility for any allergy a resident may have to a specific scent. Also, please research your aroma, as there may be a health warning, e.g. peppermint should be avoided in residents with heart disease (taken from Aroma Studio (888) 432-0292).
Sense-abilities Group: Go to for Abilitations multisensory supplies and equipment to create a fantastic sensory experience for your residents.
Comfort Foods: This social activity function is offered to residents as an opportunity for increased fluid intake. Check with your Dietary department for any residents requiring thickened liquids. No sugar products or caffeine are offered. Ideas for some refreshments are: MORNING: fresh fruit, fruit cocktail, yogurt, snacks, cheese & crackers, juice, water with lemon or lime. AFTERNOON: shakes, cheese & crackers, peanut butter and crackers, snack bars. EVENING: toast and butter, light sandwiches, milk shakes, flavored water.
Positive Focus: Hold a group at least every month that promotes resident self esteem. For the women, you can invite a representative from Mary Kay or other cosmetics company to do facials and make up or have students from a local cosmetology school to do make up, hair etc. For both men and women, invite a massage therapist to do light massages. For discussion, talk about only positive subjects such as, things your residents have done that they’re proud of, how they overcame difficult situations etc.
Moments From The Bible, Chicken Soup Stories: Choose short, simple poems and stories. The Chicken Soup series is a good resource for short stories as is Reminisce Magazine. Select stories or poems that relate to the theme of your schedule. Excerpts from the Chicken Soup books can be found at: The Chicken Soup web site has a neat feature – you can sign up to have stories sent to you via email. For Bible readings, select passages from the Bible to read to your residents. The Guidepost magazine is a great resource for inspirational stories.
Soak Up The Sun: Take your residents outdoors as much as you are able. Make sure they are warm and not facing directly toward the sun. Provide sunscreen (hypoallergenic) and sun hats. While outside you can reminisce with them about things like outdoor activities, sunbathing, gardening or bird watching.