P.E.O. IPS Program #IPS01

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Updated 2010/jg


1. Make enough bingo cards so that there will be a card for each member. A sample card is at the bottom of this sheet.

2. Make the center of each card a FREE square.

3. Fill in each of the remaining 24 squares with the underlined words (answer) from each of the 24 statements, which are on page 2.

4. Arrange the answers in a different order on each card so that no two cards will be the same.

5. Make several copies of each bingo card so that your chapter can play IPS Bingo again and again.

January 31



/ Keep In Close Touch / $4,000 / Designated Award
April / $10,000 / Four / IPS Office Supervisor / Graduate Degree
Witnessed Statement / The P.E.O. International Website /


/ AAUW Grant / Sixty days
project / Contact Person / Local Chapter / Eligibility form / One
U.S. or Canada / IPS Flyer / $500 / Two Years / Return Travel Expenses


1. When playing IPS Bingo, the caller should read each of the 24 statements below, inserting "blank" in lieu of the underlined answer. (Each statement gives factual information about IPS.)

2. Each player will look on her bingo card for the correct answer. After a player announces the correct response, all players should then mark or circle that response on their cards.

3. The first player to mark five squares across, down, or horizontally wins the first game.

4. After the first winner has been declared, continue playing additional games that require even more squares to be marked. For example, other possibilities are fill in the shape of an “X” or “C” or “T”; fill in all the inside squares; fill in all the outside squares; etc.

STATEMENTS FOR CALLER TO READ (Caller should use a random order.)

1. As of 2009, the new maximum scholarship amount will be $10,000

2. An applicant cannot be a citizen or hold permanent residency in the U.S. or Canada.

3. Applicants must be working on a graduate degree, except Cottey students.

4. The first step for an applicant must be to obtain an eligibility form from the IPS Qffice in Des Moines or from the peointernational.org website.

5. The completed eligibility form is only accepted by the IPS office between August 15th and December 15th.

6. If an applicant's eligibility information is satisfactory, application material is sent and, must be returned to the P. E. 0. Executive Office postmarked by January 31.

7. IPS students at Cottey College are given scholarships of $4,000 .

8. An IPS student must sign a witnessed statement that she will return to her home country upon completion of her degree.

9. An applicant must have four recommendations from her academic institution or employer.

10. An applicant must have return travel expenses to her country guaranteed.

11. Each applicant must have a contact personwho is a citizen of the U.S. or Canada.

12. If a student does not return to her homeland within sixty days, she must repayher scholarship.

13. Educating members about IPS is the duty of the local chapter.

14. One task local chapters can do to help find applicants is to take the IPS flyer to local colleges and universities.

15. One of the roles of the chapter is to keep in close touch with IPS recipients.

16. IPS brochures may be ordered from the IPS Office Supervisorat the P.E.O. Executive Office in Des Moines.

17. When a chapter wants to have an IPS student assigned to the chapter, the Designated Awardis the process used.

18. After March 1, 2008, a chapter must give$500 to be a Designated Award Chapter.

19. A student who has received an AAUW grant is ineligible for an IPS scholarship during the same academic year.

20. IPS Policies and Procedures are found at peointernational.org under projects.

21. IPS students can receive a scholarship for a maximum of two years.

22. IPS scholarships are an investment for world peace and understanding.

23. In 1949, IPS was the third educational project of the P.E.O. Sisterhood.

24. Scholarship recipients are selected by the IPS Board of Trustees in April of each year.