Hudl Overview

Some Introductory Suggestions

• Be patient. Expect mistakes. Short but definite learning curve.

• Be familiar with the camera you are using. EACH camera is a little different.

• Review the tutorials at

• Don’t be afraid to call HUDL for help.

Instructions for SET UP-

1. Each Head Coach should already be registered with an account. Each Head Coach should add others as Assistant Coaches from the site. Go to Manage > Coaches > Add Coach. Each coach is added using an email. The HUDL site will send an email to the coach you added and they will be instructed to log in and set up a password.

2. Each Coach should add their entire schedule and roster. To add a roster, you must have the players email.

3. Anyone that will be adding video will need to download a Video Capture Tool. It is free and can be loaded from the website. There are two options: HUDL Mercury and HUDL Video Editor. Mercury is the easiest one to use as you start up.

Instructions for Loading film:

1.  Open up the Video Tool you chose.....HUDL Mercury. Plug camera into your Computer.

The first step is to transfer the video from your camera to your computer. This is the MOST important step. While in Mercury, you can take each individual clip and split them, combine them, or leave them unedited. Whatever you do, this is how they will ALWAYS be on the website. YOU CAN NOT EDIT FILM FROM THE WEBSITE.!!!!!

Ex.- In football, we take a clip, get rid of the huddle and the walk up to the line of scrimmage, and the audible at the line. We split the clip just before the snap of the ball and then delete all that stuff so the only thing left is the PLAY.

In football, there are between 100 and 120 clips per game. AFTER it is edited, it is about 25 minutes of film- 8-10 seconds per play.

2.  After you are done editing, there is a button on the bottom that says “I’m Done- Upload to HUDL”.

3.  Click the button and it will load. This takes real time. In other words, 25 minutes of film takes 25 minutes to upload.

4.  Before you UPLOAD it will ask you several questions:

a.  Date

b.  Opponent

c.  Who you want to share this film with (just coaches, coaches and players, just some players, etc... No worries, you can always reshare it.

Instructions for Tagging Film

1.  This is where HUDL can be the most valuable to you. Once it is loaded, ANY NUMBER of people can ‘tag’ the film. For example, in football, once the video is loaded, we have 3-4 people that go in, at the same time through their own accounts. One tags for Down/Distance. Another tags each play for Run/Pass. Another tags Offense/Defense. Another might tag for Key Player.

Everything that EVERYONE does is immediately available for ALL coaches and/or players to view. For example, once football film is done being tagged, a playlist might be made for an opponents 3rd down plays from the left hash mark. You can then view each play where an opponent is 3 down on the left side of the field. might want to see all the plays where it is 3rd and > 4yds to see what their tendencies are.

In essence, you can sort from ANY statistical category you are tracking. In volleyball, you might tag ‘digs’ and key athlete, and then create a playlist of every remarkable dig by that player. (Later, you can send those to college coaches)

There are a lot of things that can be done, like Highlight Reels and Recruiting Videos. Anyone interested in this, I will be at the school every day until the end of football.

Jim Carl
