Worthingway PTA
SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 / 7:00 PM
ATTENDEES : Nathan Kallenberger, Sara Gallaugher, Sharon Sanders, Matt Burett, Heidi Burett, Stephaine Kellenberger, Addi McElroy, Dawn Kendall, Ray Lees, Traci Endicott, Carrie Foster and Cindi Timmons
Completed projects
●$100.00 was refunded from Cards Inc. that was noted at the last meeting of the former board.
●Helping with packet mailing
●Registration - Ray Lees, Stephanie Kellenberger and Sarah Gallaugher assisted at the PTA table to talk with parents about the Kroger cards, membership and donations.
●Chipotle Fundraiser - $778.83 was raised that night,
●Meal for teachers on Curriculum Night - Villa Nova donated six pizzas. We purchased a few additional and furnished dessert and drinks.
Upcoming projects
●Holiday Window at Worthington Inn - Ray and Art Teacher Molly Zambito met with them. We will be decorating multiple windows. They approved the initial design concepts.
●Tailgate Wednesday, Oct. 5 - We will host the tailgate before the game and students will be bused to the game. Parents will need to pick up their students from the high school around 8:30. Tickets will be sold on Tuesday, 10/3 - Thursday 10/5 at lunch.
●More restaurant nights planned. Debbie Wilkin is managing this. She is working on one per month.
●Using Paypal/Square. A discussion about the pros and cons was held. The decision was to consider using one for fundraising from parents the next year. Mr Kellenberger is going to check if My Payments Plus is an option for processing online payments.
●Kroger Drawing - Entries were placed in a bag and Matthew Ellis was selected as the winner. Ray will get the $25 card to him.
Treasurer’s Report (attached)
Cindi Timmons discussed the officer training night held by PTAC. They can also assist with volunteers and updating PTA Bylaws. Mr Kellenberger indicated our bylaws were updated last year. PTAC meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month from 7-8 at the WEC.
Principal’s Report
●Mr. Kellenberger thanked everyone for a great start of the year. He specifically thanked the PTA for stuffing envelopes, helping with registration and supporting the staff on Curriculum Night.
●Fall MAP testing is complete for Math, Reading and Science. Math and Reading will occur again in the winter. Only Science will be taken again in the spring.
●A district-wide Executive Functioning Curriculum is being used. A baseline survey was given to gauge current levels. One lesson each week will be taught over 12 weeks during homeroom. In December, another reassessment will take place.
●SSR will continue during homeroom. Students do read to themselves some days but other days they work in class with News ELA or other literature to hold discussions. ELA teachers also have lists that students can use to find a good fit book.
●Mr. Kellenberger talked about the new math curriculum called CPM - College PreparatoryMathematics. This helps with Common Core Standards in grades 6 - 12. It’s much different than when we were taught math as students will be talking about math more. Mr. Kellenberger offered to talk with anyone interested in learning more and recommended talking with math teachers who are excited about this new curriculum.
Open Discussion
●No issues
Adjourn - 7:43PM