It is Animal Charity’s mission to bring about a world and a time and a state of mind where humane societies are no longer necessary. Animal Charity works hard daily to put an end to animal suffering, neglect and cruelty. We diligently work on ensuring that every animal lives happy and healthy in its’ natural environment or in a safe home. However, we can’t save them all. There are a few cases where it in the best interest of the animal to be humanely euthanized. We provide these services only as a last resort, if an animal is in pain or is suffering. Fees for these services are as follows:
Cat / $20 / Disposal Fee / $10Dog
0-20lbs / $40 / Disposal Fee / $25
21-60 lbs / $55 / $25
61-100 lbs / $65 / $25
>100 lbs / $80 / $30
*If your pet has not seen the vet within the year you must see the Veterinarian for a euthanasia consult for an additional fee of $20
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem!
Spay, neuter and vaccinate your pets!
Every year millions of pets are abused, neglected or abandoned. Every year millions of unwanted pets must be euthanized in shelters.
The clinic prices listed help support our program to fight animal cruelty, to educate the public on responsible pet ownership and to help rehabilitate and release wildlife. They are affordable costs to you, our appreciated clients. Due to our low prices, we will not be able to accept payments, offer discounts, give refunds or make any other payment arrangements. The only acceptable form of payment is payment IN FULL on the day of service by cash, debit or credit card. Thank you so much for your support and cooperation. Our furry little friends appreciate it! Have a wonderful day!
Don’t forget to ask about our adoption and foster programs! We have many animals waiting for good homes, waiting for you!
4140 Market Street
Boardman, OH 44512
Phone: (330) 788-1064
Fax: (330) 783-0662
We accept cash and all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), and Care Credit
All payments MUST be paid in full at the time of service.
Thank you.
Spay / NeuterCat / $95 / Cat / $70
Dog 1-25 lbs / $130 / Dog 1-25 lbs / $100
Dog 26-50 lbs / $155 / Dog 26-50 lbs / $120
Dog 51-75 lbs / $175 / Dog 51-75 lbs / $130
Dog 76-100 lbs / $200 / Dog 76-100 lbs / $150
*Anything over 101 lbs will be $1 extra per pound
Any animal 6 years and older is required to have pre-op bloodwork
*Cost of anesthesia, pain medicine and e-collar is includedin the above fee as well as a complimentary toe nail trim*
Office Call Fees
Veterinarian / $38.50 / Additional Animal / $16.50Veterinarian Technician / $22.00 / Additional Animal / $5.50
Toe Nail Trim / $5.00 / Glucose Check / $15
Anal Gland / $15.00
Microchip / $15.00
Vaccinations and Testing
Dogs / CatsRabies / $12 / Rabies / $12
DHPP / $16 / FELV / $17
DHLPP / $18 / FVRCPC / $18
Bordatella / $18 / Combo / $23
Heartworm Test / $21 / FELV/FIV Test / $25
Heartworm Treatment / Varies by weight
Parvo Test / $25
Other Services (Office call applies)
Fecal Check / $12Anal Gland Expression / $15
Toe Nail Trim / $5
Basic Ear Cleaning / $8
Ear Cytology / $12
Urinalysis / $12
Skin Scrape / $15
Fluids / <300mL= $12; >300mL= $20
Bloodwork / $80
X-Ray (2 views)* / $100
Single X-ray/additional view* / $60
*There will be an additional $5 charge if you would like them burned to a CD
Dental Cleaning / $175 (extractions: $2- $8)
Declaw (must be <2 years of age and <10 lbs / $210
Cherry Eye / $125/eye
We do offer other surgical procedures, please call for more information
Additional Surgery Fees
In Heat / $20- $95Pregnant / $60- $80
Cryptorchid / $30- $70
Pyometra / $40- $100
Flea and Heartworm Prevention: Cost per monthly dose
*In order to receive ANY Heartworm preventative your pet must have a heartworm test done every year
Capstar Blue: <25 lbs / $7Capstar Green: >25 lbs / $8
Bravecto: All Weights (dogs) / $52
Frontline Green: cats all weights / $16 +tax
Frontline Orange: <22 lbs (dogs) / $17 +tax
Frontline Blue: 23.1-44 lbs (dogs) / $18 +tax
Frontline Purple: 44.1-88 lbs (dogs) / $19 +tax
Frontline Red: 88.1-132 lbs (dogs) / $21 +tax
Heartgard Blue: <25 lbs (dogs) / $7
Heartgard Green: 26-50 lbs (dogs) / $9
Heartgard Brown: 51-100 lbs (dogs) / $11
Revolution Mauve: dogs and cats <5 lbs / $18.50
Revolution Blue: cats 5-15 lbs / $15
Revolution Purple: 5-10 lbs (dogs) / $19
Revolution Brown: 10.1-20 lbs (dogs) / $19.50
Revolution Red: 20.1-40 lbs (dogs) / $20.50
Revolution Teal: 40.1-85 lbs (dogs) / $21
Revolution Plum: 85.1-130 lbs (dogs) / $28
Sentinel Orange: 2-8lbs (dogs) / $9.70
Sentinel Green: 8.-25lbs (dogs) / $10
Sentinel Yellow: 25.1-50lbs (dogs) / $12.15
Sentinel Blue: 50.1-100lbs (dogs) / $14.70
Cat: Bath Only / $25Cat: Full Hygiene / $35
Sm/Md. Dog: Bath Only / $25
Sm/Md. Dog: Full Hygiene / $35
Lg. Dog (>40lbs): Bath Only / $30
Lg. Dog (>40lbs): Full Hygiene / $45
*Full hygiene includes: bath and blow dry, cut or shave down, brushed out, toe nail trim, and ear cleaning
Some additional fees may apply and all prices subject to changeUpdated: 04-04-2016