Curriculum Skill: Develop an understanding of the basic rules of individual athletic events
GLD Level: Moderate
Curricular Area:P.E.
Curricular Strand:Athletics / Attained / Extended
Acquiring / Becoming Fluent / Maintenance / Generalisation / Application / Adaptation
Have opportunities to play as part of a team during a group throwing activity:
  • be aware of others in the group, develop awareness of taking turns and cheering onteam-mates, attend to the atmosphere of excitement in team throwing events

Show interest in others while participating in a team throwing event (throwing for distance, throwing to knock objects that make noise when knocked):
  • waitin line to take a turn, when his/her turn is finished hand the ball tothe next person in line, react to the general atmosphere of excitement or disappointment at the team’s performance

Follow simple instructions, although he/she may need the support of symbols or other prompts
Respond to simple commands:
  • ’stop’, ‘go’

Recognise familiar pieces of equipment:
  • a ball or a hoop

Show awareness of cause and effect:
  • knocking down skittles

Show understanding of some basic concepts:
  • taking big and little steps in movement activities or placing big and small balls in different baskets

Recognise and collect, on request, familiar pieces of equipment:
  • a mat to lie on or a hoop to jump into

Show understanding of being part of a team while playing throwing games:
  • go with the team to a certain point and line up to take turns, cheer on team members throughout the game, communicate excitement or disappointment, as appropriate

Show awareness of personal safety:
  • listen to the teacher’s signals, attempt to keep between designated lane lines so as not to impede other athletes

Use equipment safely with direction from the teacher:
  • take turns on large equipment, carry and place mats, tidy his/her own beanbag away, know to look and check that no-one is standing in the area into which he/she throws an object

Show awareness of others while participating in a team throwing event:
  • wait in line to take a turn, when his/her turn is finished hand the ball or javelin to the next person in line, react to thegeneral atmosphere of excitement or disappointment at the team’s performance

Select equipment suited to the task
Show understanding of some of the basic rules:
  • take off without crossing a marker in the long jump

Measure an achievement:
  • measurethe distance/height of jumps, measure a partner’s standing long jump

Show an awareness of personal safety:
  • practise safe landings, try to run in a straight line

Set personal challenges, with assistance
Understand how to mind his/her own equipment
Show understanding about being part of a team while playing throwing games:
  • go with theteam to a certain point and line up to take turns, cheer on team members throughout the game, communicate excitement or disappointment as appropriate

Explore a range of roles:
  • starting a race by banging a drum or blowing a whistle, judging an activity by noting the longest throw

The Curriculum Access Tool for Students with General Learning Disability (CAT-GLD) is a framework developed by the Special Education Support Service based on the Guidelines for Teachers of Students with General Learning Disabilities produced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.