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Health: The Basics, 11e (Donatelle)

Chapter 2 Promoting and Preserving Your Psychological Health

1) A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is

A) socioemotional.

B) holistic.

C) psychiatric.

D) psychological.

Answer: D

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 62

Skill: Remembering

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

2) Which of the following is TRUE of psychologically healthy people?

A) They frequently experience guilt.

B) They avoid new experiences.

C) They value human diversity.

D) They are uncomfortable when put in new social situations.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 62

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

3) A mentally healthy student who gets a bad grade on an exam would respond by

A) becoming withdrawn and avoiding friends.

B) getting angry at the professor.

C) drinking for distraction and to relieve tension.

D) learning from the situation and improving study habits.

Answer: D

Diff: 4 Page Ref: 63

Skill: Analyzing

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

4) Psychological health is a complex interaction of

A) personal experiences and thoughts of future events.

B) opinions and interpretations of past experiences.

C) thoughts of present and future events.

D) thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 62

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

5) Which of the following statements is NOT true about an individual's emotional health?

A) Emotional trauma can affect a student's academic performance.

B) An emotionally healthy person responds appropriately to upsetting events most of the time.

C) Emotional health interacts with other aspects of an individual's health.

D) An emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 63

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

6) Which of the following represents the primary difference between emotional health and mental health?

A) Emotional health deals with feelings rather than thought processes.

B) Mental health does not encompass our responses to stimuli.

C) Mental health does not assume responsibility for our actions.

D) Emotional health deals specifically with thought processes rather than feelings.

Answer: A

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 63

Skill: Evaluating

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

7) Social bonds can

A) undermine an individual's sense of authority and self-confidence.

B) create isolation in the midst of a group.

C) create feelings of being overwhelmed or overcommitted due to many social demands.

D) provide a sense of belonging and reassure an individual of his or her worth.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 64

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

8) Marie's parents have given her money for a down payment on a new car; they are providing her with

A) obligatory support.

B) social support.

C) tangible support.

D) intangible support.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 64

Skill: Applying

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

9) The quality of a social bond influences the level of

A) communication between individuals.

B) social support received.

C) intimacy in a relationship.

D) tangible support demanded.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 64

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

10) Lisa believes in a unifying force that gives meaning to her life. Lisa is demonstrating

A) spiritual health.

B) social support.

C) religiosity.

D) emotional health.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 65

Skill: Applying

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

11) Keisha puts herself down all the time. She approaches any challenge with a negative attitude and doubts her ability to succeed. Keisha is displaying

A) a dysfunctional response.

B) low self-esteem.

C) poor self-control.

D) clinical depression.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Applying

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

12) Spiritually healthy people believe that they are

A) lacking control over their lives.

B) practitioners of a religious doctrine.

C) part of a larger purpose.

D) nonmaterialistic.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 65

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

13) Jose's belief that he can successfully pass his biology midterm is an example of

A) self-satisfaction.

B) self-esteem.

C) self-reliance.

D) self-efficacy.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Applying

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

14) At the end of each day, Anne writes down five positive affirmations about herself to block out any negative thoughts. Anne is demonstrating

A) learned helplessness.

B) optimism.

C) learned optimism.

D) brainwashing.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Applying

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

15) A psychologically healthy person is

A) loud and outspoken.

B) introverted.

C) athletic.

D) resilient.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 67

Skill: Understanding

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

16) After breaking up with his girlfriend, Lucas has been unable to move on. He is afraid of rejection and doesn't think that women find him attractive. He is probably suffering from

A) low self-efficacy.

B) low self-esteem.

C) learned helplessness.

D) a victim complex.

Answer: B

Diff: 4 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Analyzing

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

17) A person's sense of self-respect or self-worth is referred to as

A) introversion.

B) assertiveness.

C) self-esteem.

D) conscientiousness.

Answer: C

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Remembering

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

18) Which of the following situations would be likely to boost your self-esteem?

A) Handling all of your personal problems alone

B) Expecting to get perfect grades every term

C) Keeping in contact with old friends and family members

D) Doubting your ability to succeed

Answer: C

Diff: 4 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Analyzing

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

19) Psychologically healthy people

A) engage in vengeful acts.

B) never think a negative thought.

C) make time for others but not themselves.

D) feel comfortable interacting with others.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 62

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

20) Which of the following is TRUE of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A) Failure to meet a lower-level need will interfere with fulfilling higher-level needs.

B) Social needs are the most basic and essential needs.

C) A self-actualized person has met basic needs but has not fully reached his or her potential.

D) Esteem needs are more basic than survival needs.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 63

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

21) Recently, Kevin has been spending a lot of time playing online poker. Last weekend, he decided on a whim to fly to Las Vegas to try his hand at "the real thing." He lost over $5,000. This behavior indicates that Kevin may have

A) bipolar disorder.

B) borderline personality disorder.

C) schizophrenia.

D) generalized anxiety disorder.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 74

Skill: Applying

Section: Personality Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

22) Which of the following is NOT a common sign of major depression (clinical depression)?

A) Memory lapses

B) Sleeping too much

C) Loss of motivation

D) Feeling highly energetic

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 70

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

23) Sharon has lost two jobs in the past year. She blames her coworkers, who she says didn't like her. She claims that they were purposely trying to sabotage her and that she did absolutely nothing wrong. From her behavior, it is likely that Sharon has developed

A) learned optimism.

B) learned helplessness.

C) low self-esteem.

D) narcissism.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Understanding

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

24) Which of the following is TRUE about laughter?

A) It increases anxiety in people under stress.

B) It is characteristic of serious or studious people.

C) It has no effect on everyday experiences.

D) It reduces levels of stress hormones.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 68

Skill: Understanding

Section: The Mind-Body Connection

Learning Outcome: 2.3

25) Alicia has been experiencing persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness. She is displaying symptoms of

A) exhaustion.

B) anxiety.

C) an eating disorder.

D) a chronic mood disorder.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 70

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

26) Which of the following is TRUE about depression in college students?

A) The number of students diagnosed with depression has decreased.

B) The majority of students do not feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

C) Many students do not seek help for depression because of the stigma associated with seeing a counselor.

D) Depression and stress are sometimes temporary issues but not major barriers to academic success.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 71

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

27) Recent studies indicate that fostering self-esteem in children can lead to increased

A) narcissism.

B) depression.

C) extraversion.

D) emotional stability.

Answer: A

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 67

Skill: Remembering

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

28) Which of the following is TRUE about a major depressive disorder?

A) True depressive disorders are the same as feeling down after a bad experience.

B) Symptoms include physical exhaustion and an inability to concentrate.

C) Symptoms usually do not last for more than a month or two and can be easily managed.

D) People can snap out of it if they choose.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 70

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

29) Which of the following is TRUE about dysthymic disorder?

A) It is a mild but chronic form of depression.

B) It is a version of manic depression.

C) It affects women more than men.

D) It is easy to diagnose.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 71

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

30) Anxiety disorders have become the

A) most common mental health problem in the United States.

B) least costly of mental health disorders to treat.

C) acceptable condition of the majority of employees in the workplace.

D) main type of disorder affecting adults over the age of 65.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 72

Skill: Understanding

Section: Anxiety Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

31) Melody has been experiencing severe mood swings, having a lot of manic energy for a period and then experiencing an extremely depressed state. Her symptoms are associated with

A) dysthymic disorder.

B) generalized anxiety disorder.

C) bipolar disorder.

D) seasonal affective disorder.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 72

Skill: Applying

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

32) Which of the following is TRUE about panic attacks?

A) They typically last for 5 to 10 minutes.

B) Symptoms can include decreased respiration.

C) They are not linked to heredity.

D) They can lead to social isolation.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 73

Skill: Understanding

Section: Anxiety Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

33) Jake is being treated for depression. His counselor is a licensed medical doctor who provides talk therapy and has also prescribed medication for Jake's condition. Which type of mental health professional is Jake seeing?

A) Psychiatrist

B) Social worker

C) Psychologist

D) Licensed family therapist

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 79

Skill: Understanding

Section: Seeking Professional Help for Psychological Problems

Learning Outcome: 2.7

34) Celia spends a good deal of her time worrying, is easily fatigued, and often has difficulty concentrating, which is affecting her grades. Her symptoms may characterize

A) obsessive-compulsive disorder.

B) generalized anxiety disorder.

C) panic disorder.

D) bipolar disorder.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 73

Skill: Understanding

Section: Anxiety Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

35) Paulo has a persistent and unreasonable fear of spiders. He could be displaying symptoms of a(n)

A) obsession.

B) compulsion.

C) phobia.

D) hysteria.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 73

Skill: Understanding

Section: Anxiety Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

36) Melissa has been diagnosed with a social phobia. This means she has a fear of

A) leaving her house.

B) public events and gatherings.

C) spending time alone.

D) contracting an infection from others.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 73

Skill: Understanding

Section: Anxiety Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

37) Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with

A) malfunction of the thyroid gland.

B) a lack of social interaction.

C) too much external stimuli.

D) reduced exposure to sunlight.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 72

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

38) Which of the following living environments would likely increase your chances of suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

A) A northern state that experiences harsh winters

B) A large city in California

C) A Caribbean beach town

D) A rural area in a southern state

Answer: A

Diff: 4 Page Ref: 72

Skill: Applying

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

39) Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

A) Schizophrenia is caused by an environmental factor.

B) Schizophrenia is a biological disease of the brain.

C) Schizophrenia can be cured.

D) Symptoms most commonly appear in early childhood.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 75

Skill: Understanding

Section: Schizophrenia

Learning Outcome: 2.5

40) Treatment for schizophrenia includes hospitalization and a combination of

A) medication and psychotherapy.

B) medication and light therapy.

C) light therapy and electroconvulsive therapy.

D) psychotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 75

Skill: Understanding

Section: Schizophrenia

Learning Outcome: 2.5

41) Which of the following is TRUE with respect to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

A) ADHD causes people to be very organized.

B) ADHD doesn't affect highly intelligent people.

C) ADHD is only diagnosed in children.

D) ADHD makes it more difficult to relate to others.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 71

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

42) Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty

A) completing tasks.

B) remembering their name.

C) being spontaneous.

D) gaining weight.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 71

Skill: Understanding

Section: Mood Disorders

Learning Outcome: 2.5

43) Warning signs of suicide include all of the following EXCEPT

A) a change in behavior.

B) expressions of self-hatred.

C) giving away prized possessions.

D) renewed sexual interest.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 76

Skill: Understanding

Section: Suicide: Giving Up on Life

Learning Outcome: 2.6

44) College students are

A) less at risk for suicide if they drink alcohol.

B) more likely to commit suicide than to die in a car accident.

C) more able to handle pressures that can lead to suicide than their younger peers.

D) at higher risk of suicide than the general population.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 75

Skill: Understanding

Section: Suicide: Giving Up on Life

Learning Outcome: 2.6

45) Suicide prevention techniques include

A) downplaying a person's statement that they'd like to die.

B) asking directly if the person intends to hurt himself or herself.

C) reassuring a person that nothing could be so bad as to make suicide an option.

D) keeping all conversations with the person confidential.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 77

Skill: Understanding

Section: Suicide: Giving Up on Life

Learning Outcome: 2.6

46) The mental health professional who can prescribe medications to treat mental disorders is a

A) clinical psychologist.

B) psychiatrist.

C) social worker.

D) school counselor.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 79

Skill: Understanding

Section: Seeking Professional Help for Psychological Problems

Learning Outcome: 2.7

47) You can expect a therapist to

A) ask you about your history and various aspects of your life.

B) tell you what to do and how to behave.

C) offer to medicate you.

D) require you to make more than one visit.

Answer: A

Diff: 4 Page Ref: 80

Skill: Analyzing

Section: Seeking Professional Help for Psychological Problems

Learning Outcome: 2.7

48) A network of people who share ties and provide various types of support for each other is

A) psychological support.

B) emotional support.

C) social support.

D) community support.

Answer: C

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 64

Skill: Remembering

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

49) Belief in your ability to perform a task successfully is called

A) self-awareness.

B) self-esteem.

C) self-reliance.

D) self-efficacy.

Answer: D

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Remembering

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

50) People who have experienced repeated failures may develop a pattern of response in which they give up and fail to take any positive action. This is called

A) resistance.

B) learned helplessness.

C) learned optimism.

D) laziness.

Answer: B

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Remembering

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

51) According to Maslow's hierarchy, individuals who have satisfied their basic needs and have attained their full potential are

A) emotionally healthy.

B) mature.

C) self-actualized.

D) self-aware.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 63

Skill: Understanding

Section: What Is Psychological Health?

Learning Outcome: 2.1

52) A treatment for depression that involves correcting consistently pessimistic thought patterns is

A) cognitive therapy.

B) behavioral therapy.

C) learned optimism.

D) antidepressant therapy.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 80

Skill: Understanding

Section: Seeking Professional Help for Psychological Problems

Learning Outcome: 2.7

53) Being flexible in making plans with friends demonstrates

A) optimism.

B) self-esteem.

C) agreeableness.

D) self-efficacy.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 67

Skill: Applying

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

54) Writing down five positive traits about yourself and resisting your inner critic is an exercise in

A) learned optimism.

B) self-awareness.

C) learned support.

D) self-efficacy.

Answer: A

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 66

Skill: Applying

Section: Factors That Influence Psychological Health

Learning Outcome: 2.2

55) A person who experiences flashbacks after a violent mugging is suffering from

A) a phobia.

B) post-traumatic stress disorder.

C) obsessive-compulsive disorder.

D) schizophrenia.

Answer: B

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 74

Skill: Applying