Teaching Up On The Downs

Be a Reporter for the Day


Smuggling: Langdon Cliffs

• Research the history of smuggling

• What do you think is smuggled today? Read this report:

During visit
• Look down at the port of Dover. Imagine you are Customs Officers today surveying the port. Describe what you see and create a plan of action for stopping and searching cars/lorries coming off the boats. Create a dialogue between a Customs Officer and a smuggler.
• Look out to sea. Imagine one of the boats is a smuggling boat. Describe its progress to a Customs Officer using landmarks. Swap roles.
• Create a news report about a smuggling incident in the past or present and film it on site.
• Make notes about the site so you can use it in a fictional story.

After visit
• Write a fictional story about smuggling in the past. Use details you observed on your visit as well as information from the research websites.
• Create a drama about stopping a gang of smugglers today.
• Edit and polish your report.

Other fiction ideas
• Imagine a structure on the site is a magic portal to another time or world, e.g.: sound mirrors taking you to France during WW1 (or to somewhere magical)
• Write a logbook or diary entry for a stormy night at the South Foreland Lighthouse
• Write an advertisement for the job of lighthouse keeper

Other presentation ideas
• Sound mirrors

• Fan Bay deep shelter

• Port of Dover

• Create a report or news story about the first Marconi radio message from South Foreland lighthouse or about a storm/shipwreck (inside the lighthouse are computers with information)

• Create a report imagining you are witnessing the first flight across the Channel by Louis Blériot

• Tourism materials
Take photographs and notes to create posters/pamphlets/websites/promotional films to advertise the sites as tourist or leisure destination