Supplementary MBBS II (Second) Professional Examination 2012-13

Course Code:MBS202 Paper ID: S322406


Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Max Marks: 30

Note: Attempt all questions. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer.

Part ‘B’

1. A 35 years old truck driver has lost 8 kg of weight during the one month period. What may be the cause? How is the disease transmitted? How will you investigate the case? (7)

2. Define sterilization and disinfection. Enumerate the different methods of sterilization and describe autoclaving in details. (7)

3. Write briefly: (4+4)

a) Bacterial growth curve

b) Atypical mycobacteria

4. Write short notes on: (2x4=8)

a) BFP

b) RIA

c) MPN Counts

d) Contribution of Louis Pasteur in Microbiology

Supplementary MBBS II (Second) Professional Examination 2012-13

Roll No. Student’s Name

Student’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature

Course Code:MBS202 Paper ID: S322406


Part ‘A’

Time: 20 Minutes Max Marks: 10

Note: 1. Attempt all questions and return this part of the question paper to the invigilator after 20 Minutes.

2. Please tick (√) correct one only. Cutting, overwriting or any other marking are not allowed.

3. For answering please use Ball- pen only.

Q.1 Which of the following bacteria does not produce exotoxin?:

a) Vibrio cholerae

b) Salmonella typhi

c) Bacillus cereus

d) Staphylococcus aureus

Q.2 What type of immunity is induced by clinical infection?:

a. Passive natural

b. Passive artificial

c. Active natural

d. Active artificial

Q.3 Incomplete Ab may be detected by doing the test in:

a) Hypertonic saline

b) Albumin saline

c) Antiglobulin test

d) All of above

Q.4. Quellung reaction is used for typing of:

a) Streptococcus pneumoniae

b) Klebsiella pneumoniae

c) None of the above

d) Both of the above

Q.5 Erythema & induration in skin tests is characteristic of:

a) Type I hypersensitivity

b) Type II hypersensitivity

c) Type III hypersensitivity

d) Type IV hypersensitivity

Q.6 Cell wall proteins of streptococcus pyogenes cross react with:

a) Cardiac valves

b) Myocardium

c) Synovial membrane

d) All of the above

Q.7 Most potent toxin is:

a) Tetanus toxin

b) Diphteria toxic

c) Botulinum toxin

d) Cholera toxin

Q.8 Catalase is negative in:

a) Staphylococcus

b) Streptococcus

c) Salmonella

d) Proteus

Q.9 Hot air oven at 160°C for 1 hour is used for sterilization of:

a) All glass syringes

b) Oils

c) Swab sticks

d) All of above

Q.10 Which of the following is nonsense codon?:

a) UAA

b) UAG

c) UGA

d All of the above


Q.11 Fertility factor having chromosomal genes is known as:

a) F factor

b) F prime factor

c) Hfr

d) R factor

Q.12 Oldest immunoglobulin class is:

a) IgA b) IgE

c) IgG d) IgM

Q.13 Which immunoglobulin is heat labile?:

a) IgG

b) IgE

c) IgM

d) None of the above

Q.14 Coagulase reactive factor is necessary for:

a) Slide coagulase test

b) Tube coagulase test

c) Both of the above

d) None of the above

Q.15 Diphtheria toxin has affinity for:

a) Heart muscle

b) Nerve endings

c) Adrenal gland

d) All of the above

Q.16 Typical drum stick appearance is characteristic of:

a) Clostridium botulinum

b) C. perfringens

c) C. histolyticum

d) C. tetani

Q.17 Which of the following test has prognostic value in syphilis?:

a) VDRL test


c) FTA

d) TPI

Q.18 Bipolar staining of bacteria is seen in:

a) Proteus mirabilis

b) Yersinia pestis

c) Haemophilus influenza

d) None of the above

Q.19 Rat bite fever is caused by:

a) Campylobacter jejuni

b) Spirillum minus

c) Mobiluncus mulieris

d) Yersinia pestis

Q.20 2 ME agglutination test in brucellosis identifies:

a) IgG

b) IgM

c) IgA

d) IgE