BCTRA BCTRA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting

Date: July 8, 2014 / Time: 5:30 – 7:30pm / Location: Sunny Hill Health Centre, teleconf.
Attendees: Katie Chapman, Meghan Archibald, Melanie Carlyle, Karissa Klassen, Brenda Kinch, Sheila Kennedy, Jasmine Jagpal-Balson, Donna Zwickel
Regrets: Jennifer Bromley
Chair: Jasmine Jagpal-Balson,
Minutes: Meghan Archibald
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approved – approved with changes: “Linda Grey” changed to “Lynda Gray”
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Regulations task group terms of reference (item #10)
BCTRA is dedicated to promoting and developing the profession of Therapeutic Recreation in British Columbia by:
• Inspiring excellence and enthusiasm in practitioners through consistent and high quality education and professional development, access to resources, membership engagement and mentoring opportunities
• Advocating for and maintaining standards of practice, code of ethics, membership and continued competency criteria, for the benefit of our members, partners, the public and key stakeholders
• Providing leadership to advance and grow the field through strategic planning, advocacy and increasing public awareness


1)  Facebook and Twitter accounts (Jasmine)

a.  Katie Chapman has created facebook and twitter accounts for BCTRA. Accounts will be another tool to keep people connected via social media. Currently both groups are “closed groups” – people have to request permission to join.

b.  Do the Board of Directors think the groups should be “open” groups? Currently, people can see the content of the groups/pages but they are not able to post to the groups without permission from the administrator (currently Katie). Board thinks the groups should remain closed at this time

2)  Director of Communications Vacancy (Jasmine).

  1. BCTRA By-laws state: The Board may appoint a member in good standing as a Director to fill a vacancy in the Board. A Director so appointed holds office only until the adjournment of the next AGM, at which time an election must be held to fill the remainder of the term (if any). The appointed director is eligible to be elected.
  2. Whereas the Director of Communications position is vacant,

Whereas Katie Chapman is willing to be appointed to the position of Director of Communications

Motion: Katie Chapman be appointed by the Board to the position of Director of Communications

  1. All Board Members approve

3)  Admin. Assistant position update (Jasmine and Melanie)

  1. Administrative assistant position job description complete. Melanie has posted the position at indeed.ca, and is waiting to hear back about posting from posting at Douglas College.
  2. Wage recommended by Treasurer to be approx. $18-20/hr.
  3. President would like to be included in interview process of candidates and will need another Director to assist

4)  AGM Planning Meeting (Donna)

  1. Donna has booked the conference room for Sunday July 20th at VanCity at 1675 Commercial Drive in Vancouver (10:30 – 12:30, lunch to follow). Underground parking (off of 1st and Commercial), on street parking available.

5)  Promotions Committee (Melanie)

a.  Committee has continued to work on posters. Asking for members to submit photos to use for the posters, would like to have a draw for a prize at the AGM for one person to win. Everyone who submits a photo that meets the size requirements and has the photo release completed will be eligible for the draw. Board and Committee members encouraged to contribute photos as well.

b.  BCTRA photo release forms with the Communications director USB drive. Melanie will look for the photo release form.

c.  Prize will be a $100 VanCity prepaid Visa card (Brenda to purchase).

d.  Melanie will put out a broadcast for the contest. Draw will take place at 2014 BCTRA AGM on October 6, 2014.

6)  Membership (Brenda)

a.  Current membership: 217 Professional members, 11 supporting members, 34 student members. Total members = 262 (which is down approx.. 52 members).

b.  Brenda sent out email to grandfathered members who needed to register without losing their membership

c.  Brenda will remove all individuals who did not reapply, and those individuals will need to reapply to obtain new membership number etc. These individuals will be removed from the records/books.

d.  Brenda will inquire into how to update mail out lists and broadcasts to members from the BCTRA website. Currently, individuals who are not members (but were in the past) still receive broadcasts.

e.  Brenda sent out wording change to grandfathered membership criteria to Board of Directors to review. Brenda will inquire into how to update the change to the criteria on the BCTRA website.

f.  Brenda has received emails from other members stating that other individuals were granted membership although they were not in good standing/eligible for membership

7)  Go-to-webinar (Meghan)

  1. Go-to-webinar account set up and ready for use. Meghan and Sheila will have trial runs to determine if administrator can designate other leaders (ie to hand over the “controls” to a presenter in Alberta)
  2. Currently, if you have a meeting coming up, please email Meghan and she will schedule the meeting on the program and send out meeting link etc.

8)  Education- speaker funding (Sheila)

  1. AGM presenters (living in Whitehorse) would like to attend AGM in person. Sheila told them the Board would be consulted regarding covering travel costs or part of travel expenses.
  2. Jasmine queried if the CTRA would cover any of the travel expenses? Likely not because this is a provincial event.
  3. Board will offer $300 towards travel expenses

9)  Board Manual update (Jasmine and Meghan)

  1. Reminder to Board Members to reply to Sarah with feedback on job descriptions, general duties etc.

10)  Terms of reference - Regulations Task Group

  1. Brenda contacted DeAnn regarding Terms Of Reference for the Regulations Task group which was updated on June 18th. Board of Directors approve current TOR for the group.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:15pm

Next meeting:

Meghan to send Doodle to Board members for August and September Board of Directors meeting

Action Items:

1)  Brenda to purchase $100 prepaid VanCity Visa card as a photo contest prize for the Promotions committee

2)  Melanie will put out a broadcast for the photo contest for Promotions committee

3)  Melanie will inquire into how to update mail out lists and broadcasts to members from the BCTRA website. Currently, individuals who are not members (but were in the past) still receive notifications

4)  All: reminder to Board Members to reply to Sarah with feedback on job descriptions, general duties etc.

5)  Meghan to find previous AGM planning minutes to use for July 20th 2014 AGM planning meeting

6)  Meghan to send out Doodle for August and September Board of Directors meetings